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224 |                                                             Salman & Mohammed & Mohammed

Fig. 7. The braking efficiency with rotational speed for          Fig. 9. Mesh process of the PMECB system
several types of PM materials

                                                                  Iron Boron and Samarium Cobalt generate stronger magnetic
                                                                  fields, causing larger eddy currents and increased power dissi-
                                                                  pation, compared to weaker materials like Ferrite magnets.


                                                                  I would like to express my deep gratitude to Dr. Jamal A.-
                                                                  K. Mohammed and Dr. Farag M. Mohammed, the research
                                                                  supervisors, for their guidance, enthusiastic encouragement,
                                                                  and constructive criticism of this research work.

                                                                  CONFLICT OF INTEREST

Fig. 8. The distribution of magnetic flux in the rotating disc    The authors have no conflict of relevant interest to this article.


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