December 2021
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Secure Multi-keyword Similarity Search Over Encrypted Data With Security Improvement | |
Hussein M. Mohammed, Ayad I. Abdulsada | |
Pages: 1-10 | |
Version of record online: 17 July 2021 Full Text (PDF) DOI:10.37917/ijeee.17.2.1 | |
Searchable encryption (SE) is an interesting tool that enables clients to outsource their encrypted data into external cloud servers with unlimited storage and computing power and gives them the ability to search their data without decryption. The current solutions of SE support single-keyword search making them impractical in real-world scenarios. In this paper, we design and implement a multi-keyword similarity search scheme over encrypted data by using locality-sensitive hashing functions and Bloom filter. The proposed scheme can recover common spelling mistakes and enjoys enhanced security properties such as hiding the access and search patterns but with costly latency. To support similarity search, we utilize an efficient bi-gram-based method for keyword transformation. Such a method improves the search results accuracy. Our scheme employs two non-colluding servers to break the correlation between search queries and search results. Experiments using real-world data illustrate that our scheme is practically efficient, secure, and retains high accuracy. | |
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Design and Implementation of Line Follower Arduino Mobile Robot Using Matlab Simulink Toolbox | |
Mazin Majid Abdulnabi Alwan, Anwar Abdulrazzaq Green, Abdulazez Safaa Noori and Ammar A. Aldair | |
Pages: 11-16 | |
Version of record online: 17 July 2021 Full Text (PDF) DOI:10.37917/ijeee.17.2.2 | |
The main problem of line follower robot is how to make the mobile robot follows a desired path (which is a line drawn on the floor) smoothly and accurately in shortest time. In this paper, the design and implementation of a complex line follower mission is presented by using Matlab Simulink toolbox. The motion of mobile robot on the complex path is simulated by using the Robot Simulator which is programed in Matlab to design and test the performance of the proposed line follower algorithm and the designed PID controller. Due to the complexity of selection the parameters of PID controller, the Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO) algorithm are used to select and tune the parameters of designed PID controller. Five Infrared Ray (IR) sensors are used to collect the information about the location of mobile robot with respect to the desired path (black line). Depending on the collected information, the steering angle of the mobile robot will be controlled to maintain the robot on the desired path by controlling the speed of actuators (two DC motors). The obtained simulation results show that, the motion of mobile robot is still stable even the complex maneuver is performed. The hardware design of the robot system is perform by using the Arduino Mobile Robot (AMR). The Simulink Support Package for Arduino and control system toolbox are used to program the AMR. The practical results show that the performances of real mobile robot are exactly the same of the performances of simulated mobile robot. | |
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Backward Private Searchable Symmetric Encryption with Improved Locality | |
Salim S. Bilbul, Ayad I. Abdulsada | |
Pages: 17-26 | |
Version of record online: 17 July 2021 Full Text (PDF) DOI:10.37917/ijeee.17.2.3 | |
Searchable symmetric encryption (SSE) enables clients to outsource their encrypted documents into a remote server and allows them to search the outsourced data efficiently without violating the privacy of the documents and search queries. Dynamic SSE schemes (DSSE) include performing update queries, where documents can be added or removed at the expense of leaking more information to the server. Two important privacy notions are addressed in DSSE schemes: forward and backward privacy. The first one prevents associating the newly added documents with previously issued search queries. While the second one ensures that the deleted documents cannot be linked with subsequent search queries. Backward has three formal types of leakage ordered from strong to weak security: Type-I, Type-II, and Type-III. In this paper, we propose a new DSSE scheme that achieves Type-II backward and forward privacy by generating fresh keys for each search query and preventing the server from learning the underlying operation (del or add) included in update query. Our scheme improves I/O performance and search cost. We implement our scheme and compare its efficiency against the most efficient backward privacy DSSE schemes in the literature of the same leakage: MITRA and MITRA*. Results show that our scheme outperforms the previous schemes in terms of efficiency in dynamic environments. In our experiments, the server takes 699ms to search and return (100,000) results. | |
