Page 39 - 2023-Vol19-Issue2
P. 39

Received: 24 September 2022 | Revised: 29 January 2023 | Accepted: 3 February 2023

DOI: 10.37917/ijeee.19.2.5                                      Vol. 19 | Issue 2 | December 2023

                                                                                    Open Access

Iraqi Journal for Electrical and Electronic Engineering

Original Article

  Analysis Study for Rabobank Group ICT Incident by

   using Fuzzy and Heuristic Miner in Process Mining

                             Rachmadita Andreswari*, Frista Millenia, Juan Rizky, Salma Haniyah, Shofian Mufti
                                                   Information System - Telkom University, West Java, Indonesia

*Rachmadita Andreswari
Department of Information System, Telkom University,
Bandung,West Java, Indonesia

  The decline in the marketing volume of Rabobank Group ICT is a serious incident as it can hinder the implementation of
  an increasing number of software releases for business development. The Service Desk Agent records the activities that
  occur to find out the problems experienced in the form of an event log. Process mining can be used to generate process
  model visualizations based on event logs to explicitly monitor the business. Fuzzy Miner and Heuristic Miner algorithms
  can be used to handle complex event logs. In this study, an analysis of the Rabobank Group ICT incident was carried
  out with process mining using the Fuzzy Miner and Heuristic Miner algorithms. Process mining is done by discovery,
  conformance, and enhancement. Based on the results of the study, it is known that the division of the work area is
  not good enough to cause a team to work on a lot of events while there are other teams that only work on one event.
  Therefore, it is necessary to have a clear and balanced division of domains and workloads so that incidents do not recur.

  Rabobank Group ICT, Process Mining, Fuzzy Miner, Heuristic Miner

                  I. INTRODUCTION                               vice desk/IT operations so as to provide better efficiency in
                                                                implementing Rabobank Group ICT software releases [5], [6].
   A certain business will always focus on business devel-
opment such as increasing the number of production and              Incident management is a concern with process mining
marketing or improving services with effective and efficient    which can identify efficiency opportunities in complex busi-
processes [1],[2]. Like Information and Communication Tech-     ness functions to improve risk improvement and management
nologies (ICT) companies in general, Rabobank Group ICT         [7], [8], [9]. Incident cases that occurred at Rabobank Group
needs to implement an increase in the number of software        ICT can be analyzed with event log data provided by BPI
releases in its business development efforts by taking into     Challenge 2014. The activity log comes from an anonymous
account the amount of marketing that occurs. In 2013 it         Rabobank Netherlands Group ICT containing detailed records
was reported that the marketing volume of Rabobank Group        from an ITIL service management tool called HP Service
ICT software decreased drastically. Rabobank Group ICT          Manager. Service Desk Agent (SDA) records activities that
is an ICT division of the Dutch financial services company      occur to find out problems experienced by customers, but
Rabobank Group [3].                                             not all problems can be understood and resolved, so incident
                                                                activity records are made in the form of event logs that can be
    As an effort to handle incidents that occur, Rabobank       processed more deeply by the assignment group [3], [10].
Group ICT has implemented the Information Technology In-
frastructure Library (ITIL) process to produce planned changes      Process mining is one of the techniques that can be used to
[4]. The system change starts with an analysis of past errors   generate process model visualizations based on event logs that
to be able to predict future changes in workload on the ser-    can be further processed to monitor business explicitly down

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©2023 The Authors.
Published by Iraqi Journal for Electrical and Electronic Engineering | College of Engineering, University of Basrah.                                               | 35
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