Page 152 - 2023-Vol19-Issue2
P. 152

148 |                                                             Mohammed, Oraibi & Hussain

ters of the model are tuned using the Stochastic Gradient De-     extended training times [15, 22]. Some existing CBIR models,
scent (SGD) optimizer to optimize retrieval performance. The      such as the BoVF and OB, have also overlooked critical infor-
similarity between images is measured using the Manhattan         mation like spatial and semantic data, leading to issues like
distance metric, enabling the retrieval of highly similar images  high dimensionality and reduced retrieval accuracy [17–21].
from the database. The DTLDN-CBIRA technique demon-               Our work builds upon these existing methods and proposes a
strates its novelty in the design of the plant disease image      novel CBIR approach that not only addresses the limitations
retrieval process. The performance of the DTLDN-CBIRA             of previous work but also enhances image retrieval accuracy.
model is evaluated using a benchmark dataset. The results         We employ a hard voting ensemble approach to aggregate fea-
highlight the superiority of the DTLDN-CBIRA model over           tures extracted from three potent DL architectures: Inception,
recent methods, achieving a maximum precision of 100Au-           Exception, and Mobilenet. This ensemble strategy allows us
thors in [28] proposed an innovative approach to CBIR, a          to bridge the semantic gap between low-level image features
technique vital for finding images within expansive, unlabeled    and human visual perception, resulting in a more accurate
image collections. The authors recognized the importance of       and effective image retrieval process. One key strength of our
similarity computations and feature representation in ensur-      method is that it bypasses the complex training process and
ing the effectiveness of a CBIR system. Key image features        extensive data requirements typical of CNN-based DL models.
such as color, shape, texture, and gradient were acknowledged     By using an ensemble of pre-trained models, we effectively
as essential elements in image representation. A Local Bi-        utilize their collective strengths, enhancing the robustness and
nary Pattern (LBP), an efficient yet straightforward texture      accuracy of our CBIR system without the need for exhaustive
descriptor, was applied to label image pixels by thresholding     training. Our method also addresses the neglect of spatial
the neighborhood of each pixel and interpreting the result        and semantic information in existing models. The Inception,
as a binary number. Additionally, they presented a noise-         Exception, and Mobilenet architectures each incorporate tech-
robust binary pattern known as the ’Median Binary Pattern’.       niques for capturing these types of data, contributing to a
When applied to a practical dataset named CBIR 50, their          more comprehensive feature extraction process. By harness-
method yielded encouraging results. Compared to existing          ing these architectures in tandem, we effectively capture a
approaches, the proposed method attained an Average Recov-        broader and richer set of image features. In conclusion, by
ery Precision (ARP) and an Average Recovery Rate (ARR)            building on the strengths of robust DL architectures and ad-
of 68.1% and 33.55%, respectively, employing Noise Robust         dressing the shortcomings of traditional CBIR approaches,
Binary Patterns. This work constitutes a crucial component of     our ensemble-based method presents a powerful, effective,
the ongoing discourse on enhancing CBIR efficiency, demon-        and efficient solution for image retrieval. It moves a step
strating that comprehensive feature representation can sig-       closer to bridging the gap between low-level image features
nificantly improve image retrieval outcomes. The authors          and human visual perception, making substantial strides in
introduced in this paper [29] an entropy-based measure that       the development of advanced CBIR systems.
considers the grouping property of returned relevant images,
which is essential for fast exploration of results through user                    III. CBIR SYSTEM
visual inspection. They emphasized that common evalua-
tion measures do not illustrate the grouping property of the      A. Overview of the General Flowchart
returned relevant images and miss the interrelation between       The platform of the CBIR system [1], which may be further
them. The proposed performance measure is described as easy       separated into an offline and an online subsystem, is intro-
to understand and implement, and its discriminating power         duced in this section. This is represented in Figure 1. Each
is demonstrated through a comparative study with existing         block in the off-line subsystem has an index in the retrieval
CBIR evaluation measures. This paper contributes to the field     database that is coded by the extracted feature vector from
by addressing the limitations of standard measures, especially    the image. Following the input of a query picture, the feature
for image retrieval, and by extending the evaluation scale to     vector of that image is extracted in the online subsystem using
achieve better discriminating power. This allows for different    the same method as the feature vectors of the photos in the re-
evaluations of two systems that have the same precision value.    trieval dataset. Once all potential photos in the database have
In this work, we aimed to tackle some of the inherent limita-     been scored using a similarity metric, this feature vector will
tions in the field of CBIR with a focus on the use of DL. Prior   be used. Images that score over a certain threshold are chosen
research has shown that while DL models, such as CNNs,            to be further refined by increasing the visual context relative to
have been successful in scene categorization, they are not        the initial query. The retrieval system’s outputs or results that
without their flaws. These issues include a complicated train-    are probability-ordered are these pictures that are arranged in
ing procedure, a need for vast amounts of training data, and      ascending order of the re-rank score. For the dataset indexing
                                                                  in this system, which uses a specific similarity metric, the
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