Page 150 - 2023-Vol19-Issue2
P. 150

146 |                                                             Mohammed, Oraibi & Hussain

two components. In real life, retrieving an exact picture from    exact picture from a sizable database, a problem that persists
a sizable database is still difficult. The biggest problem is     despite the various contributions of existing CBIR algorithms
the semantic mismatch between the image’s low-level visual        to image representation and similarity measure. Moreover,
qualities and its high-level meaning [2]. This gap has been the   while the Bag of Visual Features (BoVF) model has been
subject of countless research during the last three decades [3].  extensively employed in existing CBIR techniques, it neglects
There are several ways to translate high-level concepts in pic-   spatial information and lacks semantic meanings. This lack
tures into features. The basis of CBIR is comprised of these      of spatial and semantic information leads to a less accurate
elements. According to the methodologies used for feature         representation of images, thereby reducing the effectiveness
extraction, global and local characteristics are two common       of the retrieval process. Another model, the Object Bank (OB)
categories for features. Global characteristics of the image,     model, provides a high-level picture representation but leads
including color, texture, shape, and spatial details, serve as a  to a large dimensionality difficulty when applied. This high di-
depiction of the entire item. They benefit from being quicker     mensionality can complicate the retrieval process and increase
at feature extraction and similarity calculations [4]. On the     computational requirements. Lastly, CNN-based Deep Learn-
other hand, they fail to recognize the difference between the     ing models, despite their effectiveness in scene categorization,
image’s backdrop and the item in it (different image parts).      have their own limitations. The complicated training proce-
They are therefore inappropriate for object identification or     dure for parameter adjustment, the requirement for enormous
retrieval in complicated settings [5]. However, they are accept-  amounts of training data, and excessive training time are sig-
able for object categorization and detection [6]. There have      nificant drawbacks of these models. As a result, CNN-based
been significant attempts made by academia and industry to        models cannot be recommended as the best option for CBIR
close this semantic gap. As a result, CBIR has been shown to      on various datasets. These problems collectively present a
make significant progress recently. For instance, well-known      substantial challenge for the development of efficient and
search engines like Google and Baidu can look for similar im-     accurate CBIR systems. In this paper, we contribute to the
ages for any image. Several e-commerce websites, including        field of CBIR by introducing a novel method that leverages
Alibaba, Amazon, and eBay provide comparable commodi-             advanced models such as Inception and Xception for feature
ties search features. The content suggestion features on social   extraction from images. Our method addresses the seman-
media networks like Pinterest are comparable [1].                 tic mismatch between an image’s low-level visual qualities
                                                                  and its high-level semantic content, a significant challenge
    Query By Image Content (QBIC) and CBIR are related            in current CBIR algorithms. We provide a comprehensive
by nature [7]. Early in the 1990s, CBIR was founded [8].          analysis of our method’s performance across multiple image
This automated process uses a picture as a query to present       classes, demonstrating its effectiveness and potential for im-
a collection of photos that correspond to the query. The low-     provements in certain areas. The rest of the paper is divided
level picture attributes, such as texture, color, and shape, are  into the following sections: Section II provides an overview
taken from the database images in order to categorize them.       of the related work of the existing CBIR methods. The third
We assume that images in the same category will share similar     section, will give a brief overview of what CBIR is and how
traits. Retrieval of images will therefore see an incredible      it works. The fourth section will go into more detail about
increase in efficiency when similarity measurement is carried     the methods used in this research, including deep learning
out based on picture attributes [9]. One of the subcategories     techniques, the dataset used, and the approaches taken. The
of the soft computing phenomena known as Deep Learning            fifth section will present the results of the research and com-
(DL) which allows for the retrieval of data from millions         pare them to other methods. Finally, the conclusion and future
of separated pictures [10]. A content-based picture retrieval     work section will summarize the findings and discuss potential
system performs optimally when the feature representation         areas for future research.
and similarity evaluation, which have been extensively studied
by multimedia researchers for decades, are used. Even though                       II. RELATED WORK
several solutions have been proposed, it is still among the
trickiest issues in CBIR research. This challenge can be linked   the cutting-edge CBIR methods are critically examined in this
to the core challenge in AI: how to build and train AI tools      part. A variety of properties, including color, form, texture,
that can carry out routine human tasks [11, 12].                  and spatial arrangement, have been incorporated in existing
                                                                  CBIR algorithms. Similar to this, other interest points-based
    The field of CBIR faces several significant challenges that   features descriptors have been suggested as a method of ob-
impede the development of efficient and accurate retrieval        taining the attributes for picture retrieval [13, 14] [13, 14]. In
systems. One of the primary issues is the semantic gap be-        order to recover pictures, scientists in [15] suggested a Micro
tween low-level characteristics and human visual perceptions      Structure Descriptor (MSD) that is generated utilizing edge
in CBIR methods. This gap makes it difficult to retrieve an
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