Page 146 - IJEEE-2022-Vol18-ISSUE-1
P. 146

142 |                                                                                                   Atiyah & Thalij

                 TABLE I                                       D. Results of Classification

             DESCRIPTION OF DATASET                          The performance of ML-algorithms that used in classifying
                                                             COVID-19 disease is evaluated. Accuracy, specificity,
Feature          Kind Prescribing                            accuracy, sensitivity, negative-prevalence and positive-
                                                             prevalence, ROC-AUC-Score, mislabeling and execution
PATIENT_VISIT_ int_64 identifier of patient                  time measures were used for these algorithms. A first model
                                                             comprising four algorithms was conducted, and then a
IDENTIFIER                           that visited the        second classification model was made, which also included
                                                             four algorithms, on the same global dataset to test the largest
                                     hospital                number of algorithms to choose the best. Table 5 shows the
                                                             performance of the algorithms used on the test set, while
GENDER           int_64 gender of patients                   Tables 6 show the performance of the algorithms in terms of
                                                             execution time and misclassification. After making a
AGE_PERCENTIL    Object              percentile of ages the  comparison of the algorithms in Tables 5 and 6, SGD the best
AGE_ABOVE65      int_64              patients.               performance among the classification algorithms used when
                                                             we chose classification is based on the labeling of the ICU.
                                     the ages of patients    While KNN was the worst performance among the
                                     that above 65 years.    algorithms in those works.

DISEASE_         float_64 six sets of the diseases

GROUPING                             that have available

                                     attributes of the

                              nameless information                                     TABLE V
                                                             COMPARISN OF ALGORITHMS PERFORMANCE

RESPIRATORY      float_64            the available           measurements  SGD  DT  RF XGB SVM NB       LR KNN
_RATE_                               attributes around the         unit
DIFF_REL                             respiratory average
                                     relative -diff

                                     the available           Accuracy 99.61 99 98.4 98.4 97 96.6 94.8 88.4
                                     attributes around the
 TEMPERATURE     float_64            temperature             Sensitivity 100 100 95.4 90 85 90.1 80.3 45
_DIFF -REL                           relative_diff

                                     the accessible          Specificity 97.43 94.8 94.9 97.4 94.9 89.7 97.4 100
                                     attributes around the
 OXYGEN          float_64            oxygen sated relative   Precision 95.23 90.9 90.5 94.7       89.5  81.8 93.3 100
SATURATION                           _diff                                                        92.5  94.6 86.4 78
DIFF -REL                                                     Negative                            91.5  96.6 94.8 81.4
                                                             prevalence 100 100 97.4 95           89.9  89.9 83.7 72.5
                                     The windows has five
WINDOWS          object              kinds of sets everyone                 99.61 96.6 98.4 94.9
                                     containing hours for
                                     acceptance              prevalence
                                     reply features (0
                                                                            98.71 97.4 94.9 93.7

ICU              int_64              represent not need to                        TABLE VI
                                     ICU and 1 represent     COMPARISN OF EXECUTION TIME AND

                                     need to ICU)                             MISLABELING

                       TABLE II                              Measurements  SGD  DT  RF  XGB SVM NB LR KNN
             THE PATIENTS’ TOTAL.                                   unit

Patients Total after pre-processing            293

need to ICU                                    105           Execution     0.01 0.02 0.2 0.18 0.03 0.04 0.7 0.01
not need to ICU                                188

                          TABLE III                          mislabeling 0.39 1 1.63 1.63 3 3.43 5.18 11.6

                 Age Dissemination

infections under of 65age            172                                              V. CONCLUSIONS

infections over of 65 age            121                     The COVID-19 epidemic a become a major disquieted for
                                                             countries worldwide and has affected millions of people, has
                            TABLE IV                         become represented a major economic and social challenge,
DISSEMINATION OF AGE FOR INFECTIONS IN ICU                   and poses a serious threat to public health, so there is
                                                             required to classify COVID-19 dataset to forecast the
                       Age Dissemination       60            number of injuries when disease outbreak to avoid a collapse
Infections over of 65 age:                     45            the system healthy. Moreover, in cases of COVID-19 with
Infections under of 65 age:                                  varying severity grades, some require ICU. Therefore, it is
                                                             necessary to forecast of injuries number that require ICU to
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