Page 79 - 2023-Vol19-Issue2
P. 79

75 |                                                                                                                Hamed & Yassin

    • Step4. Upon receiving the information in Step 3, CHSk                                returns the result R to the server CHSK' using the fol-
       computes CHU' i = H(CertUi ? VCUi ) and compare be-                                 lowing function.
       tween CHUi =? CHU' i . If so, CHSk accepts the user’s
       login request and allows him to use the resources and                               R=  (H (rWi'  CertWi ))  if Wi is registered
       services of system based on his privileges. Then, CHSk                                  (H (rWi'  0))        if Wi isnot registered
       computes SKUi = SKUi ? VCUi and decrypts CertU' i =
       DecSKU''i (ECertUi ) . Otherwise, he rejects the current                            As a result, HCA detects Wi’s institution CHSk based
       phase.                                                                              on his certificate CertWi . It sends (R, IDCHSk ) to CHSK' .

    Note: Now the user can work according to the his privi-                                • Step6. CHSK' receives this message challenge, it can
leges granted to him from administor (doctor, administrator).                                verify the patient by comparing HrWi ?CertWi with R.
                                                                                             When the above parameters are not valid, CHSK' notifies
C. EHR Migration Phase                                                                       the patient to register at a public healthcare center or

In this phase, the patient wishes to receive medical treatment                               checks his authority with his medical institution CHSk
in a certain institution CHSK' , which does not necessarily be
the same institution that registered her/him previously.                                     (see Fig. 4).

• Step1. Wi computes a random value rWi with a random                                      D. Treatment and Exchanging Phase
  number ri ? Zn*, where rWi = ri ? HWi . After correctly
  calculating the foregoing, he sends his request to the                                   In this phase, Wi can do many medical treatments such as
                                                                                           tests of blood diseases, blood pressure, diabetes, Covid-19
                                                                                           infection, CT-Scan, MRI in the CHSK' .

CHSk in an anomaly and freshness message style. The                                        (a) The results report (RRWi ) should be added to the EHRWi
ims ecsosmagpeutreedqfureosmt i(nIcDlu'AWdei s=(CIDerAWtWii?, IrDW'AWi)i
                                                                          , EAWi ), which      existing in the original patient’s institution CHSk where
                                                                          and encrypted        he belongs in the registration phase. Therefore, CHSK'
                                                                                               computes AEpk2 = AEncPUCHSk (CertWi , RRWi ) based on
main parameter via his shared key EAWi = EncSKWi (rWi).                                        the identification of patient’s institution detected previ-
                                                                                               ously in Step3.2. Finally, CHSK' sends message tuple
Wi CertWi-,D?A' Wi ,EAWi CHSk                                                                  (IDCHSK' , IDCHSk , AEpk2) to HCA.

• Step2. Following the receipt of this message by CHSk,                                    (b) The server HCA will behave according to the delegated

  it can check the CertWi with his index file; if it is found                              message tuple (IDCHSK' , IDCHSk , AEpk2)    , and will ex-
  then go to step 3. Otherwise, go to the Step4.                                           change secure data of medical institutions  (CHSk,CHSK' )

• Step3. Wi performs the main medical treatment in his                                     by forwarding patient’s data (IDHCA, AEpk2) to CHSk.

  institution, the results report (RRWi ) should be added                                  E. Upgrading Phase
  to the EHRWi by EHRUj directly and apply the same
  functions in the upgrading phase.                                                        When CHSk receives (IDHCA, AEpk2), it decrypts AEpk2
                                                                                           with PrCHSk . If it is valid, it can obtain RRWi , CertWi and
• Step4. This case means that the patient wishes to do                                     upgrade the information of EHRWi by adding the new status
                                                                                           of the patient Wi relied on RRWi . The upgrade process will be
  some medical treatments outside of his healthcare cen-                                   performed by EHR user (EHRUj ) working as an employee
  ter. The new institution CHSK' is used public key of                                     who has privileges that allow him to upgrade to the EHRWi .
  HCA to encrypt AEpk1 = AEncPUHCA ((CertWi , ID'AWi ,                                     Additionally, these privileges gained by the Administrator
  EAWi )), and sends (IDCHSK' , AEpk1) to HCA for ensur-
  ing from the validity of the patient and his institution.                                (ADM), represent the role of Uj. Now, the EHRWi contains
                                                                                           the last update of the patient’s case. In an emergency patient’s
• Step5. This message tuple IDCHSK' , AEpk1 is delivered
  to HCA. When HCA has received this message with                                          case, EHRUj can tell the family member about the patient’s
                                                                                           case by sending SMS-Emergency to the patient’s family mem-
  IDCHSK' , it can decrypt AEpk1 based on PrHCA in or-
  der to restore all parameters using ADecPrHCA(AEpk1).                                    ber (see Fig. 5).
  First, it can fetch the random value rWi' = DecSKWi (EAWi ),
  we notice this step also verifies certificate of Wi relied                                             IV. SECURITY ANALYSIS
  on his shared key SKWi and CertWi . Second, it compares
  between ID'AWi and IDAWi ? rWi', if they are matched,                                    This section evaluates security analysis of the proposed scheme
  it ensures from the authority of Wi and saves current                                    in terms of formal and informal security analysis as the fol-
  parameters for usage in the next steps. Finally, HCA                                     lows:
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