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A Review of methodologies for Fault Location Techniques in Distribution Power System | |
Ahmed K. Abbas and Mazyed Awan Ahmed Al-Tak | |
Pages: 27-37 | |
Version of record online: 30 July 2021 Full Text (PDF) DOI:10.37917/ijeee.17.2.4 | |
Since recent societies become more hooked into electricity, a higher level of power supply continuity is required from power systems. The expansion of those systems makes them liable to electrical faults and several failures are raised due to totally different causes, like the lightning strike, power system element failure caused by mechanical aging as well as human mistakes. These conditions impact the stability of the power as well as lead to costly maintenance and loss of output. This article examines the latest technologies and strategies to determine the location of faults in medium voltage distribution systems. The aim is to classify and assess different strategies in order to determine the best recommended models in practice or for further improvement. Several ways to locate failures in distribution networks have therefore been established. Because faults are unpredictable, quick fault location as well as isolating are necessary to reduce the impact of faults in distribution networks as well as removing the emergency condition from the entire system. This study also includes a comprehensive evaluation of several defect location methods depending on the algorithm employed, the input, the test system, the characteristics retrieved, and the degree of complexity. In order to gain further insight into the strengths and limitations of each method and also comparative analysis is carried out. Then the main problems of the fault location methods in distribution network are briefly expounded. |
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EEG Motor-Imagery BCI System Based on Maximum Overlap Discrete Wavelet Transform (MODWT) and Machine learning algorithm | |
Samaa S. Abdulwahab, Hussain K. Khleaf, and Manal H. Jassim | |
Pages: 38-45 | |
Version of record online: 30 July 2021 Full Text (PDF) DOI:10.37917/ijeee.17.2.5 | |
The ability of the human brain to communicate with its environment has become a reality through the use of a Brain-Computer Interface (BCI)-based mechanism. Electroencephalography (EEG) has gained popularity as a non-invasive way of brain connection. Traditionally, the devices were used in clinical settings to detect various brain diseases. However, as technology advances, companies such as Emotiv and NeuroSky are developing low-cost, easily portable EEG-based consumer-grade devices that can be used in various application domains such as gaming, education. This article discusses the parts in which the EEG has been applied and how it has proven beneficial for those with severe motor disorders, rehabilitation, and as a form of communicating with the outside world. This article examines the use of the SVM, k-NN, and decision tree algorithms to classify EEG signals. To minimize the complexity of the data, maximum overlap discrete wavelet transform (MODWT) is used to extract EEG features. The mean inside each window sample is calculated using the Sliding Window Technique. The vector machine (SVM), k-Nearest Neighbor, and optimize decision tree load the feature vectors. | |
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Theft Control Based Master Meter Using Different Network Technologies | |
Doaa S. Abbood, Osama Y. K. Al-Atbee and Ali Marhoon | |
Pages: 46-51 | |
Version of record online: 31 July 2021 Full Text (PDF) DOI:10.37917/ijeee.17.2.6 | |
The power theft is one of the main problems facing the electric energy sector in Iraq, where a large amount of electrical energy is lost due to theft. It is required to design a system capable of detecting and locating energy theft without any human interaction. This paper presents an effective solution with low cost to solve power theft issue in distribution lines. Master meter is designed to measures the power of all meters of the homes connected to it. All the measured values are transmitted to the server via GPRS. The values of power for all energy meters within the grid are also transmitted. The comparison between the power of the master meter and all the other meters are transmitted to the server. If there is a difference between the energy meters, then a theft is happened and the server will send a signal via GSM to the overrun meter to switch off the power supply. Raspberry pi is used as a server and equipped and programmed to detect the power theft. | |
