Page 69 - IJEEE-2022-Vol18-ISSUE-1
P. 69

Jumaa, Abd.ulkhaleq, Nadhim, & Abbas                                                      | 65

installation using Blynk (as mentioned previously)                     Fig. 1: Robot-based gas leakage detector.
notification. Thingspeak IoT platform is used for data
visualization to illustrate the gas level variety which          b) GSM-based gas leakage detector: an LPG gas
performs the gas sensor readings.                                     sensor is used for sensing the leakage and produce
                                                                      the result in Short Message Service (SMS) with
                     II. LITERATURE SURVEY                            help of Arduino Uno to alert humans. The sensor
                                                                      has excellent sensitivity combined with a quick
   In [1], a gas leakage detection system was developed to            requital time and also sense iso-butane, propane,
warn the human from the gas toxic; the warning is a Short             Fig. (2) shows the prototype of GSM based gas
Message Service (SMS) goes to the corresponding person’s              leaks detector.
cellphone using Arduino UNO and SIM900 GSM/GPRS
gateway.                                                          Gas    Arduino   LCD
                                                                 Sensor    Uno    Buzzer
   In [2], the researcher designed a gas detection leakage
they proposed that if any leakage is sensed through the gas      Flame             Fan
sensor, a SMS will be sent automatically to the                  Sensor           Valve
corresponding persons or family member using GSM. Their
system has an added function to measure the weight of the                GPS/GS
LPG cylinder and displayed on the LCD display. If the                       M
quantity of the gas cylinder is less or equal to10kg, it will
automatically book the LPG cylinder by sending an SMS to                 Module
the dealer. Also when the weight of the LPG cylinder comes
down to 0.5 Kg, it alerts the persons in the house by SMS to     Fig. 2: Robot-based gas leakage detector.
change the cylinder.
                                                                 c) IoT-based gas leakage detector: in this type of gas
   In [5], the author had developed a system capable of               leak detection, ESP2866 nodeMCU is usually used
measuring the amount of gases in ppm and percentage to                as a microcontroller and a wifi module.
save the human body from the various toxic gases and                  This system records the value of the LPG leak level
hazardous elements or chemicals or compound consisting in             on an IoT platform –which could be a cloud
the atmosphere. In his proposed system, he used Arduino               platform of application platform- and the awareness
Uno R3, nRF24L01Plus Wireless Transceiver Module, and                 message is sent to the smartphone through the wifi
the MQ2 gas sensor and the results was monitoring at the              on an IoT application such as Blynk IoT
receiver side using Arduino IDE serial monitoring.                    application. Fig. (3) illustrates this prototype.

   In [6], the author proposed an IoT based gas detection
prototype using Proteus design suite. He depends the Blink
IoT platform for data visualization. He concludes the system
said that the proposed technique wirelessly transfers alert
notification to the user and therefore the user can easily
connect the devices through a Smartphone from any location.


There are several different techniques to design a gas leakage
detector, the most popular techniques are as follows:

     a) Robots-based gas leakage detector: it is an
          automatic gas detection and indication robot. The
          prototype depicts a mini mobile robot that is
          capable to detect gas leakage in hazardous places.
          Whenever a gas leakage occurs in a particular place,
          the robot directly reads the data and sends it to the
          android mobile via a wireless connection such as
          Bluetooth. An android application for Android-
          based smartphones could be used, which can
          receive data from robots directly through Bluetooth.
          The application warns with an indication whenever
          there is an occurrence of gas leakage. Fig. (1)
          illustrates this prototype.
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