Page 123 - 2023-Vol19-Issue2
P. 123
119 | Rashid et al.
privacy breaches [10]. In this context, security refers to the categorizing the signals into two types, normal and
protection of data from illegal use while they are connected, abnormal, are specified. This classification includes
transferred, processed, and saved. Privacy refers to the ability all types of sensors used in this work, such as body
to maintain the confidentiality of a patient’s personal infor- temperature sensor.
mation, such as his/her name and details about his/her health
[11]. In 2018, Wei et al. [12] proposed a secure authentication • In the patient’s health care part, an adequate scheme
scheme that depended on a low-entropy PIN. Their work can attached to the patient’s device, which can analyze the
be more convenient for WBAN to apply on a simple-to-recall class and type of the sensor’s signal and perform suit-
PIN. In 2019, Kompara et al. [13] presented a good authenti- able actions without demanding a physician, is pro-
cation system for a two-hop WBAN with a confirmation on a posed.
pseudonym and nonchase merit. The performance and solidity
of this system were elucidated utilizing an unofficial analysis, • This work is characterized by strong security and high
which was then officially confirmed. Koya and Deepthi [14] confidentiality in terms of exchanging information be-
supported an authentication scheme based on physiological tween the basic parts of the components of the work
signals. The authors’ opinion was that physiological value environment.
assistance was employed in protecting the scheme versus sen-
sor node impersonation attacks. Wang et al. [15] proposed • This proposed scheme is very important and can be used
a swift authentication method for health contingencies; their by patients, the elderly, athletes, and those interested
work relied on decreasing authentication time to lug contin- in continuously monitoring the functions of their vital
gencies speedily without aiding a physician. Dodangeh et al. bodies.
[16] suggested a good authentication scheme depended on
the biometric merits of the human body. The authors offered • On the security side, the proposed scheme can resist
two schemes for authentication and key agreement in WBAN. familiar attacks such as insider attacks, MITM attacks,
Their work applied biometric features, secure exchanged data, and DoS attacks. Moreover, AVISPA prove the security
and an essay password to supply security. In 2019, Liu et of the proposed scheme.
al. [17] developed a modern authentication scheme that was
distinguished using a dynamic password. The main aim of B. Organization
this research is to develop secure scheme for patient’s health This paper is organized as follows: Section 2 presents an
cases observation. architecture of WBAN’s organization. Section 3 displays the
proposed scheme. Section 4 demonstrates the formal analysis
and the results of the experiment. Section 4 consists of a
comparison with other related schemes. Section 5 presents
the conclusions.
Fig. 1. WBAN organization II. ARCHITECTURE OF WBAN
The contributions of the proposed scheme can be summarized The components of the WBAN system are sensors (Si), per-
in the following points: sonal devices (PDi), and an authentication server (AS). Figure
2 presents the components of the WBAN system. Sensors
• To keep the energy of the sensor, the time at which (Si): Sensors are considered limited resources, as they have
the pivotal signals are submitted from a sensor during the ability to collect patients’ health data and send signals
to personal devices via Bluetooth or Wi-Fi. Personal device
(PDi): A personal device is a communication tool that can
connect biometric sensors, users, and an authentication server.
A personal device can interpret the sensor’s signals and send
information to the server or notify the patient about his/her
health condition through an application provided by the health
institution. Authentication server (AS): An authentication
server has many roles, including saving the sensitive informa-
tion of the patients in a secure database, analyzing data, and
processing and distributing data to the relevant people.