Page 145 - 2023-Vol19-Issue2
P. 145

141 |                                                             Sabeeh & Alfurati

the concept of robotic ”liveliness” following their increased     a novel grabbing mechanism is used, allowing large as well as
usage during the COVID-19 pandemic, thereby contributing          small organs to be handled. The prototype of the telesurgery
to robot geographies. Their conceptualization, which is influ-    system has been built and is undergoing technical testing,
enced by contemporary materialism, came up with the idea          which will be followed by animal clinical trials [39] [40].
of liveliness by considering the agential capabilities of robots
in three different ways: seemingly autonomous technologies,       F. Cleaning and Disinfection Robots
perpetually incomplete and contingent things, and inorganic       Cleaning robots are also recommended as a way of prevent-
and mechanical bodies. They postulated that this concept of       ing human-to-human contact [41]. They have been shown
liveliness provides a method that can further criticize their     to perform ultraviolet surface disinfection in some nations,
use in ”caring” roles, an application that is rapidly emerging    achieving 99.99 % disinfection rates within 15 minutes in hos-
in the area of social robotics. They considered numerous in-      pital wards rooms [12]. Hence, the orders for such cleaning
stances of their usage even during the pandemic to decipher       robots are increasing as their efficiency, safety, and efficacy
the potential for the emergence of robots as ”caring subjects.”   are anticipated to reach 400 – 600 % [41].
They reasoned that the claim to ”care” inside robotics remains
a major reason for more studies to be conducted on its liveli-        The GermFalcon robot was originally developed for avia-
ness. Furthermore, Yang et al. [36] published a study in which    tion hygiene to improve travel safety has UltraViolet-C (UVC)
the authors offered a new telerobotic system for remote care      light [12] that can eliminate superbugs, bacteria, and viruses.
management in isolation wards. That system is made up of          The UVC light also serves as a germicidal add-on for cleaning
two parts: a teleoperation system and a telepresence system.      and disinfection of both civil and industrial areas [42]. The
They expect to prevent infections by limiting interaction be-     central column of the robot also has eight UVC lights with
tween infected individuals and medical personnel. In a study      two extra lamps on top [43]. The mobile base has several
provided by [37] the authors built a novel device, designed       sensors that can avoid obstacles and measure things like the
using Unifed Modelling Language (UML) schemes and was             temperature and humidity of the working environment.
informed by a risk analysis, which highlighted some of its crit-
ical requirements and specifications. As a result, the robotic        A study by Cresswell & Sheikh [44] focused on the eval-
system preferred constructive solution, a robotic-arm frame-      uation of the current generation of robots for cleaning and
work, was built and manufactured utilising computer-aided         disinfecting purposes in healthcare settings. The study noted
design and 3D printing.                                           inefficiencies in the effectiveness of these robots, especially
                                                                  in dealing with the complex environment in schools and care
E. Remote Surgery Robot                                           homes during the pandemic. To improve the performance
                                                                  of cleaning robots, a fuzzy logic-based wall-cleaning robot
   The Research Center for Biomedical Technologies and            was developed [45]. The evaluation study showed that the
Robotics (RCBTR) has begun a large project on the develop-        created fuzzy logic-based robot performed better than the
ment of a laparoscopic telesurgery system. The robot system       conventional ones in various wall settings.
is comprised of a master console that can be operated di-
rectly by the surgeon, as well as three slave robots that are         An indoor adaptive robotic disinfection method was de-
involved in carrying out the procedure on the patient. The        veloped by Hu et al [46] in which the deep learning-based
master console also contains two master robots with a mechan-     object affordance idea was used to map and separate areas
ical interface shaped in the form of a common laparoscopic        with potential contamination. The potentially contaminated
surgery instrument [38]. These mechanical connectors are          area directs the robot’s path, and its short-wavelength UV
used by the surgeon to convey force or motion commands to         light executes the required disinfection operation.
the slave system. While using the robot, the haptic capabil-
ities of the master robots ensure that the robot provides the                IV. RESEARCH DIRECTIONS
surgeon with the force input that facilitates the interactions
between the patients and the slave robots. There are three           As described in Section 3 (Types of medical robots), a sig-
spherical robots in the slave system, each with four degrees of   nificant portion of the literature to date consists of conceptual
freedom and the gripping capability of the laparoscopic tool.     research concepts or proposals, including robotics during the
The laparoscope is manipulated by one of the slave robots.        pandemic. Only a few of them succeeded in developing viable
It provides the surgeon with visual feedback via the master       approaches and implementing them on real robotic systems.
console. Also, a specific laparoscopic end tool is created for    Robotic arms have been widely used in research achievements
the slave robot, which is completely instrumented to allow for    as manipulators and duplicates of human actions, whereas
automatic grasping and safe tissue manipulation. Furthermore,     mobile robots provide the required mobility to facilitate mov-
                                                                  ing processes such as disinfection, cleaning, distribution, etc.
                                                                  Naturally, communication technology is crucial for the human-
                                                                  robot interface. Numerous applications, such as medicine and
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