Page 31 - 2023-Vol19-Issue2
P. 31

27 |                                                                                         Andreswari & Syahputra

                                               Fig. 1. Fishbone Diagram of Lecturer Grading


A. Class Distribution
   In conducting the analysis, statistical calculations are first

carried out based on the gender distribution, the graduation
of each gender and the distribution of grade. In general, there
are more males in each class than females (Figure 2).

                                                                 Fig. 3. Comparison of passed-failed for each class

  Fig. 2. Comparison of gender distribution for each class       oped by Fluxicon. Based on statistical data obtained from the
                                                                 event log, it was found that the event log used in this study
    Moreover, it is also found in Figure 3 and 4 that the aver-  consisted of 118039 events, 1670 cases, 9 activities, median
age of each class, more than 90% who graduate with female        duration of 27.3 days, mean duration of 26.4 days. This lec-
students in general. Only in the 4201 and 4208 classes there     ture process starts from September 7, 2020 to January 10,
are female students who did not pass, this is different from     2021. For the determination of one case ID, it is carried out
the male students who did not pass in the 4203, 4204, 4205,      based on the start of an assessment of learning achievements
4206 and 4207 classes. While the distribution of values          until completion, where this lecture consists of 5 learning
                                                                 outcomes in one semester. Using Disco applications, business
    in general found that the score with the highest frequency   process is generated based on several dimensions, for example
was AB, followed by A, B, C, D and E (Figure 5).                 each lecturer, based on class, passed per lecturer, failed per
                                                                 lecturer, passed for female and passed for male.
B. Business Process Discovery
   Based on this data, business process discovery was carried        Figure 6 shows the result of the discovery from the lecture
                                                                 process on the web application development course, where
out using the Disco application, which is an application devel-  the activities carried out include accessing the course page
                                                                 (loop) ? quiz (loop) ? assignment ? label. On a different
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