Page 82 - 2023-Vol19-Issue2
P. 82

78 |                                                                                                                                            Hamed & Yassin

       VCU' i and then computes ECertUi = EncSKU' i (CertUi ) and                                         •  CdIDeHcA'rSUykipictshinseguckcrcsi' eI=sDsDUfuiel=c,?SCIKDHUiA'S(UEkiU;reii)fs.ttohreevserraifnicdaotmionnuofmIbDeUri  =?
       sends (ECertUi ,CHU i) to CHSk as a second factor.                                                                                                                                                                           by

     • CHSk computes CHU' i = H(CertUi ? VCUi ) and com-                                                  • CHSk computes PWA''Ui = H(H(PWUi ) ? ri') and com-
       pares CHU i =? CHU' i. If so, a user is authenticated at the                                         pares E(H(Ui)) =? gPWA'Ui hri' modN. If so, CHSk gener-
       same time. Then, CHSk computes SKUi = SKUi ?VCUi
       and decrypts CertU' i = DecSKU''i (ECertUi ). Therefore, our                                         ates and encrypts verification code (VCUi )EU i = EncSKUi
       proposed scheme achieves mutual authentication be-                                                   (VCUi ) and generates QRU i that contains the encrypted
                                                                                                            verification code (VCUi ). Then, CHSk sends QRU i to
       tween the two entities (Ui,CHSK). Otherwise, it rejects                                              Ui.
       the current phase.

     Proposition 2. Our proposed scheme can support user                                                      As a result, the primitive parameters of (IDA' Ui , EH(Ui), EUi )
                                                                                                          generate once, and CHSk cannot link many logins with the
anonymity.                                                                                                same Ui. Therefore, the proposed scheme can provide unlink-
     Proof. If an attacker tries to eavesdrop on the user’s

login request, he cannot obtain the user’s identity from the

crypto hash function since it is embedded with ri, which is                                               Proposition 5. Our proposed scheme is resistant to replay

not identified to the attacker. Additionally, ri generates once                                           attacks.

for each user’s login request. In the login and authentication                                            Proof. In a replay attack, an adversary intercepts the
phase, Ui sends (ID'AUi , EH(Ui), EUi ) to CHSK. Thus, it has
been encrypted by shared key SKUi that was known by Ui and                                                login message delivered by a legitimate user to the CHSk and
                                                                                                          replays it back to the attacker. Then, the adversary reuses
CHSK. Therefore, it is difficult for an attacker to reveal the
                                                                                                          this message to impersonate the user when logging into the
user’s identity, and he cannot restore the shared key that is

generated once for each user’s login request. This indicates                                              system in the next session. In our proposed scheme, each
                                                                                                          new login request should be identical to CHSk' s parameters
that our proposed scheme can support user anonymity.                                                      (ID'AUi , EH(Ui), EUi , ECertUi ,CHU i), and he will be unable to
                                                                                                          use these parameters again for logging into the system, as
     Proposition 3. Our proposed scheme can ensure forward


    Proof. The popular session key relies on SKUi used in                                                 these parameters are generated once based on ri for each
the login and authentication phase. Our proposed scheme                                                   user’s login request and he will be unable to get ri. Therefore,
                                                                                                          an adversary cannot pass any replayed message to the CHSk
protects the password even when the shared key SKUi is dis-                                               verification. Moreover, our approach can resist this attack
closed or leaked. If the shared key SKUi is revealed by the
adversary, the authentication of the system is not impressed                                              without synchronization clocks. Therefore, an adversary will

to affection of attackers’ behaviors, and he cannot use this                                              fail to apply this type of attack .

key in the next login phase since the shared key is generated                                             Proposition 6. Our proposed scheme can resist MITM

once based on VCUi . Furthermore, it is extremely difficult                                               attacks.
for an adversary to derive PWA'Ui and random number ri, as
well as the attribute of the crypto one-way hash function                                                 Proof. An MITM attack intercepts a conversation be-

                                                                                                          tween the parties to the communication. The conversation ap-

PeaWvAe'Usdi =ropHa(lHl t(rPaWnsUmi )it?terdi)m. Aesdsdaigteiosn(aIlDly'A,Uiif,  an  adversary can        pears normal for both parties; however, all the information ex-
                                                                                 E(  HUi), EUi ), he
                                                                                                          changed passes through the attacker, and he can eavesdrop or

will be unable to use these parameters again for logging into                                             modify and re-send. We assume that the attacker has obtained
                                                                                                          (ID'AUi , EH(Ui), EUi ) and modified it as (IDA'*Ui , EH(Ui)*, EUi *);
the system, as these parameters are generated once for each

user’s login request. Therefore, our proposed scheme ensures                                              the modified parameters do not work, as CHSk verifies the
                                                                                                          ID'*AUi                                           that (IDA' Ui
perfect forward secrecy.                                                                                  ID'*AUi   that was sent by the Ui, and finds      EH(Ui), EUi )                                                           =?
                                                                                                                   ). Additionally, the message (IDA' Ui ,                                                                          is
     Proposition 4. Our proposed scheme can provide unlink-

ability.                                                                                                  generated once for each login phase. Thus, the proposed

     Proof. This feature verifies that a user can attempt several                                         scheme does not allow MITM attacks .

logins to the CHSK to consume resources/services without                                                  Proposition 7. Our proposed scheme is resistant to eaves-

others being able to connect the logins together to identify the                                          dropping.

person. In the proposed scheme, each time Ui wants to log into                                            Proof. This is the process of intercepting and examining
     psryismteitmiv,ehceomsupbomnietnsts(IoDf A'(UIDi , EA' UHi (,UEi)H,(EUUi)i,)E)Utio)
the                                                                                       CH   SK. Thus,  messages to extract information from them. All parameters
the                                                                                       are  generated
                                                                                                          exchanged between Ui and CHSk are the parameters used
once for each login phase by using the following points:                                                  only once (IDA' Ui , EH(Ui), EUi , ri, SKUi andVCUi ); therefore, if
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