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Design and Simulation of a Compact Filtenna for 5G Mid-Band Applications | |
Fatimah K. Juma’a and Falih M. Alnahwi | |
Pages: 52-57 | |
Version of record online: 06 August 2021 Full Text (PDF) DOI:10.37917/ijeee.17.2.7 | |
In order to provide an efficient, low cost, and small size radiating structure that passes a certain frequency band with negligible amount of interference, the combination of filters and antennas is proposed to form a single element called filtenna. This paper presents a filtenna element with compact size that can radiates in the 5G mid-band frequency range (3.6-3.8 GHz) and perfectly rejects all the frequencies outside this range. The filtenna is composed of a printed circuit antenna that is terminated with a crescent shaped stub that is coupled electromagnetically with a miniaturized sharp band-pass filter. The simulation results show a filtenna reflection coefficient with a reduced value within the intended 5G band and with high values along the other unwanted frequencies. Moreover, the structure has an omnidirectional pattern with reasonable gain value within the band of interest, and this makes the antenna very suitable for portable 5G devices. | |
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Server Side Method to Detect and Prevent Stored XSS Attack | |
Iman F. Khazal and Mohammed A. Hussain | |
Pages: 58-65 | |
Version of record online: 12 August 2021 Full Text (PDF) DOI:10.37917/ijeee.17.2.8 | |
Cross-Site Scripting (XSS) is one of the most common and dangerous attacks. The user is the target of an XSS attack, but the attacker gains access to the user by exploiting an XSS vulnerability in a web application as Bridge. There are three types of XSS attacks: Reflected, Stored, and Dom-based. This paper focuses on the Stored-XSS attack, which is the most dangerous of the three. In Stored-XSS, the attacker injects a malicious script into the web application and saves it in the website repository. The proposed method in this paper has been suggested to detect and prevent the Stored-XSS. The prevent Stored-XSS Server (PSS) was proposed as a server to test and sanitize the input to web applications before saving it in the database. Any user input must be checked to see if it contains a malicious script, and if so, the input must be sanitized and saved in the database instead of the harmful input. The PSS is tested using a vulnerable open-source web application and succeeds in detection by determining the harmful script within the input and prevent the attack by sterilized the input with an average time of 0.3 seconds. |
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A Simulation of AODV and GPSR Routing Protocols in VANET Based on Multimetrices | |
Israa A. Aljabry and Ghaida A. Al-Suhail | |
Pages: 66-72 | |
Version of record online: 14 August 2021 Full Text (PDF) DOI:10.37917/ijeee.17.2.9 | |
Vehicular Ad hoc Networks (VANETs), a subsection of Mobile Ad hoc Networks (MANETs), have strong future application prospects. Because topology structures are rapidly changing, determining a route that can guarantee a good Quality of Service (QoS) is a critical issue in VANETs. Routing is a critical component that must be addressed in order to utilize effective communication among vehicles. The purpose obtained from this study is to compare the AODV and GPSR performance in terms of Packet Delivery Ratio, Packet Drop Ratio, Throughput, and End-to-End Delay by applying three scenarios, the first scenario focuses on studying these protocols in terms of QoS while changing the number of vehicles at a constant speed of 40Km/h, and for the second scenario changing the speed value while keeping a constant number of vehicles which is 100, the third involves changing the communication range at a constant speed and vehicle number. This study represents a foundation for researchers to help elaborate on the strength and weaknesses of these two protocols. OMNeT++ in conjunction with SUMO is used for simulation. | |
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A Survey on Segmentation Techniques for Image Processing | |
Wala’a N. Jasim and Rana Jassim Mohammed | |
Pages: 73-93 | |
Version of record online: 16 August 2021 Full Text (PDF) DOI:10.37917/ijeee.17.2.10 | |
