Page 6 - 2024-Vol20-Issue2
P. 6

2|                                                                 Yousif, Hameed & Al-Zuhairi

ric or asymmetric schemes are not proper for digital image         aoheng et al in 2013 [17] via applying permutation/diffusion
encryption because these techniques need high computation          architecture of hyper-chaotic system. Qiang et al in 2013 [18]
time, power and cost to execute complex processing processes       utilized four dimensional Chen system and DNA operations
like permutation/diffusion operations. Therefore, it is hard for   for image encryption/decryption. The image in binary form is
these algorithms to meet the online communication demands          encoded via DNA encoder before scrambling it by the chaotic
when dealing with the properties of digital image such as bulk     sequences. An image cryptosystem is presented by Borislav
data capacity and strong correlation among pixels [7, 8]. To       and Krasimir in 2014 [19] based on Chebyshev and Duffing
face these challenges, it is requisite to evolve hybrid security   chaotic maps by employing permutation/substitution struc-
methods that integrate traditional ciphering schemes and new       ture. To increase the randomness degree, 2D Baker chaotic
encryption technologies to build high efficiently and securely     map and cyclic shift technique in wavelet domain is imple-
algorithms. Lately, many various encryption approaches have        mented by Ensherah et al in 2014 [20] to protect the image
been presented such as chaos-based schemes [1, 7–14]. These        content during storage and transmission. In order to reduce
algorithms provide an optimum balance between efficiency           the processing time, Hongye et al in 2016 [21] introduced
and security.                                                      an image encryption method by exploiting high dimensional
                                                                   chaotic system and DNA coding/splicing model to modify the
    Chaotic system is a dynamic, nonlinear, disordered and de-     information of image drastically.
terministic system [10,15]. These systems have several promi-
nent features that are closely linked to cryptographic systems         A simple encryption scheme is proposed by Shrija and
such as ergodicity, high sensitiveness to initial and control pa-  Mohammad in 2017 [22] by adopting scan language for ci-
rameters values, non-periodicity, etc. [9, 10]. The structure of   phering both color and gray images of different formats. The
pseudo-random sequences generated by the chaotic systems           use of XOR operation between the original and key images
is extremely complicated and difficult to be predicted or ana-     in this scheme yields an encryption with a low security level.
lyzed. Hence, utilizing these distinct chaotic properties in the   Xiuli et al in 2017 [23] integrated DNA computing and a new
cryptography leads to developing new and efficient methods         two dimensions chaotic map to encrypt the plaintext image
for providing image security during transmission over sharing      so as to increase the complexity and security of the suggested
networks or any communication channel.                             approach. Another encryption method is suggested by Xiuli
                                                                   et al in 2018 [24] by employing a hybrid encryption approach
    The exemplary ciphers rely upon the chaotic systems can        via jointing compressive sensing, chaotic system and cellular
be categorized into two major phases: confusion and diffusion.     automata mechanism in order to cipher the original image.
In the confusion phase, the pixels positions of the original       The problem in this method is that the time required to obtain
image are changed, while in the diffusion phase, the pixels        the optimal solution is long. Nasrullah et al in 2018 [25] de-
values are altered. The confusion process has good ciphering       scribed an encryption-compression method for digital images
result, but the histogram of the plaintext image is still analo-   by merging chaotic maps with Kd-tree and set partitioning
gous to that of the cipher image, which makes the algorithm        technologies. The two stages: confusion and diffusion of
security threaten by the statistical analysis. For promoting       new 2D chaotic map are mixed by Xiaoling and Guodong in
the confusion phase, the diffusion process is proposed in or-      2018 [26] to design a secure image cryptosystem.
der to ameliorate the security level [13]. Several researchers
have merged these two stages to enhance the security of ci-            An encryption system is explained by Zhenjun et al in
phering schemes. However, there are still some challenges          2019 [7] based on Henon, Lu chaotic maps in addition to spi-
that demand to be faced when utilizing chaos theory in the         ral scan and random block partition mechanisms. Piecewise
cryptography field. For example, some researchers apply one        and Henon mapping are combined by Chunyuan and Qun
dimension chaotic maps in their ciphering algorithms. These        in 2020 [27] to build a new 3D chaotic system for encrypt-
maps produce one simple expected chaotic orbit. So, the op-        ing color images. Jannatul et al in 2021 [28] encrypted the
ponent can facilely get the system parameters/initial values       input image such as miscellaneous or medical image by adopt-
of the chaotic system. Additionally, one dimension maps            ing two chaotic maps: Arnold and Logistic maps. Multiple
suffer from weakened security and small key space. There-          chaotic maps along with XOR operation and S-box method
fore, employing higher dimensional chaotic systems raises the      are applied by Tahir and Rashid in 2022 [29] to construct a
nonlinearity thereby improving the algorithm security [1, 6].      different image encryption algorithm.

    Various techniques have been developed by researchers              Xinyu et al in 2022 [30] encrypted various sorts of images
in recent years for image encryption. Reza et al in 2013 [16]      such as 2D and 3D images via scrambling-diffusion processes
utilized scan pattern technology and XOR function for image        of 3D neuron chaotic model. A new study is designed by Nir-
encryption after dividing the input image into several blocks.     mal et al in 2022 [31] relied upon AES and chaotic approaches
To enhance the security, the plain image is enciphered by Xi-      for digital image encryption. This method is characterized by
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