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                                                              TABLE I.
                                     Comparison between Our Model with Other Models

Ayegu¨l Uc¸ar et al            Year  Procedure                  Datasets                                                                   Accuracy
                               2016                             Caltech
Kai Hanet et al                      CNN with different layers  Caltech pedestrians defection dataset                                      92.80+-0.43%
                               2017                             Established a database consisting of defect area images
Stefan Schneider et al               Faster RCNN                                                                                           86.3%
Chandan G et al                2018                             Reconyx camera trap self labeled gold standard snapshot Serengeti dataset
Xiangmo Zhao et al             2018  ResNet101                  Camera                                                                     93.0%
Muhammad Faique Shakeel et al  2019  Faster RCNN                Kitti dataset
Muhammad Azri Yahya et al      2019                             Custom dataset                                                             76.7%
                               2020  YOLO V2.0                  Collected Data                                                             99.0%
YANFEN LI et al                      Mobile Nets with SSD       BDD100k                                                                    89.04%
Our model                      2020  3d lider CNN               Three collected datasets
                               2022                             Our features dataset                                                       78.18%
                                     Camera CNN                                                                                            84%
                                     Novel deep based on CNN                                                                               71.43%
                                     Lider YOLO v2.0
                                     Modified YOLOv4
                                     Proposed hybrid model

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