June 2021
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Stochastic Local Search Algorithms for Feature Selection: A Review | |
Hayder Naser Khraibet Al-Behadili | |
Pages: 1-10 | |
Version of record online: 2 February 2021 Full Text (PDF) DOI:10.37917/ijeee.17.1.1 | |
In today’s world, the data generated by many applications are increasing drastically, and finding an optimal subset of features from the data has become a crucial task. The main objective of this review is to analyze and comprehend different stochastic local search algorithms to find an optimal feature subset. Simulated annealing, tabu search, genetic programming, genetic algorithm, particle swarm optimization, artificial bee colony, grey wolf optimization, and bat algorithm, which have been used in feature selection, are discussed. This review also highlights the filter and wrapper approaches for feature selection. Furthermore, this review highlights the main components of stochastic local search algorithms, categorizes these algorithms in accordance with the type, and discusses the promising research directions for such algorithms in future research of feature selection. | |
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Modeling and Control of Torsional Vibration in Rotating System Using Dual Loop Controllers | |
Mustafa Mohammed Matrood, Ameen Ahmed Nassar | |
Pages: 11-15 | |
Version of record online: 14 February 2021 Full Text (PDF) DOI:10.37917/ijeee.17.1.2 | |
A torsional rotating system is considered for the investigation of passive vibration control using dual loop controllers Proportional-Integral-Derivative (PID) with derivative (D) gain and Proportional – Derivative (PD) with Integral (I) controllers. The controllers are used as low pass filters. Simulation of the models using Matlab-Simulink have been built in this work for torsional vibration control. A comparison between the two controllers with uncontrolled system have been carried out. Results show that the PD – I control is the best method which gives better stability response than the PID – D control. | |
Open Access | |
Non-conventional Cascade Multilevel Inverter with Lower Number of Switches by Using Multilevel PWM | |
Adala O. Abdali, Ali K. Abdulabbas, Habeeb J. Nekad | |
Pages: 16-28 | |
Version of record online: 1 March 2021 Full Text (PDF) DOI:10.37917/ijeee.17.1.3 | |
The multilevel inverter is attracting the specialist in medium and high voltage applications, among its types, the cascade H bridge Multi-Level Inverter (MLI), commonly used for high power and high voltage applications. The main advantage of the conventional cascade (MLI) is generated a large number of output voltage levels but it demands a large number of components that produce complexity in the control circuit, and high cost. Along these lines, this paper presents a brief about the non-conventional cascade multilevel topologies that can produce a high number of output voltage levels with the least components. The non-conventional cascade (MLI) in this paper was built to reduce the number of switches, simplify the circuit configuration, uncomplicated control, and minimize the system cost. Besides, it reduces THD and increases efficiency. Two topologies of non-conventional cascade MLI three phase, the Nine level and Seventeen level are presented. The PWM technique is used to control the switches. The simulation results show a better performance for both topologies. THD, the power loss and the efficiency of the two topologies are calculated and drawn to the different values of the Modulation index (ma). | |
Open Access | |
Encoding JSON by using Base64 | |
Mohammed Thakir Shaamood | |
Pages: 29-37 | |
Version of record online: 3 March 2021 Full Text (PDF) DOI:10.37917/ijeee.17.1.4 | |
Transmitting binary data across a network should generally avoid transmitting raw binary data over the medium for several reasons, one would be that the medium may be a textual one and may not accept or correctly handle raw bitstream, another would be that some protocols may misinterpret the meaning of the bits and causes a problem or even loss of the data. To make the data more readable and would avoid misinterpretation by different systems and environments, this paper introduces encoding two of the most broadly used data interchange formats, XML and JSON, into the Base64 which is an encoding scheme that converts binary data to an ASCII string format by using a radix-64 representation. This process, will, make the data more readable and would avoid misinterpretation by different systems and environments. The results reflect that encoding data in Base64 before the transmission will present many advantages including readability and integrity, it will also enable us to transmit binary data over textual mediums, 7 Bit protocols such as SMTP, and different network hardware without risking misinterpretation. |
