Page 68 - 2023-Vol19-Issue2
P. 68

64 |                                                                                                           Odey & Marhoon

of images to overcome the issue of over fitting, the most mean-    Where X represents the grey value and h illustrates the image’s
ingful principles adopted in data augmentation are flipping        histogram.
and rotation [19], which is used in our model, where flipping
produces a mirror copy for an original image with bother ver-      T  [  pixel  ]  =  round((  cd  f (x) - cd  f (x)min  ))  *  (L  -  1)  (3)
tical or horizontal axes. Flipping about the horizontal axis is                                 E  * f - cd f  (x)min
preferred due to the upper and lower parts of an image have
not changed.                                                       cd f (x)min is the minimum value of the cumulative distribu-
                                                                   tion function.
    Where in case of rotation the images are rotated right
or left around 10o. The safety of the rotation augmentation            E*f Columns and rows number of images.
technique is determined by the rotation angle, where the in-           L: Grey levels used =256.
censement in the rotation degree may cause the image label
to be not preserved.                                               3) GuassianBlur
                                                                      GuassianBlur is a linear low-pass filter used for blurring,
C. Pre-processing Stage
   Image pre-processing is a multidimensional process, which       smoothing, and eliminating noise in images. The following
                                                                   function can be used to determine the GuassianBlur.
is utilized to get a more enhanced dataset where we manipulate
the smoothing and blurring of our images to make the detec-        G(x, y) =          1                                                    (4)
tion of the desired objects easier and capable under conditions
of noise and lighting issues. Some of the pre-processing                                 x2+y2
techniques are used in our system, first, our images data                          (2p? 2)e 2s2
are converted to grey-scale images then operations like his-
togram equalization, Gaussian blur, and resizing are applied       Where x is the distance from the origin in the horizontal axis.
to our data so that they will get prepared for the next stage          y is the distance from the origin in the vertical axis.
of our system, these techniques are briefly explained below            s is the standard deviation of the Gaussian distribution.
                                                                   4) Image Resize
1) Grey Scale Conversion                                              The resizing operation has a significant role to reduce
   The converting of an image from the colour Red, Green,
                                                                   as well as enhance the image size. Image interpolation is
and Blue (RGB) space to grey-scale space is a process of           achieved in two different ways: by down-sampling or up-
mapping from a higher dimensional vector space into a lower        sampling the image. Choosing a precise interpolation method
dimensional vector space Many linear and nonlinear methods         is essential in various applications.
are utilized for the grey space conversion process. One of
the basic methods is the weighted or luminosity method it          D. Feature Extraction And Expansion
forms a weighted average to account for human perception              Our proposed model is a feature approach, the features
which means that the contribution of the red colour has to be
decreased and increase the contribution of the green colour        are extracted from our data set by utilizing the LDA feature
and put blue colour contribution in between these two.             extraction method, then to improve and increase the number of
                                                                   probabilities to our model the produced features are expanded
GrayScaleImage = ((0.3×R)+(0.59×G)+(0.11×D)) (1)                   by some expansion techniques which are: Mean Min, Max,
                                                                   Standard Deviation and Variance.
2) Histogram Equalization
   Histogram equalization can be considered a method of                The number of features extracted from one image by LDA
                                                                   is (the number of classes -1), in our approach equals 4 since we
contrast enhancement in image processing by means of an            have 5 classes, then the features are expanded by six feature
image’s histogram. It is essential to function in global contrast  expansion techniques so the total features extracted from one
augmentation of the image and intensity adjustment to be           image is 24. So the total number of features extracted from our
better distributed in the histogram, which can allow lower         dataset is 24(which is the total number of features extracted
local areas of contrast to profit from a higher contrast.          from one image) * 2687 (which is the total number of images
                                                                   data set after image augmentation and preprocessing steps).
    More particularly, the histogram is a cumulative distri-
bution function, which is important in computing histogram         1) Linear Discriminant Analysis (LDA) feature extraction
equalization as shown in the following equation.                      Although the linear discriminant analysis LDA technique

            x   (2)                                                mainly projects the high dimensional data into lower dimen-
                                                                   sional space, in this study it is used as a feature extraction
Cd f = ? h(i)                                                      technique since it is applied directly to images. LDA in-
           i=1                                                     tends to minimize the within-class distance and maximize the
                                                                   between-classes distance in the dimensionally reduced space
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