Page 75 - 2024-Vol20-Issue2
P. 75

71 |                                                                                                           Shukir

The effective values of voltage and current (r.m.s)                 2. Apply Fuzzy Operator: the fuzzy operator (AND/
                                                                       OR) is applied to obtain one number that represents the
V and I (r.m.s) = DCvvalues                          (23)              result of the antecedent (an input fuzzy set represented
                            2                                          by a membership function) for the input that has more
                                                                       than one part.
The efficiency of the converter and inverter is 80%, the duty
cycle of the boost converter is between (0.8 – 0.85) for stability  3. Apply Implication Method: The consequent (an out-
operation of the converter [12], and the modulation index of           put fuzzy set represented by a membership function)
the inverter (m) is between (0 – 1) [13]. The inductor and             is reshaped using a function associated with the an-
capacitor of the boost converter is determined depending on            tecedent. Fig. 4 shows the implication process.
the equations [11, 14]:

L     =  Vi(Vo -Vi)                                  (24)           4. Aggregate All Outputs: Aggregation is the process by
          fs · ?I ·Vo                                                  which the consequent of each rule are combined into a
                                                                       single fuzzy set.

       C = Io(Vo -Vi)                                (25)           5. Deffuzification: The input of the defuzzification pro-
              fs · ?v ·Vo                            (26)              cess is the aggregate of the consequent of all rules. The
                                                                       most popular defuzzification method is the centroid
Where:                                                                 calculation, which returns the center of area under the
       Current ripple(?I) = 5% of the input current                    curve as obvious in Fig. 5.

                                                                    If µc is defined with continuous membership function, the
                                                                    center of gravity is:

Voltage ripple(?V ) = 1% of the output voltage (27)                 Center of Gravity = µc(x) · x dx           (28)
                                                                                                 µc(x) dx
               Input voltage = 96 V,                                And if µc is defined with discrete membership function, the
               Input current = 128 A,                               center of gravity is:
     Initial duty cycle (D) = 83%,
             Output voltage = 452 V,                                Center  of  Gravity  =  ?ni=1 µc(xi) · xi  (29)
             Output current = 17.4 A,                                                        ?in=1 µc(xi)
Switching frequency ( fsb) = 5 kHz,
       Current Ripple(?I) = 6.4 A,                                  The membership function that used in control theory is a
       Voltage Ripple(?V ) = 4.52 V,                                Gaussian membership function which shown in Fig. 6, and it
                                                                    is defined by [17]:
                             L = 2.36 mH,                           µ(x, c, s, m) = a exp   -1   x-c m         (30)
                             C = 606 µF.                                                      2    s

                                                                    Here: c is the center, s represents width, and m is fuzzification
                                                                    factor (e.g., m = 2).

         V. FUZZY LOGIC CONTROLLER                                  VI. THE MEMBERSHIP FUNCTIONS AND THE
                                                                             SET OF LINGUISTIC RULES OF THE
The general construction of the FLC consists of five steps [15]                            CONTROLLERS
[16]: Fuzzify Inputs, Apply Fuzzy Operator, Apply Implica-
tion Method, Aggregate All Outputs, and Deffuzification.            A. DC Voltage Regulator Controller
                                                                    The fuzzy logic controller of error and change of error consists
   1. Fuzzify Inputs: It converts a crisp input signal, er-         of 3 linguistic variables as shown in Fig. 7. In output there
       ror and change of error into fuzzy set by membership         are 5 linguistic variables as shown in Fig. 8. The rules linking
       functions, the output is a fuzzy degree of membership        among input signals (error and change of error) and output
       functions (0 -1).                                            signal for the dc voltage regulator is as depicted in Table II,
                                                                    Where; N negative, Z zero, P positive, SN small negative, MN
                                                                    medium negative, SP small positive, MP medium positive.
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