Page 19 - 2023-Vol19-Issue2
P. 19

15 |                                                                                        Nasser & Hussain

                                                                       TABLE I.
                                                               THE MAIN METHODS

                                                               Methods             C1 C2 C3 C4 C5 C6 C7 C8 C9
                                                               Proposed            x ???x ????
                                                               Filter packet-tool  ????x x x ??
                                                               file                ??x ?x x x ?x
                                                               ARPing tool-semi
      Fig. 13. Detection time.                                 Static              ??x ?x x x                   ?x
                                                               Fake list-GNS3
                                                               Defense tool        x ???x x x                   ?x
                                                               SDN (IDPs)          ?????x x                     ?x
                                                               ARP server appli-   x x ????x                    xx
                                                               Dynamic IP con-     x ?????x                     xx
                                                               MD5 method to       ??x ?x ???x
                                                               create IP-MAC
                                                               database            x x ??x ???x
                                                               system              x x ??x ???x

                                                               tional assault techniques, as seen in Tabel.II.

                                                                                 TABLE II.
                                                               THE MAIN ATTACKS COMPARISONS.

                      Fig. 14. Response time.                                Methods        T1 T2 T3 T4 T5
                                                               Our proposed                 Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
attacks.                                                       Filter packet-tool           Yes No No No Yes
    Proof: This attack is straightforward since the attackers  executable(batch) file       Yes Yes Yes No No
                                                               ARPing tool-semi Static      Yes No Yes Yes Yes
know and exploit ARP protocol weaknesses. The recom-           Fake list-GNS3               Yes No No No No
mended approach prevents spoofing attacks by Algorithm1        Defense tool                 Yes Yes Yes No No
creating two-factor authentication using a combination of Mac  SDN (IDPs)                   Yes No Yes No No
and HDD serial numbers and Algorithm2 validating the re-       ARP server application       Yes Yes Yes No No
quest and reply packets to guarantee they are safe against     Dynamic IP configuration     Yes No No No No
spoofing before transmission and reception. We also use Fer-   MD5 method to create IP-MAC
net encryption to keep unauthorized people from entering the   database                     Yes Yes No Yes Yes
database with verified IDs.                                    Sender&reciver system
                                                                                            Yes No Yes No Yes
    Comparison with related works
    This section compares our proposed technique to prior      T1: Withstand MITM attack;
studies. Tabel.I shows a direct comparison of many standard    T2: Withstand insider attack;
authentication methods:                                        T3: Withstand replay attack;
    C1: Static ARP;C2: ARP protocol;C3: Full Prevention        T4: Withstand user’s mac cloning attack;
of ARP spoofing;C4: Scalability;C5: Automation;C6: Au-         T5: Withstand DOS attack;
thentication;C7: Cryptographic;C8: Cost Effective;C9: Time
effective                                                                        VII. CONCLUSION
    Following are relevant comparisons of several conven-
                                                                  WLANs have quickly become a significant part of people’s
                                                               daily lives, making it crucial to provide users with secure con-
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