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Jumaa, Abd.ulkhaleq, Nadhim, & Abbas                                     | 69

Fig. 11: Thingspeak IoT platform visualization for gas sensor readings.

                                                                NodeMCU microcontroller also makes the system cheaper.
                                                                Quick access and control makes the system very useful.

                                                                   In addition, this paper presents a gas leakage detection
                                                                system using two IoT platforms; Blynk IoT application to
                                                                alarm the regarding person and the Thingspeak IoT cloud for
                                                                data recording and visualization.

                                                                                     CONFLICT OF INTEREST

                                                                   The authors have no conflict of relevant interest to this

Fig. 12: Thingspeak’s channel1/field1 visualization for gas                                 REFERENCES
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