Page 40 - 2023-Vol19-Issue2
P. 40

36 |                                                               Andreswari, Millenia, Rizky, Haniyah & Mufti

to very small details of log activity [11],[12],[13]. Process      itive observation threshold. This is because these parameters
mining plays a role in modeling and analyzing processes            have the ability to filter data with very small trace frequencies
by finding, monitoring, and improving the actual process           so that they are not processed in the mining process [3].
by extracting knowledge from available event logs. Process
mining can define the model process as well as the relationship        Another study ”Analysis and Implementation of Process
between the actual process and the data. There are three stages    Mining Using Fuzzy Mining (Case Study: Data BPI Chal-
of the mining process, namely discovery, conformance, and          lenge 2014)” which showed that the use of a threshold in the
enhancement [14].                                                  simplification process resulted in good conformance with a
                                                                   low preserve threshold, a high utilization ratio. high, and
    Discovery plays a role in analyzing event log data by creat-   the edge cutoff and node cutoff are low. Based on the test,
ing an initial process model without using a priori information.   the process model with the best conformance is a preserve
Conformance checking is used to check whether the model            threshold of 0.05, utility ratio of 0.85, edge cutoff of 0.05, and
created matches the actual event. Enhancement extends or           node cutoff of 0.05 [10].
augments the process model with real-life information. The
enhancement process can be carried out in two forms, namely            Based on the results of previous studies, it is known that
repair or extension. Repair is done by modifying the model         the review of process mining results only focuses on measure-
to better reflect reality, while the extension is done by adding   ment parameters and does not provide process models regard-
a new perspective based on the available event logs and the        ing incidents that occur. For this reason, this study provides a
resulting process model [5].                                       process model from the parameters that have been determined
                                                                   in previous studies to find out the problems that occur in the
    The discovery process is done with Disco tools while           Rabobank Group ICT incident from all aspects of the event
conformance with ProM. Disco is also used to sort out unused       log that affect changes in the workload of the service desk/IT
data, remove noise, and filter out invalid information to the      operations. In addition, additional tools, namely Disco, are
endpoint [15]. ProM is used to implement the algorithm on the      used to generate valid data up to the endpoint by filtering and
model generated by Disco [16]. The algorithm used in process       reducing the noise before entering ProM. In addition, process
mining for the analysis of Rabobank Group ICT incidents is         modeling in ProM with Heuristic Miner is carried out with
the Fuzzy Miner Algorithm and the Heuristic Miner. Event           interactive Data-aware Heuristic Miner (iDHM) with the best
log data on Rabobank Group ICT incidents is complex real-          parameter settings for event logs automatically (Mannhardt
life company data that requires a special approach to handling     et al., 2017). This setting will be compared with the results
it. Fuzzy Miner and Heuristic Miner algorithms can be used         of manual trials conducted [3] with a Filter Log using Simple
in process mining to be able to handle complex event logs so       Heuristics on ProM.
that they can be observed properly [17],[18]. Disco and ProM
are tools that can be used in data processing with statistical                          II. METHODS
capabilities, filtering functions, and process map generators
on Disco as well as innovative process mining capabilities on         The decline in the number of product marketing is a serious
ProM [19],[20],[21].                                               problem and an obstacle to increasing the number of software
                                                                   releases at Rabobank Group ICT. This affects the business
    This study aims to provide an analysis of the Rabobank         development of Rabobank Group ICT. For this reason, it is
Group ICT incident based on the 2014 BPI Challenge event           necessary to analyze to overcome the incident that occurred.
log with process mining using the Fuzzy Miner Algorithm and        The Service Desk Agent (SDA) records the activities that
Heuristic Miner through the Disco and ProM tools to predict        occur in the form of an event log to be analyzed and given
the workload for the service desk so that improvements can be      solutions to overcome the incidents that occur. Process Min-
made to the implementation of software releases as Rabobank        ing is one way that can be used. The complex data makes
Group ICT business development efforts.                            the Fuzzy Miner and Heuristic Miner algorithms chosen to
                                                                   provide a process model for incidents that occur. Thus, im-
    In a previous study ”Analysis and Implementation of Pro-       provements can be made to the IT service desk/operations to
cess Mining with Heuristic Miner Algorithm Case study:             help Rabobank Group ICT return to a steady state.
Event logs of Rabobank Group ICT Netherlands” an inci-
dent analysis was carried out on the event log of Rabobank             The process mining system was built by creating an initial
Group ICT with the Heuristic Miner algorithm using Filter          process model at Disco and implementing the Fuzzy Miner
Log using Simple Heuristics on ProM. Based on the test re-         algorithm with Mine for a Fuzzy Model and the Heuristic
sults, it is known that the ideal process model is obtained by     Miner algorithm with interactive Data-aware Heuristic Miner
setting the positive observation threshold parameter of 1000,      (iDHM) on ProM on the Rabobank Group ICT incident log
relative to the best 0.05, and the dependency threshold value      activity. The output built is a process model that can be used
of 0.9. The parameter that has the greatest influence is the pos-  for evaluation by Rabobank Group ICT (Fig. 1).
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