Page 151 - 2023-Vol19-Issue2
P. 151

147 |                                                              Mohammed, Oraibi & Hussain

orientation and color characteristics. This method, however, is    complex EL strategy that adjusts the weights of samples based
unable to make use of an image’s global properties to exploit      on their resemblance to the question picture, as well as an in-
the relationship between the locations of disparate objects. To    novative mix of CNN-based models and clustering techniques
protect the privacy of user photos, authors in [16] presented      for feature extraction. We assess our suggested algorithm
a CBIR approach for cloud computing-based models. The              using a variety of measures and contrast it with the prior algo-
visual characteristics were extracted and encoded using k-NN,      rithm and other cutting-edge CBIR techniques. The outcomes
and the relevance of the recovered photos to the query image       demonstrate that our suggested approach works better than
was calculated using these features. To stop unauthorized          the existing algorithm, achieving higher precision and quicker
copying of the returned photos, a water marking-based proce-       retrieval time. Additionally, the stability of our suggested
dure was implemented. However, this water marking technol-         method to different situations and datasets demonstrates its
ogy has a weakness in its ability to evaluate in the presence of   strong generalizability.
distorted geometric elements. Because of its great discrimina-
tive capacity, the Bag of Visual Features (BoVF) model has             A privacy-preserving CBIR (PP-CBIR) approach has been
been extensively employed in existing CBIR techniques and          proposed in [26] which offers a valuable solution to the chal-
has proven to be highly helpful in tasks like object identifica-   lenges faced in image retrieval, particularly in terms of privacy
tion, automatic picture annotation, and image classification.      and computational efficiency. This study demonstrates signifi-
These visual feature-based methods have the drawback of ne-        cant improvements in both retrieval precision and scalability
glecting spatial information [17, 18]. Additionally, semantic      while ensuring the protection of sensitive image data. The au-
meanings are missing from the BoVW model representation.           thors propose an innovative method that represents each image
In order to overcome the problems with spatial and seman-          as a compact aggregated vector derived from local descrip-
tic information that BoVW models encountered, the Object           tors, effectively reducing computation and communication
Bank (OB) model was utilized with high level picture repre-        costs. The asymmetric Scalar-Product-Preserving Encryption
sentation which leads to large dimensionality difficulty when      (ASPE) algorithm is employed to secure these aggregated vec-
applied [19–21].                                                   tors allowing for similarity computation between encrypted
                                                                   vectors without the need for decryption or additional com-
    Recent studies [15, 22] show the effectiveness of DL tech-     munication rounds. This approach effectively addresses the
niques for scene categorization. However, the complicated          privacy concerns associated with utilizing cloud servers for
training procedure for parameter adjustment, the requirement       computational tasks. Furthermore, the authors construct a tree
for enormous amounts of training data, and excessive training      index by recursively clustering all encrypted feature vectors
time are important shortcomings of CNN-based DL models.            using the k-means algorithm to enhance search efficiency. The
As a result, CNN-based models have their own limitations           experiments conducted in the paper utilize two popular local
and cannot be recommended as the best option for CBIR on           descriptors, ORB and SIFT, with aggregated vectors gener-
various datasets [23,24]. For image retrieval and classification,  ated using a variable number of visual words. The results
existing CBIR algorithms have also utilized transform-based        of this study clearly demonstrate the practical value of the
techniques.                                                        proposed PP-CBIR scheme, offering an effective solution for
                                                                   securely searching and retrieving image databases in a cipher
    Authors in [25] have demonstrated how well CNN extracts        text format. The scheme not only maintains privacy but also
high-level characteristics for picture recall. The generaliza-     improves indexing and retrieval speeds compared to previ-
tion capacity and performance of these CNN-based models            ous methods. This paper serves as a valuable reference for
still need to be improved, though. A two-stage CBIR method         the development of privacy-preserving image retrieval meth-
based on EL was recently suggested [24]. The first step in-        ods, further advancing the field of image processing and data
volves feature extraction using a CNN-based model, and the         security.
second stage used EL to boost the retrieval system’s efficiency.
The findings demonstrated that, when compared to conven-               Authors in [27] proposed a novel approach called the
tional algorithms, the suggested algorithm still had poorer        DTLDN-CBIRA model. This model addresses the need for
picture retrieval and generalization capabilities. The study       effective CBIR techniques specifically designed for plant dis-
did, however, also examine two EL-based CBIR algorithms,           ease detection. While existing literature lacks focus on CBIR
Bagging CNN and Adaboost CNN. Although Bagging CNN                 for plant diseases, the DTLDN-CBIRA model aims to fill this
outperformed Adaboost CNN, the total findings were unsat-          gap. In order to overcome the challenge of limited samples
isfactory, showing that the suggested algorithm still needs        in the dataset, data augmentation techniques such as rotation
work. As a result, we suggest a novel CBIR approach in this        and flipping are applied. The DTLDN-CBIRA model utilizes
study that is based on EL and addresses the shortcomings of        DenseNet-201 as a feature extractor, taking advantage of its
the earlier algorithm. Our suggested method utilizes a more        densely connected network architecture. The hyper parame-
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