Page 70 - IJEEE-2022-Vol18-ISSUE-1
P. 70

66 |                                                                               Jumaa, Abd.ulkhaleq, Nadhim, & Abbas

      Fig. 3: IoT-based gas leakage detector.                                       V. METHODOLOGY

            IV. PROPOSED SYSTEM COMPONENTS                            When a gas leak occurs, which is detected by a gas
                                                             sensor MQ-2, it will send data to the controller (ESP8266)
     In this research, the hardware components (Gas Sensor   via the controller analog port (A0) as illustrated in Fig. (4).
MQ-2, Wi-Fi Node MCU ESP8266, Fan, Power Supply 9V,          Then the controller (ESP8266) will send a warning text
Buzzer, Relay, Buttery 3.3v to 5v, red LED and green LED,    message alerting the occurrence of a gas leak via (Wi-Fi)
Transistor B514, Breadboard, 200 ohms resistors) were used   technology in conjunction with Blynk Application which
along with Blynk Application.                                works on Android and IOS operating systems, the proposed
                                                             system used IOS Blynk App. At the same time, the buzzer
     The following subsections describe the details of the   will be on for an alarming, by connecting it to the
proposed system. Table (1) below review the components,      microcontroller digital port (D5), and the fan will be
their quantity, and price in IQD.                            working to change the air of the place and get rid of leaking
                                                             gas. A transistor works in the form of a switch that turning
                       TABLE 1                               on and off low loads, when the circuit is closed -while the
                                                             red LED is on- the relay is turning on and off the high loads,
List of required hardware opponents, quantity and price in   where the high load performs the fan. The flowchart of the
                                                             proposed system is shown in Fig. (5).
                                                                               VI. WORKING PRINCIPLES
      Component              Quantity          Price
                                                               Following subsections describe the working principles of
      ESP8266 nodemcu           1 13000                     the proposed system’s parts.

      MQ2 gas sensor            1 5000                           a) Blynk Platform
                                                                      The Internet of Things (IoT) connects devices and
T09D060-2D1 power supply        1              8000
                                                                 tools to the internet network to be controlled remotely
      92*92*25mm fan            1 3000                           through websites and smartphone applications, as well
                                                                 as to control tools and instruments by means of codes
      Buzzer                    1 1000                           and algorithms structures for artificial intelligence
                                                                 issues. IoT is used for smart home controlling to operate
      Normally-open relay 1 2000                                 lamps or other home-use devices, it can also be used as
                                                                 a security system or as an industrial-use system. For
      9 volts battery           1 3000                           example, to open or close the main building gate, to
                                                                 operate a fully automatic industrial machine, or even to
      Bread board               1 3000                           control internet and communication ports. More ideas
                                                                 can be done using IoT technology. Huge industrial
      LEDs                      2 1000                           facilities or governmental institutions have many lamps.
                                                                 Employees sometimes forget to turn them off at the end
      Transistor                1 2000                           of the day. Energy could be saved by letting the security
                                                                 control lighting of the building with IoT clouds or
      Resistor                  1 250                            applications.

      Wires                     16 3000

                                   Fig. 4: Circuit Diagram of the Proposed System.
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