Open Access | |
Smart Navigation with Static Polygons and Dynamic Robots | |
Israa S. Al-Furati and Osama T. Rashid | |
Pages: 38-46 | |
Version of record online: 7 March 2021 Full Text (PDF) DOI:10.37917/ijeee.17.1.5 | |
Due to the last increase in data and information technology, the need to use robots in many life areas is increased. There is a great diversity in this field, depending on the type of task required, as the robot enters the parcels of air, land, and water. In this paper, a robot’s mission designed to move things is concentrated, relying on line-tracing technology that makes it easy to track its path safely, the RFID is distributed in its approach. When the robot reads the RFID tag, it stops until it raises the load from above, the robot continues its path toward the target. When an obstacle obstructs the robot path, the robot deviates and returns after a while to its previous approach. All this technology is implemented using a new algorithm which is programmed using the visual basic program. The robot designed to transfer the stored material is used according to a site known as an identifier that is identified by the RFID value, where the robot is programmed through a microcontroller and a unique store program that determines the current location and the desired location, then is given the task for the robot to do it as required. The robot is controlled using an ATmega controller to control other parts connected to the electronic circuit, the particular infrared sensor, and ultrasound to avoid potential obstacles within the robot’s path to reach the target safely. In addition to this, the robot is made up of an RFID sensor to give unique to each desired target site. Through the console, it is possible to know the link indicated by the target. The H-bridge is also used to obtain a particular command and guide the robot as needed to move freely in all directions and a DC motor which is unique for moving wheels at the desired speed, and Bluetooth for programmable and secure wireless transmission and reception with all these parts through a unique program that also uses application inventory. The robot has proven to be a great success in performing the required task through several tests that have been practically performed. |
Open Access | |
No Mobile Phobia Phenomenon _ A Review | |
Suhad Faisal Behadili, Hadeel Jabar, Walaa Sami Tahlok and Safa Ahmed Abdulsahib | |
Pages: 47-57 | |
Version of record online: 8 March 2021 Full Text (PDF) DOI:10.37917/ijeee.17.1.6 | |
The No Mobile Phone Phobia or Nomophobia notion is referred to the psychological condition once humans have a fear of being disconnected from mobile phone connectivity. Hence, it is considered as a recent age phobia that emerged nowadays as a consequence of high engagement between people, mobile data, and communication inventions, especially the smart phones. This review is based on earlier observations and current debate such as commonly used techniques that modeling and analyzing this phenomenon like statistical studies. All that in order to possess preferable comprehension concerning human reactions to the speedy technological ubiquitous. Accordingly, humans ought to restrict their utilization of mobile phones instead of prohibiting it, due to the fact that they could not evade the power of technological progression. In that matter, future perspectives would be employing data mining techniques to explore deep knowledge, which represents correlated relationship between the human and the mobile phone. |
Open Access | |
Modeling and Simulation of Five-Phase Synchronous Reluctance Motor Fed By Five-Phase Inverter | |
Namariq Abdulameer Ameen, Ali Kadhim Abdulabbas and Habeeb Jaber Nekad | |
Pages: 58-65 | |
Version of record online: 13 March 2021 Full Text (PDF) DOI:10.37917/ijeee.17.1.7 | |
Five-phase machine employment in electric drive system is expanding rapidly in many applications due to several advantages that they present when compared with their three-phase complements. Synchronous reluctance machines(SynRM) are considered as a proposed alternative to permanent magnet machine in the automotive industry because the volatilities in the permanent magnet price, and a proposed alternative for induction motor because they have no field excitation windings in the rotor, SyRM rely on high reluctance torque thus no needing for magnetic material in the structure of rotor. This paper presents dynamic simulation of five phase synchronous reluctance motor fed by five phase voltage source inverter based on mathematical modeling. Sinusoidal pulse width modulation (SPWM) technique is used to generate the pulses for inverter. The theory of reference frame has been used to transform five-phase SynRM voltage equations for simplicity and in order to eliminate the angular dependency of the inductances. The torque in terms of phase currents is then attained using the known magnetic co-energy method, then the results obtained are typical. | |
