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nectivity that is also simple to set up. Like all other types of           Cloud Comput. Internet Things, CCIOT 2014, pp. 22–35,
network security, wireless security involves protecting against            2014.
unwanted access to or destruction of machines or data inside
a wireless network.ARP spoofing is a severe problem in LAN            [6] A. S. Yadav, P. M. Natu, D. M. Sethia, A. B.Mundkar,
security. Despite the fact that various proposals for solving              and S. S. Sambare, “Prevention of spoofing attacks
the issue have lately been made, we have highlighted the flaws             in wireless networks,” International Conference on
with those ideas in this article, such as the fact that they do not        Computing Communication Control and Automation,
work, are too costly, or are difficult to manage.Furthermore,              pp. 164–171, Feb. 2015.
we have proposed an ARP spoof detection and protection
approach with none of the above drawbacks. In addition, we            [7] V. Rohatgi and S. Goyal, “A detailed survey for detec-
have created a software prototype corresponding to the ap-                 tion and mitigation techniques against arp spoofing,” 4th
proach and tested it on the suggested network’s architecture.              International Conference on IoT in Social, Mobile, Ana-
The experimental findings demonstrate the positive features                lytics and Cloud, ISMAC 2020, pp. 352–356, Oct. 2020.
of our approach and demonstrate that it is a good and effective
solution that is cost-effective in terms of hardware and useful       [8] S. Duddu, A. Rishitasai, C. L. S. Sowjanya, G. R. Rao,
for avoiding and preventing man-in-the-middle assaults in a                and K. Siddabattula, “Secure socket layer stripping at-
timely manner. In the future, we want to conduct compre-                   tack using address resolution protocol spoofing,” 4th
hensive testing of our approach on real-world networks (e.g.,              International Conference on Intelligent Computing and
college or university networks, student housing networks, and              Control Systems (ICICCS), pp. 973–978, May 2020.
workplace and business networks) in order to get honest user
feedback.                                                             [9] J. S. Meghana, T. Subashri, and K. R. Vimal, “A survey
                                                                           on arp cache poisoning and techniques for detection
              CONFLICT OF INTEREST                                         and mitigation,” 4th International Conference on Signal
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