Page 95 - 2023-Vol19-Issue2
P. 95
91 | Al-Ansarry, Al-Darraji & Honi
be suitable for real-time response, while RRT is not well- rithm is used to filter the only desirable paths (paths near to
suited for environments with dynamic obstacles. Potential the shortest one and have a responsible cost) to be assigned
field obstacle avoidance is a promising solution for dynamic as alternative paths in case of the basic path (shortest one)
environments, but it can result in sub-optimal paths that are intersect by any dynamic obstacle, then evaluated the safety
not safe or efficient and may also fall in the local minimum (obstacle-free) of each path that generated by Dijkstra and
regions. select the next optimal one. The proposed method generates
connections between the alternative paths, allowing the robot
L. Li-sang et al. describe a smart obstacle avoidance car to switch between various paths if it faces a dynamic obsta-
for autonomous driving, using Simultaneous Localization and cle on its current route in real-time. This allows the robot to
Mapping (SLAM) technology to generate a map of an in- continue toward its target while avoiding obstacles in a safe
door unknown environment. [7] Other researchers focus on and efficient manner. The proposed method also handled the
finding the shortest mobile route in a virtual environment us- issue of trapping within the region of local minima which
ing the Modified Dijkstra’s algorithm. [8] D. S. Nair and P. PF suffered from, making the path suitable for use in a wide
Supriya present a new approach for planning besides colli- range of mobile robot applications.
sion avoidance within the system of robot navigation using
Modified Temporal Difference Learning (MTDL). [9] On the The research is distributed as follows: Section II presents
other side, another method that presents a solution for the the methodology for the proposed method and the problem
problem of constrained coverage path planning for Unmanned formulation. In section III, experiments are conducted and the
Aerial Vehicles (UAVs) is proposed. [10] X. Li, proposes a results are illustrated to validate the algorithm. Finally, the
relaxed Dijkstra algorithm to plan the path of a robot within a conclusion is made in Section IV.
real time large-scale and obstacle-intensive environment. [11]
Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO) algorithm is applied to II. PROPOSED METHOD
improve the initial path of Dijkstra to get the final shortest
path. [12] Also, an improvement to the Dijkstra algorithm The method suggested involves utilizing a combination of the
for optimizing the shortest path for the direct navigation of Dijkstra path planning algorithm and potential field obstacle
ships has been proposed. [13] In 2022, a new method pro- avoidance to determine the most efficient path in constantly
poses an energy-efficient local path planning algorithm for changing environments. It consists of two distinct phases:
Autonomous Ground Vehicles (AGVs) by merging the Poten- Path Generation and Path Selection.
tial Field algorithm with future movement prediction. [14]
The algorithm of Dijkstra to find the optimal path in real-time A. Path Generation
for a single unmanned surface vehicle in Portsmouth Harbour The algorithm of Dijkstra is considered a common graph
is introduced. [15] B. Kasmi and A. Hassam (2021) proposed traversal method that is used to locate the path with the short-
a two-part path planning method for mobile robot navigation, est length between two vertices in a graph with non-negative
using cell decomposition for offline computation and a poten- edge weights. It is known for its efficiency and is commonly
tial field method for online computation. [16] Finally, an ana- used in various applications, such as finding the optimal route
lytical method for path planning for a UAV to attack multiple between two nodes on a map or finding the shortest path in a
moving targets in a dynamic environment is presented. [17] computer network.
W. Yang et al. operate to address the problems of ”local
minimum” and ”unreachable target”. The improved method The algorithm operates as shown in Figure (1) by itera-
modifies the direction and influence range of the gravitational tively exploring nodes within a graph, starting from the initial
field, increases the virtual target and evaluation function, and node and visiting its neighbors. The distance between the
increases gravity to solve these problems. [18] These studies source node and each neighboring node is calculated and then
offer valuable insights into various path planning and obstacle selects the neighbor with the shortest distance. This strategy
avoidance techniques for robotic systems, which can be useful is continued till every single node has been examined, and the
in a range of applications. [19], [20], [21] path with the lowest distance has been determined between
the source node and all other nodes in a graph.
In this research, we present an improved method for path
planning that combines the Dijkstra path planning algorithm In the path generation phase, the Dijkstra algorithm is used to
with the Potential Field obstacle avoidance method to address generate multiple paths as shown in Figure (2) between the
the aforementioned challenges (dealing with the dynamic ob- start and goal points, considering the presence of obstacles
stacles and overtaking the regions of local minima). The in the environment. The algorithm creates a graph structure,
Dijkstra algorithm is used to generate multiple paths from where nodes represent the possible locations of the robot,
the source point to the target one, and the potential field algo- and edges represent the connections between the nodes. The
algorithm then finds the shortest path from the source point