Page 122 - 2023-Vol19-Issue2
P. 122

Received: 1 May 2023 | Revised: 29 June 2023 | Accepted: 29 June 2023

DOI: 10.37917/ijeee.19.2.14                                            Vol. 19 | Issue 2 | December 2023

                                                                       Open Access

Iraqi Journal for Electrical and Electronic Engineering

Original Article

       Authentication Healthcare Scheme in WBAN

  Abdullah Mohammed Rashid1, Ali A. Yassin *2, Abdulla J. Y. Aldarwish2, Aqeel A. Yaseen3, Hamid Alasadi2, Ammar Asaad2,
                                                                    Alzahraa J. Mohammed2

                       1Department of Computer, Education College for Human Science, University of Basrah, Basrah, Iraq
                 2Department of Computer Science, College of Education for Pure Sciences, University of Basrah, Basrah, Iraq

                                     3Ministry of Education, Basrah, General Directorate of Education in Basrah, Iraq

*Ali A.Yassin
Computer Science,
College of Education for Pure Sciences,
University of Basrah, Basrah, Iraq

  A wireless body area network (WBAN) connects separate sensors in many places of the human body, such as clothes,
  under the skin. WBAN can be used in many domains such as health care, sports, and control system. In this paper,
  a scheme focused on managing a patient’s health care is presented based on building a WBAN that consists of three
  components, biometric sensors, mobile applications related to the patient, and a remote server. An excellent scheme is
  proposed for the patient’s device, such as a mobile phone or a smartwatch, which can classify the signal coming from a
  biometric sensor into two types, normal and abnormal. In an abnormal signal, the device can carry out appropriate
  activities for the patient without requiring a doctor as a first case. The patient does not respond to the warning message
  in a critical case sometimes, and the personal device sends an alert to the patient’s family, including his/her location. The
  proposed scheme can preserve the privacy of the sensitive data of the patient in a protected way and can support several
  security features such as mutual authentication, key management, anonymous password, and resistance to malicious
  attacks. These features have been proven depending on the Automated Validation of Internet Security Protocols and
  Applications. Moreover, the computation and communication costs are efficient compared with other related schemes.

  WBAN, healthcare, sensitive data, mutual Authentication, AVISPA.

                  I. INTRODUCTION                                that leaves the health care center. However, the applications of
                                                                 WBAN are numerous in other fields, such as GPS and E-bank
With the rapid growth of the Internet, the Internet of Things    [4, 5, 6, 7]. Generally, a WBAN consists of biometric sensors
(IoT), cloud computing, and the usage of wireless networks       suitable for collecting health information by measuring vital
in the daily lives, life has become easier. IoT services are     signals from the human body[8]. These biometric sensors can
almost boundless, as they fuse the real and Internet worlds.     send vital signals to a personal device (a smart mobile phone
The IoT has applications that can be found in several areas,     or a portable computer), which connects to an authentication
such as smart cities, vehicle networks, and healthcare systems   server. This server is able to take necessary actions in emer-
[1]. Currently, information technology plays the primary role    gency situations as well as saves the patients’ information on a
in expense pressure, as keeping an eye on the health state of a  secure database [9]. Figure 1 shows the central organization of
patient remotely is now possible, thus avoiding hospitalization  a WBAN. Much like other wireless networks, the WBAN suf-
[2, 3]. A WBAN considers a part of a wireless sensor net-        fers from information security, data integrity, and availability
work that is applied in several areas, including comprehensive   challenges. The data of WBAN are transferred via a normal
healthcare, according to its ability to observe the patient’s    channel. Therefore, it is in jeopardy of security problems and
health information to follow the health cases of a customer

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©2023 The Authors.
Published by Iraqi Journal for Electrical and Electronic Engineering | College of Engineering, University of Basrah.                                 | 118
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