Page 133 - 2024-Vol20-Issue2
P. 133

129 |                                                             Fathi & Aziz

accuracy rate [15]. Hand geometry systems are based solely        the most useful way for classification. In addition to that, a
on their shape, not on their fingerprints, so the reader can      suitable image acquisition setup, the type of imaging device
even read dirty and low-resolution hand images [5]. Hand          or devices and the pose of the hand had been investigated. Per-
geometry-based biometric systems use the numerous features        son identification and verification is the way to find a unique
retrieved from hand photographs to carry out tasks like identi-   feature for each person, while gender classification is to sep-
fication or classification. Feature extraction can be performed   arate the input images into two classes only. The proposed
using manual; handcrafted methods [17] [18] [19] or auto-         research differs from both, it needs to find the membership
mated; deep learning methods [20] [21]. By learning from          of a person to one of many groups or clusters. Framework of
experience, ML enables computers to be programmed without         ANN proposed model shown in Fig. 2.
explicit experience [22]. A recent development in machine
learning is deep learning [23].Deep learning algorithms are       A. Dataset Creation
better suited for large datasets, require high-end machines,      The dataset collection and metadata file were prepared during
feature engineering, a longer execution time, and are more        the image acquisition stage. Lighting, distance, direction for
interpretable and problem-solving-oriented than traditional       image capturing were selected practically from many experi-
methods [24]. The length, breadth, and aspect ratio of the        ences. Finally, following setup was used:
fingers are common geometrical properties, as well as the
width of the palm [4].                                                • A mobile phone application was prepared to be used for
Kinship detection using computer vision is a new topic, and       data collection and saving.
it has been used and studied for the last several years [25].
Most research in this field checks if two people are from the         • Image capture setup was sat up for image capturing
same family or not through facial images. The first attempt at    which consisted of mobile phone, holder, basement.
kinship verification using human traits was made by Fang et
al. by automatically classifying pairs of 150 pairs of parents        • The parameters of setup are empirically selected for
and children’s face images as ”related” or ”unrelated”, The       practical image photography.
classification accuracy was 70.67% using KNN as a classi-
fier [26]. From that point forward, endeavours continued in           • The parameters of setup are empirically selected for
this field, which were all in light of facial images. From this   practical image photography.
literature review, we concluded that there were no previous
works that have used the image of hands for kinship detection         • Images are saved in jpg format.
(Family-based person classification). In addition to that, there      For each individual 8 different images were captured (left
were no available datasets for this purpose. So, the research     hand-dorsal, left hand-palm, left hand-dorsal with open fin-
questions were, Can the image of hands be used for kinship        gers, left hand-palm with open fingers) and the same for the
detection? How? What are the useful features? and what are        right hand. Fig. 3 shows example of the generated dataset.
the appropriate methods to achieve this goal? This cannot be      Several experiments have been done, many images for many
achieved without providing a suitable image dataset attached      families have been collected and some of them were rejected
by its ground truth labelling. Hand geometry features and ma-     for different reasons like (lighting problems, image noise,
chine learning techniques were adopted to validate the usage      clipped images, bad resolution, and others).The useful im-
of the created dataset.                                           ages were saved and marked using a systematic code which
                                                                  contains relation of person to a family, age, hand side (right/
                III. METHODOLOGY                                  left , dorsal/palm), as characterized in Fig. 4. Dataset was
                                                                  collected by the researcher and his colleagues by applying
This paper proposes a new method to determine kinship re-         the same procedure. Each image was accompanied using an
lations based on hand biometric features using handcraft fea-     Excel file with ground truth and information about each family
tures extraction and supervised classifier. The proposed work     (No. of person, No. of male, No. of female, age range, and
was to design and implement a persons’ kinship classification     the relation to other families). The generated dataset consists
system based on the images of their hands. This proposal          of 648 hand images of 81 subjects, they were (39 male and
has not been addressed before. None of the available datasets     42 female) belong to 14 families. The subjects have varying
have ground truth relating to kinship relations, so we had        ages between 3 - 70 years old. Fig. 5 presents the number
collected our own dataset. No previous work specified the         of families, the total number of people in each family, and
most beneficial region or features of the hand to be used for     the gender breakdown for each family. The major challenges
that purpose therefore, many experiments have been done to        are associated with non-uniform illumination and changes
find out that. In this research we also studied and investigated  involved in hand positioning during the acquisition process.

                                                                  B. MediaPipe
                                                                  Google created the open-source MediaPipe framework. The
                                                                  initial release took place in 2019 [30] is a computer vision
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