Page 157 - 2023-Vol19-Issue2
P. 157
153 | Mohammed, Oraibi & Hussain
Fig. 5. Inception CM. Fig. 6. MobileNet CM.
the diagonal, it also has a high PREC and REC for most of whereas each row represents occurrences in a forecast class
the classes with a good f1 score. The support column gives (or vice versa). The diagonal elements represent the number
the number of instances of each class in the dataset, which of correct predictions for each class. The other elements of
can be useful to understand the distribution of the classes in the matrix represent the number of incorrect predictions for
the dataset. It’s worth noting that the model has a lower per- each class. For example, 38 images of class ”Zebra” were
formance on some classes, such as class 8, 13, and 17, where correctly classified as ”Zebra” and 1 image of class ”Zebra”
the number of false negatives is higher. This indicates that was incorrectly classified as ”Dalmatian”. Similarly, 1 image
the model is struggling to correctly classify instances of these of class ”Dalmatian” was incorrectly classified as ”Zebra” as
classes, and further analysis may be needed to understand why shown in Figure 6.
this is the case and how to improve the model’s performance
for these classes as the Figure 5 shown. Thus, the model has an ACC of 0.82, which means that it
correctly predicted the class of an image 82% of the time. The
The classification report shows that the model has a high model is more accurate for some classes like Kangaroo, Eiffel
ACC with an PREC and REC of 0.92 and f1 score of 0.92. The tower, and Television. On the other hand, it is less accurate
PREC, REC and f1 score for most of the classes are also high for classes like Narendra Modi and IndiaGate.
with a good f1 score indicating that the model is performing
well. The support column gives the number of instances of 4) Ensemble Learning
each class in the dataset, which can be useful to understand In the given matrix, it can be observed that the model has
the distribution of the classes in the dataset. performed well with high ACC for most of the classes. The
matrix’s diagonal elements show how many valid classifica-
It’s worth noting that the model has a lower performance tions there are for each class. The number of misclassifications
on some classes, such as class 14,15,16 and 18, where the is shown by the off-diagonal components. From the matrix, it
PREC and REC is lower. This indicates that the model is can be seen that the model has correctly classified 40 instances
struggling to correctly classify instances of these classes, and of the class ’Zebra’, 38 instances of the class ’TrafficLight’,
further analysis may be needed to understand why this is the 39 instances of the class ’Vulture’ and so on. It can also be
case and how to improve the model’s performance for these observed that the model has misclassified 1 instance of the
classes. class ’Zebra’ as ’Maggi’, 1 instance of the class ’TrafficLight’
as ’Vulture’ and so on as the Figure 7 shown. Thus, the model
3) MobileNet has performed well with a high ACC of above 80%.
This is a matrix of perplexity. It is a table that counts the
examples of one class that were consistently predicted to be The model has a high ACC of 95%. Each class has a
instances of another. Each column represents an actual class, PREC, REC and F1-S of at least 0.83, indicating that the