Page 233 - 2024-Vol20-Issue2
P. 233

229 |                                                                                                              Abdul Zahra & Wali

in Fig. 2, where it involves of two sub control strategy, one            Where, z=[z1 z2]T = (M(q)-1F)T . In order to achieve the sta-
to each joint of the robot manipulator. As shown in Fig. 2,
the proposed controller is designed using Xilinx block. In the           bility requirements in designing the STSMC method, the Lya-
proposed controller, STSMC is employed to limit the output
chattering problem as well as the nonlinearity. The controller           punov criteria method is applied. The derivative of quadratic
is designed for controlling the torque which produces through
the rotary actuators on the robot joint.                                 Lyapunov  function  (V  =  1  ssT  )  is  denoted  in  the  sliding  sur-
    The sliding surface at each joint for the vector s = [s1 s2]T
can be represented as:                                                   faces term as 23:

                                                                                V? = s1s?1 + s2s?2                                            (15)
                                                                         Merging the equations (14) and (15) to be:

s = e? + ce                                    (7)

Where, the error (e) is the difference between the desired and           V? = s1[k1 |s1|sign(s1) - b1 sign(s1)dt + z1]
actual positions (qd and q) respectively, where, e = qd - q,
and the variable (c) is an integer positive parameter. The               +s2[k2 |s2|sign(s2) - b2 sign(s2)dt + z2]

equation (4) may be derived to give the following relation:              Or, the term can be defined as:

       s? = e¨ + ce? = q¨d - q¨ + c(q?d - q?)  (8)                       V? = -k1 |s1||s1|-|s1| b1dt + |s1|z1
Substituting equation (5) into (8), we have:                                  -k2 |s2||s2|-|s2| b2dt + |s2|z2

s? = c(q?d -q?)+q¨ -M(q)-1[u-C(q, q?)q? -G(q)-F(q?)-ud]

The control signal (u) of the STSMC method consists from                 V? = -k1 |s1||s1|-|s1| (b1 - d1)dt                                   (17)
two terms, the first one refers to the switching (usw) and                    -k2 |s2||s2|-|s2| (b2 - d2)dt
the other is the equivalent (ueq), so, the control input can be
represented by:                                                             The stabilization requirements to track the path of the robot
                                                                         manipulator will guaranteed if both (b1and b2) have values
u = M(q)(usw + ueq)                            (10)                      achieving (b1 > d1 > |b?1| and b2 > d2 > |b?2|). Achieving the
                                                                         conditions (V ) is a positive definite while (V? ) is a negative
The equivalent law can be denoted as:
                                                                         definite for (t 0). Also, the sliding surfaces will converge to
ueq = c(q?d - q?) + q¨ - M(q)-1C(q, q?)q? + M(q)-1G(q) (11)              zero values as (t 8).

The switching law design is derived from the control law [22]                The System Generator represents a Xilinx toolbox which
and written as:                                                          can generate the Hardware Description Language (HDL) code
                                                                         in the Simulink environment automatically. The parameters
uswi = -ki |si|sign(si) - bi sign(si)dt        (12)                      of STSMC scheme is optimized using the Chaotic PSO al-
                                                                         gorithm to evaluate the controller output results. Then the
Where, i = 1, 2 and refers to each joint of the robot manipu-            controller is designed using Xilinx block sets which supported
lator and the parameters (ki,bi > 0). The control signal law             in Simulink environment as shown in Fig. 3. The quantization
can be obtained by substituting the equations (11) and (12) in           size of the block sets of the inputs is computed by in Gate-
equation (10), so the final control output follows:                      way. Similarly, the size of output is implemented as Mult and
                                                                         AddSub blocks. In these blocks, the FPGA device type has
       u = M(q)[c(q?d - q?) + q¨ - M(q)-1C(q, q?)q? + (13)               been selected, clock period of FPGA, the kind of generated
         M(q)-1G(q) + uswi]                                              code (VHDL or Verilog) and other different desired features.
                                                                         By implementation the STSMC method in any (FPGA) kit
Substituting the equations (13) in equation (9) to get:                  system, the FPGA boundary dependent on the architecture
                                                                         by using the (In) and (Out) gateways. The function of Gate-
s? = [-k1 |s1|sign(s1) - b1 sign(s1)dt         (14)                      way block (In) is represented by conversion the floating point
-k2 |s2|sign(s2) - b2 sign(s2)dt] + z                                    into fixed- point, where that FPGA will process it. The Gate-
                                                                         way block (Out) translates the data of FPGA into floating
                                                                         point [24].
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