The segmentation methods for image processing are studied in the presented work. Image segmentation can be defined as a vital step in digital image processing. Also, it is used in various applications including object co-segmentation, recognition tasks, medical imaging, content based image retrieval, object detection, machine vision and video surveillance. A lot of approaches were created for image segmentation. In addition, the main goal of segmentation is to facilitate and alter the image representation into something which is more important and simply to be analyzed. The approaches of image segmentation are splitting the images into a few parts on the basis of image’s features including texture, color, pixel intensity value and so on. With regard to the presented study, many approaches of image segmentation are reviewed and discussed. The techniques of segmentation might be categorized into six classes: First, thresholding segmentation techniques such as global thresholding (iterative thresholding, minimum error thresholding, otsu’s, optimal thresholding, histogram concave analysis and entropy based thresholding), local thresholding (Sauvola’s approach, T.R Singh’s approach, Niblack’s approaches, Bernsen’s approach Bruckstein’s and Yanowitz method and Local Adaptive Automatic Binarization) and dynamic thresholding. Second, edge-based segmentation techniques such as gray-histogram technique, gradient based approach (laplacian of gaussian, differential coefficient approach, canny approach, prewitt approach, Roberts approach and sobel approach). Thirdly, region based segmentation approaches including Region growing techniques (seeded region growing (SRG), statistical region growing, unseeded region growing (UsRG)), also merging and region splitting approaches. Fourthly, clustering approaches, including soft clustering (fuzzy C-means clustering (FCM)) and hard clustering (K-means clustering). Fifth, deep neural network techniques such as convolution neural network, recurrent neural networks (RNNs), encoder-decoder and Auto encoder models and support vector machine. Finally, hybrid techniques such as evolutionary approaches, fuzzy logic and swarm intelligent (PSO and ABC techniques) and discusses the pros and cons of each method. |
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Series and Parallel Arc Fault Detection in Electrical Buildings Based on Discrete Wavelet Theory | |
Elaf Abed Saeed, Khalid M. Abdulhassan and Osama Y. K. Al-Atbee | |
Pages: 94-101 | |
Version of record online: 21 August 2021 Full Text (PDF) DOI:10.37917/ijeee.17.2.11 | |
Electrical issues such as old wires and faulty connections are the most common causes of arc faults. Arc faults cause electrical fires by generating high temperatures and discharging molten metal. Every year, such fires cause a considerable deal of destruction and loss. This paper proposes a new method for detecting residential series and parallel arc faults. A simulation model for the arc is employed to simulate the arc faults in series and parallel circuits. The fault features are then retrieved using a signal processing approach called Discrete Wavelet Transform (DWT) designed in MATLAB/Simulink based on the fault detection algorithm. Then db2 and one level were found appropriate mother and level of wavelet transform for extracting arc-fault features. MATLAB Simulink was used to build and simulate the arc-fault model. | |
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Iraqi License Plate Detection and Segmentation based on Deep Learning | |
Ghida Yousif Abbass and Ali Fadhil Marhoon | |
Pages: 102-107 | |
Version of record online: 25 August 2021 Full Text (PDF) DOI:10.37917/ijeee.17.2.12 | |
Nowadays, the trend has become to utilize Artificial Intelligence techniques to replace the human’s mind in problem solving. Vehicle License Plate Recognition (VLPR) is one of these problems in which the computer outperforms the human being in terms of processing speed and accuracy of results. The emergence of deep learning techniques enhances and simplifies this task. This work emphasis on detecting the Iraqi License Plates based on SSD Deep Learning Algorithm. Then Segmenting the plate using horizontal and vertical shredding. Finally, the K-Nearest Neighbors (KNN) algorithm utilized to specify the type of car. The proposed system evaluated by using a group of 500 different Iraqi Vehicles. The successful results show that 98% regarding the plate detection, and 96% for segmenting operation. | |
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Scheduling of Diesel Generators Operation with Restricted PCC in Microgrid | |
Nabil Jalil Aklo and Mofeed Turky Rashid | |
Pages: 108-119 | |
Version of record online: 04 September 2021 Full Text (PDF) DOI:10.37917/ijeee.17.2.13 | |
