Page 132 - IJEEE-2022-Vol18-ISSUE-1
P. 132
128 | Jasim & Jasim
Fig.31: Load, point of common coupling, BESS, PV active power and BESS reactive power with the effects of faults.
Fig.32: Different types of faults that have been done at various time points.
Maximum value of detailed phase and ground current coefficients for various faults.
Fault type Phase A Current's Phase B Current's Phase C Current's Ground Current's
maximum coefficient maximum coefficient maximum coefficient maximum coefficient
AB-G 1000.923 2000.341 2000.538 2000.023
A-C 1000.306 2000.34 92.896 1000.143
1000.304 40.449 52.796 1000.058
1000.920 40.456 2000.543 0.01
64.967 40.437 28.569 1.477e-11