Page 7 - 2024-Vol20-Issue2
P. 7
3| Yousif, Hameed & Al-Zuhairi
weak security because of applying low dimensional chaotic method contributions are listed as follows: (1) Using three
map. Two layers of encryption are executed on the actual different ciphering technologies for image encryption: zigzag
image by Zhiqiang et al in 2022 [32] to increase the system scan technique, RSA algorithm, and chaotic systems to ame-
security. The first layer encrypts the specified image, whereas liorate the cryptosystem security. (2) Enhancing significantly
the second layer encrypts the whole image. Nehal et al in the shuffling process of original image pixels by applying
2022 [33] performed the encoding/decoding processes by im- modified zigzag scan in two different directions. (3) Adopting
plementing Chen system and 3D quantum chaotic map. High confusion-diffusing architecture in order to withstand known
chaotic dimensional systems are used to ensure the image cryptographic attacks. (4) Employing high dimensions chaotic
information security during transmission. systems to improve the method robustness against exhaustive
attacks by increasing the key space size. The proposed TIC al-
Muhammad et al in 2023 [34] studied an image cryptosys- gorithm performance is evaluated on different input grayscale
tem by using multiple chaotic maps. Confusion and diffusion images using many assessment metrics such as statistical anal-
stages are exploited to break the association among neigh- ysis, differential analysis, exhaustive analysis, computational
boring pixels in the original image. Kiran et al in 2023 [35] speed analysis, and robustness analysis. The outcomes of
described the manipulation of pixel value/position by apply- these tests point out the efficacy and superiority of the pro-
ing chaos theory and SCAN technology. This mechanism is posed algorithm thereby it can be used for image security
implemented on medical images to protect the sensitive infor- applications.
mation of patients during transferring over public channels.
Finally, an image ciphering approach is designed by Ammar II. MAIN THEORY OF THE PROPOSED
in 2023 [36] to encrypt the gray image. This cryptosystem is ALGORITHM
based on Pascal’s matrix and 7D hyper-chaotic system. The
plain image is initially permuted via the chaotic system. Then, A. Modified Zigzag Scan
the diffusion stage is realized via the Pascal’s matrix. The The typical zigzag scan technique is a well-known standard
suggested approach is assessed by using many various metrics method for matrix transforming from two dimensions to one-
such as histogram and correlation analysis. dimension vector. By employing this technique, the adjacency
relationship among pixels in the plain image is ruined thereby
Based upon the above survey and to conquer the secu- ameliorating the security degree of the cryptosystem. In the
rity flaws in several image encryption schemes, such as time two dimensions image, the adjacent pixels are extremely cor-
consumption, inadequate security, attacks immunity, and key related, whereas in the one-dimension vector, these pixels
space limitation, an effective image ciphering algorithm that are vastly dispersed and separated [16, 22, 37]. The position
combines zigzag scan technology with RSA cryptosystem and of starting pixel is quite significant in the matrix for zigzag
high dimensional chaotic systems is designed in this article. permutation; different positions can produce different permu-
Firstly, the input image is partitioned to equal blocks, each tation results [24]. For example, if the zigzag scan in Fig.
of size 8 × 8. Then, these blocks are separated into odd and 1b is implemented on the 4 × 4 sub-image in Fig. 1a and
even blocks according to their index. Next, both odd and the position of starting pixel is located at the first row-first
even blocks are scrambled using a modified zigzag scan but
in opposite directions. The modification includes changing TABLE I.
the starting pixel location of the zigzag scan for each block NOMENCLATURE AND ABBREVIATIONS LIST
depending on chaotic sequences. This step increases the per-
mutation degree such that a newly mutated image is built. Nomenclature Abbreviation
Secondly, after the scrambling phase, the RSA public key sys- RSA Rivest-Shamir-Adleman
tem is exploited so as to cipher the produced image. Finally, DES Data Encryption Standard
in order to accomplish the encryption phase, chaotic maps AES Advanced Encryption Standard
with high dimensions are applied on the resultant ciphered DH
image to perform the confusion-diffusion stages. 2D Duff- XOR Diffie–Hellman
ing map is adopted for the pixels confusion process, while DNA Exclusive-OR
3D Lu¨ system is employed for the pixels diffusion process 2D Deoxyribonucleic Acid
to earn the eventual ciphered image. Integrating these two 3D Two dimensions
processes effectively improves the encryption performance. 7D Three dimensions
Thus, the proposed TIC algorithm can successfully cipher Kd Seven dimensions
the input images and safeguard their information. The en- S-box k-dimensional
crypted image can be readily retrieved by the receiver as soon Substitution-box
as he obtains the secret keys from the sender. The presented