Smart Microgrid (MG) effectively contributes to supporting the electrical power systems as a whole and reducing the burden on the utility grid by the use of unconventional energy generation resources, in addition to backup Diesel Generators (DGs) for reliability increasing. In this paper, potential had been done on day-ahead scheduling of diesel generators and reducing the energy cost reached to the consumers side to side with renewable energy resources, where economical energy and cost-effective MG has been used based on optimization agent called Energy Management System (EMS). Improved Particle Swarm Optimization (IPSO) technique has been used as an optimization method to reduce fuel consumption and obtain the lowest energy cost as well as achieving the best performance to the energy system. Three scenarios are adopted to prove the efficiency of the proposed method. The first scenario uses a 24 hour time horizon to investigate the performance of the model, the second scenario uses two DGs and the third scenario depends on a 48-hour time horizon to validating the performance. The superiority of the proposed method is illustrated by comparing it with PSO and simulation results show using the proposed method can reducing the fuel demand and the energy cost by satisfying the user’s preference. | |
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Towards for Designing Intelligent Health Care System Based on Machine Learning | |
Nada Ali Noori and Ali A. Yassin | |
Pages: 120-128 | |
Version of record online: 10 September 2021 Full Text (PDF) DOI:10.37917/ijeee.17.2.14 | |
Health Information Technology (HIT) provides many opportunities for transforming and improving health care systems. HIT enhances the quality of health care delivery, reduces medical errors, increases patient safety, facilitates care coordination, monitors the updated data over time, improves clinical outcomes, and strengthens the interaction between patients and health care providers. Living in modern large cities has a significant negative impact on people’s health, for instance, the increased risk of chronic diseases such as diabetes. According to the rising morbidity in the last decade, the number of patients with diabetes worldwide will exceed 642 million in 2040, meaning that one in every ten adults will be affected. All the previous research on diabetes mellitus indicates that early diagnoses can reduce death rates and overcome many problems. In this regard, machine learning (ML) techniques show promising results in using medical data to predict diabetes at an early stage to save people’s lives. In this paper, we propose an intelligent health care system based on ML methods as a real-time monitoring system to detect diabetes mellitus and examine other health issues such as food and drug allergies of patients. The proposed system uses five machine learning methods: K-Nearest Neighbors, Naïve Bayes, Logistic Regression, Random Forest, and Support Vector Machine (SVM). The system selects the best classification method with high accuracy to optimize the diagnosis of patients with diabetes. The experimental results show that in the proposed system, the SVM classifier has the highest accuracy of 83%. | |
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Optimized Sliding Mode Control of Three-Phase Four-Switch Inverter BLDC Motor Drive Using LFD Algorithm | |
Quasy S. Kadhim, Abbas H. Abbas, and Mohammed M. Ezzaldean | |
Pages: 129-139 | |
Version of record online: 10 September 2021 Full Text (PDF) DOI:10.37917/ijeee.17.2.15 | |
This paper presents a low-cost Brushless DC (BLDC) motor drive system with fewer switches. BLDC motors are widely utilized in variable speed drives and industrial applications due to their high efficiency, high power factor, high torque, low maintenance, and ease of control. The proposed control strategy for robust speed control is dependent on two feedback signals which are speed sensor loop which is regulated by Sliding Mode Controller (SMC) and current sensor loop which is regulated by Proportional-Integral (PI) for boosting the drive system adaptability. In this work, the BLDC motor is driven by a four-switch three-phase inverter emulating a three-phase six switch inverter, to reduce switching losses with a low complex control strategy. In order to reach a robust performance of the proposed control strategy, the Lévy Flight Distribution (LFD) technique is used to tune the gains of PI and SMC parameters. The Integral Time Absolute Error (ITAE) is used as a fitness function. The simulation results show the SMC with LFD technique has superiority over conventional SMC and optimization PI controller in terms of fast-tracking to the desired value, reduction speed error to the zero value, and low overshoot under sudden change conditions. | |
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Voltage Sag, Voltage Swell and Harmonics Reduction Using Unified Power Quality Conditioner (UPQC) Under Nonlinear Loads | |
Ahmed Yahyia Qasim, Fadhil Rahma Tahir and Ahmed Nasser B. Alsammak | |
Pages: 140-150 | |
