Page 41 - 2023-Vol19-Issue2
P. 41

37 |                                                               Andreswari, Millenia, Rizky, Haniyah & Mufti

      Fig. 1. Modeling flowchart                                   relations between activities with one another in the event log
                                                                   in forming the process model. Spaghetti processes are event
                                                                   logs that have too many complicated relationships making
                                                                   them difficult to read. The relationship between activities
                                                                   with a small number will not appear in the process model
                                                                   formed by the Heuristic Miner algorithm. The advantage of
                                                                   the Heuristic Miner algorithm is that it can display repetitive
                                                                   activities in the form of length-one-loop and length-two-loop
                                                                   if the event log contains these relations. The results of the pro-
                                                                   cess model can be converted into a Petri net that can display
                                                                   parallel relations such as XOR and AND. The disadvantage of
                                                                   the Heuristic Miner algorithm is that the number of relations
                                                                   between activities that have a small occurrence in the event
                                                                   log can be considered a disturbance so that these relations
                                                                   cannot appear in the process model [22].

                                                                       The implementation of the heuristic miner is to analyze the
                                                                   software structure and implementation information. Source
                                                                   code repository mining enables an understanding of how de-
                                                                   velopment teams work together during software system de-
                                                                   velopment and makes it possible to perform historical and
                                                                   evolutionary analysis of source code elements and structures

A. Heuristic Miner                                                 B. Fuzzy Miner
   Heuristic Miner is an algorithm in process mining that fo-
                                                                      The Fuzzy Miner Algorithm is an algorithm that is intended
cuses on control flow to generate process models in Heuristics     for complex real-life log data. The process model generated
Nets format for certain event logs. The starting point of the      at the discovery stage can be simplified by the Fuzzy Miner
heuristics miner is the construction of a dependency graph         algorithm to avoid spaghetti processes through the simplifi-
[12]. Heuristic Miner can handle noise and can be used to          cation process by paying attention to the right variables to
express large events in the event log. Heuristic Miner only        get good conformance [10]. In its implementation, the Fuzzy
considers the sequence of events in a case without considering     Miner algorithm uses the concept of a road map as a parable
the sequence of events between cases. Event data is sorted         to visualize the resulting model. In the concept of a roadmap,
by timestamps from earliest to newest. Heuristic Miner ex-         components that have a less important role will not be dis-
tracts a C-net process model, with a finite set of activities and  played like small roads on the map. Several small cities that
dependency relationships from those activities [22].               are still in one part of a big city will be combined, so the right
                                                                   decision criteria are needed as a basis for the simplification
    The steps used in forming the process model with the           and visualization of a process model [24].
Heuristic Miner algorithm include:
                                                                       There are two basic matrices used, namely significance
    1. Create a dependency graph matrix to store the number        and correlation. Significance can be determined for activities
of dependency relationships between two activities.                (nodes) and relationships (edges) by measuring the value of
                                                                   relative importance so that the level of importance can be
    2. Determine the Dependency threshold, Positive Obser-         determined. Correlation is used to determine the relationship
vation threshold, Relative to best threshold as the basis for      that takes precedence over activities by measuring how close
selecting the dependency relation that will be raised in the       the relationship between two activities is [25]. In detail, the
process model.                                                     measurements of significance and correlation include:

    3. Checks if there is a short loop (length-one-loop or             1) Log-Based Process Metrics: In measuring significance,
length-two-loop).                                                  there are two categories: unary significance and binary sig-
                                                                   nificance. The significance that is measured for activities in
    4. Determine parallel relations (XOR or AND) between           the process is called unary significance, while the significance
activities.                                                        that measures the relationship in the process is called binary
                                                                   significance. Correlation is often called ”binary correlation”
    5. Process models can be formed [22].
    The Heuristic Miner algorithm can handle spaghetti pro-
cesses problems by focusing on the number of occurrences of
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