Page 29 - IJEEE-2022-Vol18-ISSUE-1
P. 29

Atiyah & Ali                                                                                                                                                                                | 25

comparison, elastic transformation, optical distortion to                                  ???????????? =  ???????? ????????????????                                                        (8)
extend the input picture and provide further information for
the model to be learned. Firstly, before we begin training our                                             ???????? ????????????????+?????????? ????????????????
model, we need to establish the learning process. An
optimizer, a loss function, and some metrics such as F1 score                              7) Specificity: Specificity is the measure of how many true
and IoU score have to be specified, optionally. In this study,                             negatives are predicted out of all actual negative in the
the segmentation was based on the U-Net with ResNet50                                      dataset
encoder architecture.
                                                                                                           ?????????????????????? =   ???????? ????????????????                             (9)

                                                                                                                                     ???????? ????????????????+?????????? ????????????????

G. Performance Metrics

1) IoU Score: “The intersection of the ground truth with the                                                IV. RESULTS & DISCUSSIONS

prediction segmentation by the place of union between the                                      Segmentation capabilities for the accuracy, dice loss, IoU
                                                                                           score, F1 score, precision, recall, and specificity are analyzed
ground truth (actual data) and the prediction segmentation                                 and implemented in the proposed architectures. The network
is divided between the ground truth” It is a useful metric to                              is trained in a batch size of 16 for 200 epochs. In this study
                                                                                           comparative analysis of region-based segmentation and
determine the intersection of two masks or bounding boxes                                  edge-based segmentation using U-Net with ResNet50
                                                                                           encoder, architecture is performed.
                                                                                               The performance metrics of architectures are presented
                 ?????? = (???????????? ????????h n????????????????????)              (2)  in Table I. In the edge-based segmentation model, the U-Net
                                                                                           with ResNet-50 encoder architecture achieved the dice loss
                              (???????????? ????????h ?????????????????????)               score of 0.008768, IoU score of 0.7542, f1 score of 0.9870,
                                                                                           the accuracy of 0.9935, the precision of 0.9852, recall of 0.
2) F1 Score: “The harmonic mean of recall and precision”                                   9888, and specificity of 0.9951. Figure 6 shows the learning
                                                                                           curve and Fig. 8 shows the prediction of the region-based
is used to get the f1 score[15]. F1 score is also known as                                 segmentation model.

the dice score.                                                                                The U-Net with ResNet-50 encoder architecture
                                                                                           achieved the dice loss score of 0.009538, IoU score of
              F1 ?????????? = 2 × (?????????????????? × ????????????)                 (3)  0.7375, f1 score of 0.9846, the accuracy of 0.9923, precision
                                                                                           of 0.9807, recall of 0.9886, and specificity of 0.9935 in the
                                            (??????????????????+????????????)              region-based segmentation model. Figure 7 shows the
                                                                                           learning curve and Fig. 9 shows the prediction of the region-
An f1 score can have the highest possible value of 1.0,                                    based segmentation model. When the results of edge-based
                                                                                           and regional segmentation architecture are compared, edge-
which indicates perfect recall and precision, and a lowest                                 based segmentation is better in all performance metrics.

possible value of 0 if either recall or precision is zero.                                     For training a model, the training parameters are the most
                                                                                           relevant factor. It is therefore essential to use the same
3) Dice Loss: Prevalent loss function is based on the dice                                 dataset and set all training parameters in the same manner. It
                                                                                           can be used for image segmentation after the network is
coefficient for image segmentation tasks. Dice loss is                                     trained. The segment images using the trained model take
                                                                                           only a few seconds. On the other hand, it may take hours to
calculated by subtracting the dice coefficient from 1.                                     manually segment tumors by clinicians. The image
                                                                                           segmentation procedures suggested helps doctors diagnose a
       ???????? ???????? = 1 - ???????? ??????????????????????                        (4)  brain tumor quickly and accurately so that many people can
                                                                                           perhaps save their lives.
“By multiplying the area of intersection by the total number
                                                                                               Table II illustrates the comparison of the results of the
of pixels in both images, the dice coefficient is computed”                                proposed edge-based segmentation using U-Net with
                                                                                           ResNet50 architecture with some state-of-the-art methods. In
[16]. The Dice coefficient is calculated as follows:                                       its comparison with the proposed model with the results from
                                                                                           the previous researches, shows that the proposed
                 ???????? = 2 × | ??n?? |                                             (5)  segmentation model performed well with the highest
                                                                                           accuracy of 99.35% and a dice score of 98.70%.
                                                                                               This study proposed an automatic method to segment the
|AnB| signifies the elements that are common in sets A and                                 brain tumor using a 2D network. So the architecture lacks a
                                                                                           significant degree of semantics and local features between
B, and |A| denotes the set A's number of elements. The                                     the pieces. This is the limitation of this study.

same holds true for set B.

When measuring a dice coefficient on predicted

segmentation masks, we may estimate |A n B| as the

element-wise multiplication of the prediction and target

masks and then sum the resultant matrix.

4)Accuracy: Accuracy is the ratio of correctly predicted

observations to the total observations.                                               (6)
                   ???????????????? = (????+????)


Where TP is True Positive, FP is False Positive, TN is a True

Negative, and FN is False Negative

5) Precision: Precision is the ratio of correctly predicted

positive observations to the total predicted positive


       ?????????????????? =  ???????? ????????????????                                (7)

                             (???????? ????????????????+?????????? ????????????????)

6) Recall (Sensitivity): The recall is the ratio of correctly
predicted positive observations to all positive observations.
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