Version of record online: 18 September 2021 Full Text (PDF) DOI:10.37917/ijeee.17.2.16 | |
In light of the widespread usage of power electronics devices, power quality (PQ) has become an increasingly essential factor. Due to nonlinear characteristics, the power electronic devices produce harmonics and consume lag current from the utility. The UPQC is a device that compensates for harmonics and reactive power while also reducing problems related to voltage and current. In this work, a three-phase, three-wire UPQC is suggested to reduce voltage-sag, voltage-swell, voltage and current harmonics. The UPQC is composed of shunt and series Active Power Filters (APFs) that are controlled utilizing the Unit Vector Template Generation (UVTG) technique. Under nonlinear loads, the suggested UPQC system can be improved PQ at the point of common coupling (PCC) in power distribution networks. The simulation results show that UPQC reduces the effect of supply voltage changes and harmonic currents on the power line under nonlinear loads, where the Total Harmonic Distortion (THD) of load voltages and source currents obtained are less than 5%, according to the IEEE-519 standard. | |
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An ABC Optimized Adaptive Fuzzy Sliding Mode Control Strategy for Full Vehicle Active Suspension System | |
Atheel K. Abdul Zahra and Turki Y. Abdalla | |
Pages: 151-165 | |
Version of record online: 22 September 2021 Full Text (PDF) DOI:10.37917/ijeee.17.2.17 | |
This work presents a Fuzzy based adaptive Sliding Mode Control scheme to deal with the control problem of full vehicle active suspension system and take into consideration the nonlinearities of the spring and damper, unmodeled dynamics as well as external disturbances. The control law of fuzzy-based Adaptive Sliding Mode Control scheme will update the parameters of fuzzy sliding mode control by using the stability analysis of Lyapunov criteria such that the convergence infinite time and the stability of the closed-loop is ensured. The proposed control scheme consists of four similar subsystems used for the four sides of the vehicle. The sub-control scheme contains two loops, the outer loop is built using a sliding mode controller with a fuzzy estimator to approximate and estimate the unknown parameters in the system. In the inner loop, a controller of type Fractional Order PID (FOPID) is utilized to create the required actuator force. All parameters in the four sub-control schemes are optimized utilizing Artificial Bee Colony (ABC) algorithm in order to improve the performance. The results indicate the effectiveness and good achievement of the proposed controller in providing the best ability to limit the vibration with good robustness properties in comparison with passive suspension system and using sliding mode control method. The controlled suspension system shows excellent results when it was tested with and without typical breaking and bending torques. | |
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A Comprehensive Review of Image Segmentation Techniques | |
Salwa Khalid Abdulateef and Mohanad Dawood Salman | |
Pages: 166-175 | |
Version of record online: 25 September 2021 Full Text (PDF) DOI:10.37917/ijeee.17.2.18 | |
Image segmentation is a wide research topic; a huge amount of research has been performed in this context. Image segmentation is a crucial procedure for most object detection, image recognition, feature extraction, and classification tasks depend on the quality of the segmentation process. Image segmentation is the dividing of a specific image into a numeral of homogeneous segments; therefore, the representation of an image into simple and easy forms increases the effectiveness of pattern recognition. The effectiveness of approaches varies according to the conditions of objects arrangement, lighting, shadow, and other factors. However, there is no generic approach for successfully segmenting all images, where some approaches have been proven to be more effective than others. The major goal of this study is to provide summarize of the disadvantages and the advantages of each of the reviewed approaches of image segmentation. | |
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Detection of Covid-19 Based on Chest Medical Imaging and Artificial Intelligent Techniques: A Review | |
Nawres Aref and Hussain Kareem | |
Pages: 176-182 | |
Version of record online: 26 September 2021 Full Text (PDF) DOI:10.37917/ijeee.17.2.19 | |