Open Access | |
A Light Weight Multi-Objective Task Offloading Optimization for Vehicular Fog Computing | |
Sura Khairy Abdullah and Adnan Jumaa Jabir | |
Pages: 66-75 | |
Version of record online: 28 March 2021 Full Text (PDF) DOI:10.37917/ijeee.17.1.8 | |
Most Internet of Vehicles (IoV) applications are delay-sensitive and require resources for data storage and tasks processing, which is very difficult to afford by vehicles. Such tasks are often offloaded to more powerful entities, like cloud and fog servers. Fog computing is decentralized infrastructure located between data source and cloud, supplies several benefits that make it a non-frivolous extension of the cloud. The high volume data which is generated by vehicles’ sensors and also the limited computation capabilities of vehicles have imposed several challenges on VANETs systems. Therefore, VANETs is integrated with fog computing to form a paradigm namely Vehicular Fog Computing (VFC) which provide low-latency services to mobile vehicles. Several studies have tackled the task offloading problem in the VFC field. However, recent studies have not carefully addressed the transmission path to the destination node and did not consider the energy consumption of vehicles. This paper aims to optimize the task offloading process in the VFC system in terms of latency and energy objectives under deadline constraint by adopting a Multi-Objective Evolutionary Algorithm (MOEA). Road Side Units (RSUs) x-Vehicles Mutli-Objective Computation offloading method (RxV-MOC) is proposed, where an elite of vehicles are utilized as fog nodes for tasks execution and all vehicles in the system are utilized for tasks transmission. The well-known Dijkstra’s algorithm is adopted to find the minimum path between each two nodes. The simulation results show that the RxV-MOC has reduced significantly the energy consumption and latency for the VFC system in comparison with First-Fit algorithm, Best-Fit algorithm, and the MOC method. |
Open Access | |
Local and Global Outlier Detection Algorithms in Unsupervised Approach: A Review | |
Ayad Mohammed Jabbar | |
Pages: 76-87 | |
Version of record online: 31 March 2021 Full Text (PDF) DOI:10.37917/ijeee.17.1.9 | |
The problem of outlier detection is one of the most important issues in the field of analysis due to its applicability in several famous problem domains, including intrusion detection, security, banks, fraud detection, and discovery of criminal activities in electronic commerce. Anomaly detection comprises two main approaches: supervised and unsupervised approach. The supervised approach requires pre-defined information, which is defined as the type of outliers, and is difficult to be defined in some applications. Meanwhile, the second approach determines the outliers without human interaction. A review of the unsupervised approach, which shows the main advantages and the limitations considering the studies performed in the supervised approach, is introduced in this paper. This study indicated that the unsupervised approach suffers from determining local and global outlier objects simultaneously as the main problem related to algorithm parameterization. Moreover, most algorithms do not rank or identify the degree of being an outlier or normal objects and required different parameter settings by the research. Examples of such parameters are the radius of neighborhood, number of neighbors within the radius, and number of clusters. A comprehensive and structured overview of a large set of interesting outlier algorithms, which emphasized the outlier detection limitation in the unsupervised approach, can be used as a guideline for researchers who are interested in this field. | |
Open Access | |
Second-Order Statistical Methods GLCM for Authentication Systems | |
Mohammed A. Taha and Hanaa M. Ahmed | |
Pages: 88-93 | |
Version of record online: 21 April 2021 Full Text (PDF) DOI:10.37917/ijeee.17.1.10 | |
