Page 90 - 2024-Vol20-Issue2
P. 90
86 | Shumran & Al-Hussein
conferences. For the purpose of ensuring data confidential- speed, and excellent audio quality in the decrypted speech
ity, integrity, and authentication, a strong, responsive, and signal. Numerous scholars have recognized the potential for
trustworthy security system has to be developed. Accord- utilizing chaotic systems’ disordered behaviors and nonlin-
ingly, a variety of encryption algorithms have been created by ear dynamics in encryption. These chaotic systems exhibit
researchers to accommodate the advancement of communica- remarkable qualities like high security, simplicity, , and high
tion technologies. To guarantee high data solidity, high data sensitivity to initial conditions and system parameters. They
confidentiality, and trusted data, the security system needs to are a novel and effective means of delivering low-complexity
be incredibly fast, robust, and secure. In this regard, scientists secured speech communication because of their subtle nonlin-
have developed a number of encryption algorithms that are re- ear properties. Nevertheless, there are certain difficulties to be
liant on advancements in wireless communication techniques. overcome when applying chaos theory to encryption. A few
Encryption methods can be classified into encryption based on of them use different kinds of one-dimensional (1D) chaotic
traditional methods such as (AES), (DES), (RSA), and encryp- maps when creating speech security systems. One basic, pre-
tion based on advanced chaotic systems method. A chaotic dictable chaotic orbit is the outcome of 1D chaotic maps. This
system with chaotic behavior can be classified into two types: makes it simple for the attacker to acquire the chaotic map’s
continuous time and discrete time (map). Chaos with con- initial states and/or system parameters. Furthermore, weak
tinuous systems depends on ordinary differential equations security and small key space plague one-dimensional chaotic
such as the Lorenz system and the Chen system, which are maps. However, if the dimension is increased, the nonlinearity
widely used in the field of signal encryption, while chaos with will also increase and security will be improved. Because they
a discrete function depends on a recurring function such as the have more positive Lyapunov exponents and are difficult to
logistic map and the quadratic map, which are widely used in predict time series, higher dimensional (HD) chaotic maps
communications systems and digital signal encryption. They are frequently employed in multimedia encryption. A chaotic
can also be classified based on synchronization methods and system is a cryptography practice that applies the mathemat-
the method of implementation by FPGA, DSP, or Raspberry ical theory of chaos. Because of the sensitivity of chaotic
Pi. The data encryption standard (DES) and the advanced systems to the initial condition and random-like properties,
encryption standard (AES), which are examples of standard it is suitable for encrypting multimedia. Lately, the use of
symmetric encryption programs, can achieve very high levels chaotic theory for audio signal encryption has received a lot
of guarantee. However despite the fact that the majority of of attention [7–9]. One of the main areas of focus for chaos
these algorithms are used to encrypt binary data, they are theory’s methods is undoubtedly the dynamic aspect of mod-
not ideal for real-time audio encryption for the reasons listed ern cryptography:
below [1–6],:
1) Unauthorized individuals can be tricked by the
1) The Standard symmetric cryptographic schemes random behavior of chaotic systems without the
suffer from a small key space, which leaves them need for a special mechanism to produce them.
vulnerable to brute force attacks, in addition to high
specimen redundancy, bandwidth-dependent ampli- 2) The chaotic map evolution time produces an ex-
fication of the ciphered signal, and a decline in the tremely remarkable time evolution, contingent upon
output signal-to-noise ratio performance degrada- control parameters, initial conditions, and minute
tion preclude their use in real-time speech encryp- variations in these amounts. This implies that these
tion. initial conditions and control parameters can be
used as keys in a cipher system. The cipher chaos
2) The intricate permutation process of these algo- method is a crucial, necessary, and effective encryp-
rithms necessitates a longer computation time and tion technique for the security of audio systems.
more processing power. The enormous size of audio data encryption has an
impact on the suggested algorithm method that is
3) These algorithms require a high level of comput- selected.
ing power and more computational time due to their
complex permutation process. Asymmetric encryp- II. SCHOLARLY REVIEW
tion algorithms are also unsuitable for encryption
due to their complexity and slow speed. In this work, we cover a general review of various forms of au-
dio encryption and decryption methods, including those based
Therefore, it’s imperative to investigate cutting-edge speech on sophisticated chaotic methods and traditional encryption
encryption methods that can offer a high degree of security, techniques. Fig. 1.shows a diagram of the methods and tech-