Novel Coronavirus (Covid-2019), which first appeared in December 2019 in the Chinese city of Wuhan. It is spreading rapidly in most parts of the world and becoming a global epidemic. It is devastating, affecting public health, daily life, and the global economy. According to the statistics of the World Health Organization on August 11, the number of cases of coronavirus (Covid-2019) reached nearly 17 million, and the number of infections globally distributed among most European countries and most countries of the Asian continent, and the number of deaths from the Coronavirus reached 700 thousand people around the world. . It is necessary to detect positive cases as soon as possible in order to prevent the spread of this epidemic and quickly treat infected patients. In this paper, the current literature on the methods used to detect Covid is presented. In these studies, the research that used different techniques of artificial intelligence to detect COVID-19 was reviewed as the coevolutionary neural network (ResNet50, ResNet101, ResNet152, InceptionV3, and Inception-ResNetV2) were proposed for the identification of patients infected with coronavirus pneumonia using chest X-ray radiographs By using 5-fold cross validation, three separate binary classifications of four grades (COVID-19, normal (healthy), viral pneumonia and bacterial pneumonia) were introduced. It has been shown that the pre-trained ResNet50 model offers the highest classification performance (96.1 percent accuracy for Dataset-1, 99.5 percent accuracy for Dataset-2, and 99.7 percent accuracy for Dataset-2) based on the performance results obtained. | |
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Human Activity Recognition Using The Human Skeleton Provided by Kinect | |
Heba A. Salim, Musaab Alaziz, and Turki Y. Abdalla | |
Pages: 183-189 | |
Version of record online: 04 October 2021 Full Text (PDF) DOI:10.37917/ijeee.17.2.20 | |
In this paper, a new method is proposed for people tracking using the human skeleton provided by the Kinect sensor, Our method is based on skeleton data, which includes the coordinate value of each joint in the human body. For data classification, the Support Vector Machine (SVM) and Random Forest techniques are used. To achieve this goal, 14 classes of movements are defined, using the Kinect Sensor to extract data containing 46 features and then using them to train the classification models. The system was tested on 12 subjects, each of whom performed 14 movements in each experiment. Experiment results show that the best average accuracy is 90.2 % for the SVM model and 99 % for the Random forest model. From the experiments, we concluded that the best distance between the Kinect sensor and the human body is one meter. | |
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E-FLEACH: An Improved Fuzzy Based Clustering Protocol for Wireless Sensor Network | |
Enaam A. Al-Husain and Ghaida A. Al-Suhail | |
Pages: 190-197 | |
Version of record online: 09 October 2021 Full Text (PDF) DOI:10.37917/ijeee.17.2.21 | |
Clustering is one of the most energy-efficient techniques for extending the lifetime of wireless sensor networks (WSNs). In a clustered WSN, each sensor node transmits the data acquired from the sensing field to the leader node (cluster head). The cluster head (CH) is in charge of aggregating and routing the collected data to the Base station (BS) of the deployed network. Thereby, the selection of the optimum CH is still a crucial issue to reduce the consumed energy in each node and extend the network lifetime. To determine the optimal number of CHs, this paper proposes an Enhanced Fuzzy-based LEACH (E-FLEACH) protocol based on the Fuzzy Logic Controller (FLC). The FLC system relies on three inputs: the residual energy of each node, the distance of each node from the base station (sink node), as well as the node’s centrality. The proposed protocol is implemented using the Castalia simulator in conjunction with OMNET++, and simulation results indicate that the proposed protocol outperforms the traditional LEACH protocol in terms of network lifetime, energy consumption, and stability. | |
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Strategies for Enhancing the Performance of (RPL) Protocol | |
Rana H. Hussain | |
Pages: 198-203 | |
Version of record online: 10 October 2021 Full Text (PDF) DOI:10.37917/ijeee.17.2.22 | |
