Page 10 - 2024-Vol20-Issue2
P. 10

6|                                                                                Yousif, Hameed & Al-Zuhairi

                        Fig. 2. Block Diagram of The Suggested Encryption Scheme

after determining the initial conditions/system parameters       layer separately to get the three ciphered images. The ulti-
values (x0, y0, a, b).                                           mate step is concatenating them to acquire the final encrypted
Step 12: Reshape x and y to the same size of matrix F to         image E2(m, m, 3).
                                                                 In addition, the proposed work is applied on images of equal
generate the two matrices x1,y1, then x1 and y1 are sorted in    dimensions, A(m, m). But if the input image is not square,
ascending order:                                                 A(m, n), then a particular technique (interpolation technique)
                                                                 should be applied to avoid falling-off out of range during split-
[L1, d1] = sort(x1), [L2, d2] = sort(y1)  (6)                    ting the image into (8×8) non-overlapping blocks. Algorithm
                                                                 1 illustrates the encryption steps of the proposed cryptosystem
where d1, d2 represent the new sequences, and L1,L2 denote       with more details.
the index values of d1 and d2, respectively.
Step 13: Choose (L1) combination for shuffling F to get the      B. Decryption Procedure
confused image E1as:                                             The procedure of image decryption can be executed by apply-
                                                                 ing the encryption stages in the inverted order. The receiver
E1(i, j) = F(L1(i, j))                    (7)                    gets the correct secret keys from the sender. The deciphered
                                                                 image is gained according to contrary process of the above
Step 14: Choose u of Lu¨ chaotic sequence to perform the         explained steps. The decryption process begins from the en-
diffusion process after reshaping it to the same size of matrix  crypted image E2 and finishes up with the original image
E1 to generate u1 matrix. The diffused image E2 is generated     A.
according to the formula:
                                                                       IV. IMPLEMENTATION RESULTS AND
E2(i, j) = E1(i, j) ? u1(i, j)            (8)                                       SECURITY ANALYSIS

where E2 represents the earned ciphered image. If the plain      The experiments of encryption-decryption operations of TIC
image is a color image (RGB image), A(m, m, 3), then A is        algorithm are implemented using MATLAB (R2013a), 64-bit
divided into three layers: R(m, m),G(m, m) and B(m, m). Af-      Windows 7, on HP personal Laptop computer with Proces-
ter this, the encryption Steps (1-14) are implemented on each    sor Intel (CORE i3), 4 GB RAM memory, and 2.40GHz
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