Page 174 - 2024-Vol20-Issue2
P. 174

170 |                                                            Muttashar & Fyath

       Fig. 6. Optical encryption process.

                                                                 Fig. 8. Block diagram for hybrid optical / digital decryption

Fig. 7. Schematic diagram of the DCPE-based encryption

Here, (x, y) and (u, v) represent the image plane and Fourier                   Fig. 9. Architecture of the DnCNN.
plane coordinates, respectively. The second step is to bound
the obtained Fourier spectrum with a statistically indepen-      address the issue that encrypted images are susceptible to
dent CPM2, exp(2p jCPM2), and retrieve the resulting spectrum    some assaults in real applications. The resolution of the re-
once more FT                                                     constructed images is increased by applying CNN, which also
                                                                 increases the algorithm’s security robustness. The structure
E(x, y) = FT [E1(u, v)CPM2 R(u, v)]                              of DnCNN consists of an input image layer with a patch size
                                                                 (50) and four ”convolutional layers + ReLU”; for each one of
       = [E1(u, v)exp(2p jCCPM2 R(u, v))                   (6)   the first three layers, 64 filters (kernels) of size 3x3 are used
                                                                 to generate 64 feature maps. Each layer produces a feature
       exp(-2p j(ux + uv))]dudv                                  map except the fourth layer, which does not have a ReLU but
                                                                 a stride = one and a ”Regression layer.” The zero padding is
where E(x, y) is the field of the final encryption image.        implemented to ensure that the feature map and input image
                                                                 have the same size. In order to distinguish the difference be-
B. Proposed Decryption Scheme                                    tween a noisy and a clean image, the DnCNN is used in our
Decryption is the inverse process of encryption and its aim is   system. Fig. 9 illustrates the architecture of the used DnCNN.
to recover the input images from the encrypted image. Fig. 8
shows a block diagram of the proposed hybrid digital / optical                IV. SIMULATION RESULTS
decryption (HDOD) scheme. The encryption and decryption
keys are identical, and the chaotic sequence generated during    This section presents simulation results for the proposed en-
decryption is consistent with that generated during encryption.  cryption / decryption algorithms described in Section III. The
                                                                 performance is evaluated using conventional encryption qual-
C. Denoising Convolution Neural Network
A quick and efficient denoiser convolution neural network
(DnCNN) based on the DL principle is used in this work to
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