Wireless sensor networks have many limitations such as power, bandwidth, and memory, which make the routing process very complicated. In this research, a wireless sensor network containing three moving sink nodes is studied according to four network scenarios. These scenarios differ in the number of sensor nodes in the network. The RPL (Routing Protocol for low power and lossy network) protocol was chosen as the actual routing protocol for the network based on some routing standards by using the Wsnet emulator. This research aims to increase the life of the network by varying the number of nodes forming it. By using different primitive energy of these nodes, this gives the network to continue working for the longest possible period with low and fair energy consumption between the nodes. In this work, the protocol was modified to make the sink node move to a specific node according to the node’s weight, which depends on the number of neighbors of this node, the number of hops from this node to the sink node, the remaining energy in this node, and the number of packets generated in this node. The simulation process of the RPL protocol showed good results and lower energy consumption compared to previous researches. | |
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Ant Colony Algorithm (ACO) Applied for Tuning PI of Shunt Active Power Filter (SAPF) | |
Raheel Jawad, Rawaa Jawad, and Zahraa Salman | |
Pages: 204-211 | |
Version of record online: 12 October 2021 Full Text (PDF) DOI:10.37917/ijeee.17.2.23 | |
In the present-day decade, the world has regarded an expansion in the use of non-linear loads. These a lot draw harmonic non-sinusoidal currents and voltages in the connection factor with the utility and distribute them with the useful resource of the overall performance of it. The propagation of these currents and voltages into the grids have an effect on the electricity constructions in addition to the one of various client equipment. As a result, the electrical strength notable has come to be critical trouble for each client and distributor of electrical power. Active electrical electricity filters have been proposed as environment splendid gear for electrical power pinnacle notch enchantment and reactive electrical strength compensation. Active Power Filters (APFs) have Flipped out to be a possible wish in mitigating the harmonics and reactive electrical electricity compensation in single-phase and three-phase AC electrical energy networks with Non-Linear Loads (NLLs). Conventionally, this paper applied Ant Colony Algorithm(ACO) for tuning PI and reduce Total Harmonic Distortion (THD). The result show reduces THD at 2.33%. | |
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Optimal Selection of Conductors in Ghaleganj Radial Distribution Systems | |
Mahdi Mozaffarilegha and Ehsan Moghbeli Damaneh | |
Pages: 212-218 | |
Version of record online: 30 October 2021 Full Text (PDF) DOI:10.37917/ijeee.17.2.24 | |
Selection of the best type and most suitable size of conductors is essential for designing and optimizing the distribution network. In this paper, an effective method has been proposed for proper selection and incorporation of conductors in the feed part of a radial electricity distribution network considering the depreciation effect of conductors. Increasing the usability of the electric energy of the power grid for the subscribers has been considered per load increment regarding the development of the country. Optimal selection and reconstruction of conductors in the power distribution radio network have been performed through a smart method for minimizing the costs related to annual losses and investment for renovation of lines by imperialist competitive algorithm (ICA) to improve the productivity of the power distribution network. Backward/forward sweep load flow method has been used to solve the load flow problem in the power distribution networks. The mentioned optimization method has been tested on DAZ feeder in Ghaleganj town as test. | |
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Chaos Phenomenon in Power Systems: A Review | |
Abdul-Basset A. Al-Hussein | |
Pages: 219-225 | |
Version of record online: 02 November 2021 Full Text (PDF) DOI:10.37917/ijeee.17.2.25 | |
This review article puts forward the phenomena of chaotic oscillation in electrical power systems. The aim is to present some short summaries written by distinguished researchers in the field of chaotic oscillation in power systems. The reviewed papers are classified according to the phenomena that cause the chaotic oscillations in electrical power systems. Modern electrical power systems are evolving day by day from small networks toward large-scale grids. Electrical power systems are constituted of multiple inter-linked together elements, such as synchronous generators, transformers, transmission lines, linear and nonlinear loads, and many other devices. Most of these components are inherently nonlinear in nature rendering the whole electrical power system as a complex nonlinear network. Nonlinear systems can evolve very complex dynamics such as static and dynamic bifurcations and may also behave chaotically. Chaos in electrical power systems is very unwanted as it can drive system bus voltage to instability and can lead to voltage collapse and ultimately cause a general blackout. | |