Page 32 - IJEEE-2022-Vol18-ISSUE-1
P. 32

Received: 06 September 2021            Revised: 15 November 2021  Accepted: 18 November 2021
DOI: 10.37917/ijeee.18.1.4
                                                                                              Vol. 18| Issue 1| June 2022
                                                                                                                       ? Open Access

Iraqi Journal for Electrical and Electronic Engineering

Review Article

Facial Modelling and Animation: An Overview of The
                         State-of-The Art

                                               Samia Dawood Shakir*, Ali A. Al-Azza
                             Department of Electrical Engineering, University of Basrah, Basra, Iraq

* Samia Dawood Shakir
Department of Electrical Engineering,
University of Basrah, Basra, Iraq

Animating human face presents interesting challenges because of its familiarity as the face is the part utilized to recognize
individuals. This paper reviewed the approaches used in facial modeling and animation and described their strengths and
weaknesses. Realistic face animation of computer graphic models of human faces can be hard to achieve as a result of the
many details that should be approximated in producing realistic facial expressions. Many methods have been researched to
create more and more accurate animations that can efficiently represent human faces. We described the techniques that have
been utilized to produce realistic facial animation. In this survey, we roughly categorized the facial modeling and animation
approach into the following classes: blendshape or shape interpolation, parameterizations, facial action coding system-based
approaches, moving pictures experts group-4 facial animation, physics-based muscle modeling, performance driven facial
animation, visual speech animation.
KEYWORDS: Blendshape, MPEG-4, Facial animation, Visual speech, Physics-based.

                         I. INTRODUCTION                          strength and weakness. In this survey we pay attention to
                                                                  more recent methods, which permit the construction of
      Facial modelling and animation denote to methods of         highly realistic results. Also, the survey provides a historical
representing the face graphically on a computer system and        view on the progress of these methods.
animating the face in a manner consistent with real human
movement. This is considered one of the most difficult                  There are limited studies or detailed historical
functions undertaken in the area of animation, because of         treatments of the topic. This review described facial
many issues. Firstly, because most of people experience           modelling and animation methods. Categorizing face
several natural human interactions daily, humans are capable      modelling and animation methods is a hard task, because
at recognizing unnatural face activities. Therefore, the          groupings are complex by the lack of exact boundaries
smallest changeability in an animated face directly notifies      between techniques and the fact that current methods often
the observer and the animation loses its naturalism. The          integrate several approaches to produce better results. In this
human facial is a complicated system of a large number of         review, we categorize facial modelling and animation
muscles that require to be skillfully coordinated to consider     methods into the following classes: blendshape or shape
actual. Another issue that shares to the difficulty of            interpolation, parameterisations, facial action coding system-
modelling and animation of the human facial is its variety.       based approaches, moving pictures experts group-4 facial
Diverse people have various face features, produced by            animation, physics-based muscle modelling, performance
various bone structures and muscle proportions. Facial            driven facial animation, visual speech animation. Fig. 1
animation has been widely used in medicine, education,            displays the overview of facial animation methods that
military, entertainment and many other fields.                    begins from input, facial modelling, facial animation and
                                                                  output as simulation and rendering.
      Considerable advancement has been occurred by the
researchers from the computer graphics community, which               II. FACIAL MODELLING AND ANIMATION METHODS
have developed a large number of methods to generate high
quality facial models. But, despite of this advancement, the        A. Blendshape
computer synthesised human face animation still needs
costly resources. This paper goals at providing a                       There are a number of methods to facial animation.
comprehensive review for the existing methods in the area of      These include key framing utilising blendshapes or shape
face modelling and animation, giving analysis to their            interpolation, performance-driven animation, parameterised

This is an open access article under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits use, distribution and
reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
© 2021 The Authors. Iraqi Journal for Electrical and Electronic Engineering by College of Engineering, University of Basrah.                                                        28
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