Page 67 - 2023-Vol19-Issue2
P. 67

63 |                                                              Odey & Marhoon

                 II. RELATED WORK                                 age accuracy rate of 52.7% in BDD100k and three collected
   In this section, the main previous works that address the ob-
ject detection process using deep learning models are covered.        In this work feature extraction and feature expansion of
Ayegu¨l Uc¸ar et al. [11] suggest two Convolutional Neural        the udacity images dataset are performed to assist deep model
Networks (CNNs) deep models with different layers and use         classification the features are extracted by a linear discrimi-
linear Support Vector Machine (SVM) classifiers in the train-     nant analysis and the feature expansion contribute six opera-
ing features step. This work uses Caltech 101 and Caltech         tions namely: standard deviation, min, max, mod, variance,
pedestrian detection datasets. The average accuracy rate in       and mean classified as five classes which are bikers, cars,
this work is 92.80+0.43%.Kai Janet et al. [12] utilize faster     pedestrians, traffic lights and trucks.
region Convolutional Neural Networks (faster RCNN) with
Residual Neural Networks (ResNet 101) as adeep model. Use                         III. METHODOLOGY
it to recognize the scratches points on the wheel hub even
if the image data has a complicated background, in addition,         the proposed method is based on five main stages, as ex-
the model can recognize variance types of wheel hub defects       plained in Figure-1: the first stage, is the data collection stage
as well as determine the class and position of the defective      where we use data from the Udacity Self Driving Car Dataset
area. This work establishes a database consisting of defect       dataset. Our data is distributed in five classes,namely: bakers,
area images and achieves an average accuracy rate of 86.3%.       cars, pedestrians, traffic lights, and trucks, each class has a
                                                                  different number of files.
    Stefan Schneider et al. [13] compare two deep learn-
ing models used for object detection namely, Faster Region-           The second stage is an image augmentation step, the ex-
Convolutional Neural Network together with You-Only-Look-         pected result from this stage is more data where we will get
Once v2.0 (YOLOv2) in the Serengeti dataset, the results          images for objects with different angles and positions as well
prove that the first method explicitly promises accuracy of       as increase the number of images in each class so that the
93%, where YOLO fails to perform the same accuracy and            number of images in the different classes will be quit equally
achieves 76.7%.                                                   to overcome the over-fitting issues.

    Chandan G et al. [[14] develop a MobileNets-based tech-           On the other hand, the third stage, the pre-processing stage
nique with a Single-Shot Detector (SSD) technique for track-      in which we get a more enhanced dataset where we manip-
ing as well as detection of the camera-based dataset in a         ulate the smoothing and blurring of our images to make the
python environment. These techniques include detecting the        detection of the desired objects easier and possible under all
region of interest of an object from a given image class and      conditions of noise and lightness issues so that the dataset
achieving an average accuracy rate of 99.0%. CNN is used          will be more appropriate to the next feature extraction stage
for feature extractions.                                          whereas, the fourth stage is the feature extraction and expan-
                                                                  sion stage where we extract features from our image dataset,
    Xiangmo Zhao et al. [15] propose a model that uses the        then feed these features to our hybrid model. The final stage is
complementarity of the camera and 3D LIDAR and camera             our proposed supervised deep learning model which employs
data to recognize multiple objects around an autonomous car.      the benefits of CNN and Dense techniques to implement a
The average accuracy rates of the accuracy of the proposed        hybrid model that mimics the human brain in case of learning
method reached 89.04% and 78.18%, respectively in the de-         based on features instead of images used to achieve object
tection of vehicles and pedestrians at a moderate level of        detection dedicated to self-driving cars.
                                                                  A. The Dataset
    Muhammad Shakeel et al [16] propose an accurate drowsi-          This study was evaluated based on features extracted from
ness detection methodology based on object detection using
Convolutional Neural Networks. Which achieves an accuracy         udacity dataset, which is dedicated mainly to data to be pro-
of 84% in their own new, annotated Drowsy dataset.                vided in autonomous cars. Primarily 110 MB dataset was
                                                                  downloaded, then many processes are accomplished to en-
    Muhammad Yahya et al. [17] provide an improvement             hance and improve our dataset before turning them into fea-
in object detection using LiDAR-collected data by using dif-      tures, through the data augmentation and image processing
ferent algorithms like YOLOv2, and Interactive Multi-Mode         steps.
(IMM). The average accuracy rates in the newly collected data
set are 71.43% and 57.14% respectively.                           B. Data Augmentation
                                                                     Data augmentation procedures apply different operations
    YANFEN LI et al [18] suggest an object recognition as
well as detection theme for autonomous driving. The sug-          to the images data to provide more images for objects with
gested theme is capable to detect ten kinds of objects; the       different angles and positions as well as increase the number
proposed model is based on YOLOv4 and achieves an aver-
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