Page 3 - IJEEE-2022-Vol18-ISSUE-1
P. 3

Table of Contents:                                                                Page

 Article Title                                                                      1
 Face Recognition System Against Adversarial Attack Using Convolutional Neural     21
 Network                                                                           28
 Review in IoT for Healthcare in Our Life
 Brain MRI Images Segmentation Based on U-Net Architecture                         58
 Facial Modelling and Animation: An Overview of The State-of-The Art               64
 Series And Parallel Arc Fault Detection Based on Discrete Wavelet VS. FFT         71
 Techniques                                                                        82
 Comparison of New Multilevel Inverter Topology with Conventional Topologies       93
 Used for Induction Heating System                                                 103
 Semantic Segmentation of Aerial Images Using U-Net Architecture                   111
 IoT Based Gas Leakage Detection and Alarming System using Blynk Platforms         132
 Secure Patient Authentication Scheme in the Healthcare System Using Symmetric     139
 Design PI Controller for Tank Level in Industrial Process
 Building A Control Unit of A Series-Parallel Hybrid Electric Vehicle by Using A
 Nonlinear Model Predictive Control (NMPC) Strategy
 Expanding New Covid-19 Data with Conditional Generative Adversarial Networks

 Grid-Forming and Grid-Following Based Microgrid Inverters Control
 Five-Component Load Forecast in Residential Sector Using Smart Methods
 A Comparison of COIVD-19 Cases Classification Based on Machine Learning
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