Page 33 - 2023-Vol19-Issue2
P. 33

29 |                                                                        Andreswari & Syahputra

Fig. 6. Business Process of Web Application Course                  TABLE II.
                                                                    GENDER COMPARISON BASED ON PASSED COURSE

                                                                      Gender Passed

conditions for each class taught by the relevant lecturer. for      Female
example, for classes taught by VPW (Class 4201-05), by RFZ          Male
(Class 4206-08) and by ETO (Class 4209-INT). Generally,
loops exist in course activities (except classes 4204 and 4208).
Then, loops also occur in the ”quiz” activity, namely in class
4206, 4207, and 4208. While the loop in the ”assignment”
activity is only found in class 4204. The existence of this
loop indicates that the activity is carried out repeatedly or it
is possible for the lecturer to provide remedial to the class.
related activities, such as quizzes and assignments.

    To analyze the business processes that are carried out for
both female and male students who pass the course, it can
be identified as follows. For female, the activities carried out
include course (loop) ? quiz ? course (loop) ? URL ?
file ? interactive content ? forum ? assignment ? course
? label. As for the male, the activities carried out include,
course (loop? quiz ? course (loop) ? assignment ? course
(loop) ? forum ? URL ? file ? interactive content ?
forum (Table II) On Table III, a comparison is obtained for
students who passed and failed according to their lecturers. In
general, activities that have a high frequency are courses and
quizzes, but in the whole class for graduating students there is
a loop in the ”quiz” activity. This is similar to the class taught
by RFZ where there is repetition of the “quiz” activity. The
existence of ”quiz” repetition in the overall learning process
shows that the 3 classes taught by RFZ and remedial have a
significant impact on the graduation of all students.

    Identification of the root of the causality is done by using
a decision tree based on the variables that are considered to
play a role in the assessment in class. The results of the
implementation of the decision tree show that the first root
that affects graduation is attendance, for attendance above 96
% followed by student years, if in 2018 the class is checked,
for classes 4206 and 4207 then gender checks are carried out,
if male then get an A, if women get AB. In addition, in other
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