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Design and Implementation of Line Follower Arduino Mobile Robot Using Matlab Simulink Toolbox | |
Mazin Majid Abdulnabi Alwan, Anwar Abdulrazzaq Green, Abdulazez Safaa Noori and Ammar A. Aldair | |
Pages: 11-16 | |
DOI:10.37917/ijeee.17.2.2 | |
The main problem of line follower robot is how to make the mobile robot follows a desired path (which is a line drawn on the floor) smoothly and accurately in shortest time. In this paper, the design and implementation of a complex line follower mission is presented by using Matlab Simulink toolbox. The motion of mobile robot on the complex path is simulated by using the Robot Simulator which is programed in Matlab to design and test the performance of the proposed line follower algorithm and the designed PID controller. Due to the complexity of selection the parameters of PID controller, the Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO) algorithm are used to select and tune the parameters of designed PID controller. Five Infrared Ray (IR) sensors are used to collect the information about the location of mobile robot with respect to the desired path (black line). Depending on the collected information, the steering angle of the mobile robot will be controlled to maintain the robot on the desired path by controlling the speed of actuators (two DC motors). The obtained simulation results show that, the motion of mobile robot is still stable even the complex maneuver is performed. The hardware design of the robot system is perform by using the Arduino Mobile Robot (AMR). The Simulink Support Package for Arduino and control system toolbox are used to program the AMR. The practical results show that the performances of real mobile robot are exactly the same of the performances of simulated mobile robot. | |
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Simulation Model of Cold Rolling Mill | |
Waleed I. Breesam, Khearia A. Mohamad, Mofeed T. Rashid | |
Pages: 72-77 | |
DOI: 10.37917/ijeee.16.1.9 | |
This work deals with the simulation model of multi-machines system as cold rolling mill is considered as application. Drivers of rolling system are a set of DC motors, which have extend applications in factories as aluminum rolling. Interconnection of multi DC motors in such a way that they are synchronized in their rotational speed. In cold rolling, the accuracy of the strip exit thickness is a very important factors. To realize accuracy in the strip exit thickness, Automatic Gauge Control system is used. In this paper MATLAB/SIMULINK models are proposed and implemented for the entire structures. Simulation results were presented to verify proposed model of cold rolling mill. | |
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An Efficient Mechanism to Prevent the Phishing Attacks | |
Mustafa H. Alzuwaini abd Ali A. Yassin | |
Pages: 125-135 | |
DOI:10.37917/ijeee.17.1.15 | |
In the era of modern trends such as cloud computing, social media applications, emails, mobile applications, and URLs that lead to increased risks for defrauding authorized users, and then the attackers try to gain illegal access to accounts of users through a malicious attack. The phishing attack is one of the dangerous attacks caused to access of authorized account illegally way. The finances, business, banking, and other sensitive in states are faces by this type of attacks due to the important information they have. In this paper, we propose a secure verification scheme that can overcome the above-mentioned issues. Additionally, the proposed scheme can resist famous cyberattacks such as impersonate attacks, MITM attacks. Moreover, the proposed scheme has security features like strong verification, forward secrecy, user’s identity anomaly. The security analysis and the experimental results proved the strongest of the proposed scheme compared with other related works. Finally, our proposed scheme balanced between the performance and the security merits. |
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Local and Global Outlier Detection Algorithms in Unsupervised Approach: A Review |
Ayad Mohammed Jabbar |
Pages: 76-87 |
DOI:10.37917/ijeee.17.1.9 |
The problem of outlier detection is one of the most important issues in the field of analysis due to its applicability in several famous problem domains, including intrusion detection, security, banks, fraud detection, and discovery of criminal activities in electronic commerce. Anomaly detection comprises two main approaches: supervised and unsupervised approach. The supervised approach requires pre-defined information, which is defined as the type of outliers, and is difficult to be defined in some applications. Meanwhile, the second approach determines the outliers without human interaction. A review of the unsupervised approach, which shows the main advantages and the limitations considering the studies performed in the supervised approach, is introduced in this paper. This study indicated that the unsupervised approach suffers from determining local and global outlier objects simultaneously as the main problem related to algorithm parameterization. Moreover, most algorithms do not rank or identify the degree of being an outlier or normal objects and required different parameter settings by the research. Examples of such parameters are the radius of neighborhood, number of neighbors within the radius, and number of clusters. A comprehensive and structured overview of a large set of interesting outlier algorithms, which emphasized the outlier detection limitation in the unsupervised approach, can be used as a guideline for researchers who are interested in this field. | |
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Server Side Method to Detect and Prevent Stored XSS Attack | |
Iman F. Khazal and Mohammed A. Hussain | |
Pages: 58-65 | |
DOI:10.37917/ijeee.17.2.8 | |
Cross-Site Scripting (XSS) is one of the most common and dangerous attacks. The user is the target of an XSS attack, but the attacker gains access to the user by exploiting an XSS vulnerability in a web application as Bridge. There are three types of XSS attacks: Reflected, Stored, and Dom-based. This paper focuses on the Stored-XSS attack, which is the most dangerous of the three. In Stored-XSS, the attacker injects a malicious script into the web application and saves it in the website repository. The proposed method in this paper has been suggested to detect and prevent the Stored-XSS. The prevent Stored-XSS Server (PSS) was proposed as a server to test and sanitize the input to web applications before saving it in the database. Any user input must be checked to see if it contains a malicious script, and if so, the input must be sanitized and saved in the database instead of the harmful input. The PSS is tested using a vulnerable open-source web application and succeeds in detection by determining the harmful script within the input and prevent the attack by sterilized the input with an average time of 0.3 seconds. |
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A Survey on Segmentation Techniques for Image Processing | |
Wala’a N. Jasim and Rana Jassim Mohammed | |
Pages: 73-93 | |
DOI:10.37917/ijeee.17.2.10 | |
The segmentation methods for image processing are studied in the presented work. Image segmentation can be defined as a vital step in digital image processing. Also, it is used in various applications including object co-segmentation, recognition tasks, medical imaging, content based image retrieval, object detection, machine vision and video surveillance. A lot of approaches were created for image segmentation. In addition, the main goal of segmentation is to facilitate and alter the image representation into something which is more important and simply to be analyzed. The approaches of image segmentation are splitting the images into a few parts on the basis of image’s features including texture, color, pixel intensity value and so on. With regard to the presented study, many approaches of image segmentation are reviewed and discussed. The techniques of segmentation might be categorized into six classes: First, thresholding segmentation techniques such as global thresholding (iterative thresholding, minimum error thresholding, otsu’s, optimal thresholding, histogram concave analysis and entropy based thresholding), local thresholding (Sauvola’s approach, T.R Singh’s approach, Niblack’s approaches, Bernsen’s approach Bruckstein’s and Yanowitz method and Local Adaptive Automatic Binarization) and dynamic thresholding. Second, edge-based segmentation techniques such as gray-histogram technique, gradient based approach (laplacian of gaussian, differential coefficient approach, canny approach, prewitt approach, Roberts approach and sobel approach). Thirdly, region based segmentation approaches including Region growing techniques (seeded region growing (SRG), statistical region growing, unseeded region growing (UsRG)), also merging and region splitting approaches. Fourthly, clustering approaches, including soft clustering (fuzzy C-means clustering (FCM)) and hard clustering (K-means clustering). Fifth, deep neural network techniques such as convolution neural network, recurrent neural networks (RNNs), encoder-decoder and Auto encoder models and support vector machine. Finally, hybrid techniques such as evolutionary approaches, fuzzy logic and swarm intelligent (PSO and ABC techniques) and discusses the pros and cons of each method. |