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tial for revolutionizing epilepsy diagnosis and management.          7. Integration with Clinical Workflow: Collaborate with
By seamlessly integrating these techniques into healthcare               healthcare professionals to integrate deep learning mod-
systems, we have the potential to unlock the benefits of early           els into clinical workflows. User-friendly interfaces
detection, tailored treatment strategies, and improved qual-             and seamless integration with existing hospital systems
ity of life for people living with epilepsy. As progress con-            are crucial for adopting AI technologies in real-world
tinues, sustained collaboration between deep learning and                medical settings.
epilepsy experts will be critical in realizing these transforma-
tive possibilities. Anticipating future directions in epilepsy       8. Longitudinal Data Analysis: Analyze longitudinal EEG
diagnosis using deep learning involves considering emerging              data to understand the progression of epilepsy over time.
technologies and novel methodologies and addressing current              Long-term studies can provide valuable insights into
limitations. Here are some potential directions:                         the evolution of the disease, leading to more effective
                                                                         treatment strategies.
   1. Incorporating Multi-Modal Data: Integrate data from
       multiple sources such as EEG, functional MRI (fMRI),          9. Ethical and Privacy Considerations: Investigate ethical
       genetic information, and patient clinical histories. Com-         implications, patient privacy concerns, and data security
       bining these data types could provide a more compre-              issues associated with deploying deep learning models
       hensive understanding of epilepsy and improve diag-               in healthcare. Addressing these ethical challenges is
       nostic accuracy.                                                  crucial for the responsible implementation of AI tech-
                                                                         nologies in the medical domain.
   2. Exploring Advanced Neural Network Architectures:
       Investigate newer neural network architectures such                      CONFLICT OF INTEREST
       as transformers, graph neural networks, and attention
       mechanisms. These architectures have shown promise         The authors declare that there is no conflict of interest in rela-
       in various domains and might offer improved perfor-        tion to this paper and the published research results, including
       mance in EEG analysis for epilepsy detection.              the financial aspects of conducting the research, obtaining and
                                                                  using its results, and any non-financial personal relationships.

3. Utilizing Explainable AI (XAI) Techniques: Develop                                 REFERENCES
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