For many uses, biometric systems have gained considerable attention. Iris identification was One of the most powerful sophisticated biometrical techniques for effective and confident authentication. The current iris identification system offers accurate and reliable results based on near-infrared light (NIR) images when images are taken in a restricted area with fixed-distance user cooperation. However, for the color eye images obtained under visible wavelength (VW) without collaboration among the users, the efficiency of iris recognition degrades because of noise such as eye blurring images, eye lashing, occlusion, and reflection. This work aims to use the Gray-Level Co-occurrence Matrix (GLCM) to retrieve the iris’s characteristics in both NIR iris images and visible spectrum. GLCM is second-order Statistical-Based Methods for Texture Analysis. The GLCM-based extraction technology was applied after the preprocessing method to extract the pure iris region’s characteristics. The Energy, Entropy, Correlation, Homogeneity, and Contrast collection of second-order statistical features are determined from the generated co-occurrence matrix, Stored as a vector for numerical features. This approach is used and evaluated on the CASIA v1and ITTD v1 databases as NIR iris image and UBIRIS v1 as a color image. The results showed a high accuracy rate (99.2 %) on CASIA v1, (99.4) on ITTD v1, and (87%) on UBIRIS v1 evaluated by comparing to the other methods. | |
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Increasing WSN Lifetime using Clustering and Fault Tolerance Methods | |
Sama Hussam Sabah and Muayad Sadik Croock | |
Pages: 94-99 | |
Version of record online: 28 April 2021 Full Text (PDF) DOI:10.37917/ijeee.17.1.11 | |
Energy consumption problems in wireless sensor networks are an essential aspect of our days where advances have been made in the sizes of sensors and batteries, which are almost very small to be placed in the patient’s body for remote monitoring. These sensors have inadequate resources, such as battery power that is difficult to replace or recharge. Therefore, researchers should be concerned with the area of saving and controlling the quantities of energy consumption by these sensors efficiently to keep it as long as possible and increase its lifetime. In this paper energy-efficient and fault-tolerance strategy is proposed by adopting the fault tolerance technique by using the self-checking process and sleep scheduling mechanism for avoiding the faults that may cause an increase in power consumption as well as energy-efficient at the whole network. this is done by improving the LEACH protocol by adding these proposed strategies to it. Simulation results show that the recommended method has higher efficiency than the LEACH protocol in power consumption also can prolong the network lifetime. In addition, it can detect and recover potential errors that consume high energy. | |
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Design and Simulation of Butterfly-Shaped Filtenna with Dual Band Notch for Portable UWB Applications | |
Fatimah K. Juma’a and Falih M. Alnahwi | |
Pages: 100-106 | |
Version of record online: 05 May 2021 Full Text (PDF) DOI:10.37917/ijeee.17.1.12 | |
A compact and low cost butterfly shaped UWB filtenna with a pair of parasitic elements and a pair of slits is proposed in this work. The filtenna is supposed to be designed on a common and low-cost FR4 substrate with overall dimensions of 26mm*20mm*1.6mm .By inserting a pair of 𝝀𝒈 /2( where𝝀𝒈 is waveguide wavelength ) D-shaped parasitic elements around the antenna feed line, the radiation of the 5 GHz WLAN applications is canceled to eliminated the interference . Furthermore, the rejection of the X-band satellite downlink is achieved by engraving a pair of 𝝀𝒈 /4 J-shaped slits on the ground plane. The simulation results exhibits the perfect coverage of the proposed filtenna for the UWB frequency band as well as the elimination of the undesired radiation within the filtenna operating band. | |
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Hybrid RRT-A*: An Improved Path Planning Method for an Autonomous Mobile Robots | |
Suhaib Al-Ansarry and Salah Al-Darraji | |
Pages: 107-115 | |
Version of record online: 09 May 2021 Full Text (PDF) DOI:10.37917/ijeee.17.1.13 | |
