Page 124 - IJEEE-2023-Vol19-ISSUE-1
P. 124

120 |                                                                      Al-Atbee, Kadhem, Harden, & Abdulhassan

associated with less harmonic distortion and less              10- LEVEL 9 (S2 S3 S6 =ON)
electromagnetic interference.                                  11- LEVEL 10 (S2 S3 S5 S6 =ON)
There are a number of benefits to using a multilevel inverter  12- LEVEL 11 (S2 S3 S7 =ON)
for high switching frequency pulse width modulation            13- LEVEL 12 (S2 S3 S5 S7 =ON)
(PWM) as opposed to a traditional two-level inverter [14-      14- LEVEL 13 (S2 S3 S6 S7 =ON)
15].                                                           15- LEVEL 14 (S2 S3 S5 S6 S7=ON)
The following are some of the more appealing aspects of a
multilayer inverter:                                           V3 S7            D3
• Low distortion and dv/dt stress can be used to generate
                                                                            S6        S1   S3
     the output voltage.                                       V2
• The input current has a minimal distortion.                                   D2
• The common mode voltage is really low.
• It has a low switching frequency.                                                    S2  S4
Power switching devices and capacitor voltage sources are
the structural backbone of multilevel inverters.                            S5  D1
Due to their capacity to measure output voltage with greater   V1
harmonics, high voltages can be achieved with the maximum
device rating, making them suited for high-voltage             Fig. 1: The circuit diagram of the 15-level inverter.
applications and voltage waveforms.
In this paper, a 15-level inverter has been suggested. The      III. THE PROPOSED INVERTER'S SIMULATION MODEL &
suggested multilevel inverter employs fewer switches, is                                      RESULT
more efficient, and generates fewer losses. Pulse width
modulation (PWM) techniques are now widely used due to         Figure 2 shows the Matlab-Simulink model of the proposed
their low processing requirements, simplicity, and             inverter, and Fig.3 shows the control circuit of the proposed
resilience.                                                    inverter. Fig.4 shows the timing pulses for the switching
The firing pulses for the switching devices are used in a      devices of the inverter.
particular PWM technique described in this research to         This multilevel inverter has three different DC sources to
produce a 15-level output voltage. As a reference, one sine    choose from. The voltage that is necessary for each switch
waveform source is used in this procedure.                     can be obtained from its own source. Where, V1=10V,
                                                               V2=20V, V3=40 V leading to maximum voltage up to 70
    II. CIRCUIT DESCRIPTION OF PROPOSED 15-LEVEL               Volt. The inverter consists of 3 front end devices (S5-S7)
                             INVERTER                          which are connected with a three DC voltage sources.
                                                               Using a conventional sinusoidal pulse width modulation, the
Figure 1 shows the 15-level inverter. The circuit composed     H-bridge circuit's diagonal switches receive the switching
of H-Bridge devices with a three DC sources (V1, V2, and       pulses in order to perform their function. When one pair of
V3). Each source connected to the circuit through a            the diagonal switches is turned on, the other switches are
switching device (S5, S6, and S7).                             turned off, and vice versa. When S1 and S4 are turned on,
In order to understand the operation of the circuit, the       the positive half of the waveform is produced, while S2 and
operation mode for each output level is describe as            S3 produce the negative half of the waveform.
following, and since they will be repeated for the remaining   The gate signals for the switches are generated by comparing
modes, just the first seven modes of operation will be         a 3-phase, (12250 Hz) triangular-carrier signal to a (50 Hz)
detailed for the positive half cycle:                          sinusoidal reference signal in the control circuit. The pulse
                                                               width modulation approach is used for this.
     1- LEVEL 0 (S1 S4 =ON)
     2- LEVEL 1 (S1 S4 S5 =ON)
     3- LEVEL 2 (S1 S4 S6 =ON)
     4- L3V3L 3 (S1 S4 S5 S6 =ON)
     5- LEVEL 4 (S1 S4 S7 =ON)
     6- LEVEL 5 (S1 S4 S5 S7=ON)
     7- LEVEL 6 (S1 S4 S6 S7 =ON)
     8- LEVEL 7 (S1 S4 S5 S6 S7 =ON)
     9- LEVEL 8 (S2 S3 S5 =ON)
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