Although the Basic RRT algorithm is considered a traditional search method, it has been widely used in the field of robot path planning (manipulator and mobile robot), especially in the past decade. This algorithm has many features that give it superiority over other methods. On the other hand, the Basic RRT suffers from a bad convergence rate (it takes a long time until finding the goal point), especially in environments with cluttered obstacles, or whose targets are located in narrow passages. Many studies have discussed this problem in recent years. This paper introduces an improved method called (Hybrid RRT-A*) to overcome the shortcomings of the original RRT, specifically slow convergence and cost rate. The heuristic function of A-star algorithm is combined with RRT to decrease tree expansion and guide it towards the goal with less nodes and time. Various experiments have been conducted with different environment scenarios to compare the proposed method with the Basic RRT and A-star under the same conditions, which have shown remarkable performance. The time consumed to find the path of the worst one of these scenarios is about 4.9 seconds, whereas it is 18.3 and 34 for A-star and RRT, respectively. | |
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New Fractional Order Chaotic System: Analysis, Synchronization, and it’s Application | |
Zain-Aldeen S. A. Rahman, Basil Hani Jasim and Yasir I. A. Al-Yasir | |
Pages: 116-124 | |
Version of record online: 10 May 2021 Full Text (PDF) DOI:10.37917/ijeee.17.1.14 | |
In this paper, a new nonlinear dynamic system, new three-dimensional fractional order complex chaotic system, is presented. This new system can display hidden chaotic attractors or self-excited chaotic attractors. The Dynamic behaviors of this system have been considered analytically and numerically. Different means including the equilibria, chaotic attractor phase portraits, the Lyapunov exponent, and the bifurcation diagrams are investigated to show the chaos behavior in this new system. Also, a synchronization technique between two identical new systems has been developed in master- slave configuration. The two identical systems are synchronized quickly. Furthermore, the master-slave synchronization is applied in secure communication scheme based on chaotic masking technique. In the application, it is noted that the message is encrypted and transmitted with high security in the transmitter side, in the other hand the original message has been discovered with high accuracy in the receiver side. The corresponding numerical simulation results proved the efficacy and practicability of the developed synchronization technique and its application | |
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An Efficient Mechanism to Prevent the Phishing Attacks | |
Mustafa H. Alzuwaini abd Ali A. Yassin | |
Pages: 125-135 | |
Version of record online: 19 May 2021 Full Text (PDF) DOI:10.37917/ijeee.17.1.15 | |
In the era of modern trends such as cloud computing, social media applications, emails, mobile applications, and URLs that lead to increased risks for defrauding authorized users, and then the attackers try to gain illegal access to accounts of users through a malicious attack. The phishing attack is one of the dangerous attacks caused to access of authorized account illegally way. The finances, business, banking, and other sensitive in states are faces by this type of attacks due to the important information they have. In this paper, we propose a secure verification scheme that can overcome the above-mentioned issues. Additionally, the proposed scheme can resist famous cyberattacks such as impersonate attacks, MITM attacks. Moreover, the proposed scheme has security features like strong verification, forward secrecy, user’s identity anomaly. The security analysis and the experimental results proved the strongest of the proposed scheme compared with other related works. Finally, our proposed scheme balanced between the performance and the security merits. |
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Path Planning and Obstacles Avoidance in Dynamic Workspace Using Polygon Shape Tangents Algorithm | |
Duaa Ahmed Ramadhan, Auday Al-Mayyahi and Mofeed Turky Rashid | |
Pages: 136-145 | |
Version of record online: 20 May 2021 Full Text (PDF) DOI:10.37917/ijeee.17.1.16 | |
This paper presents the design of a path planning system in an environment that contains a set of static and dynamic polygon obstacles localized randomly. In this paper, an algorithm so-called (Polygon shape tangents algorithm) is proposed to move a mobile robot from a source point to a destination point with no collision with surrounding obstacles using the visibility binary tree algorithm. The methodology of this algorithm is based on predicting the steps of a robot trajectory from the source to the destination point. The polygon shapes tangent algorithm is compared with the virtual circles’ tangents algorithm for different numbers of static and dynamic polygon obstacles for the time of arrival and the length of the path to the target. The obtained result shows that the used algorithm has better performance than the other algorithms and gets less time of arrival and shortest path with free collision. | |