Page 67 - 2024-Vol20-Issue2
P. 67
63 | Al-Najari, Hen, Paw, & Marhoon
Fig. 10. Multi step response Goriginal Fig. 12. Multi step response Gapproximated
Fig. 11. Step response Gapproximated Fig. 13. Step response G fitted
C. Fitted MATLAB tuner 1) PSO Overview
The particle swarm optimization PSO algorithm developed
As shown in Fig. 11 and Fig. 12, the approximated function by Kennedy and Eberhart is a swarm based evolutionary al-
(Gapproximated) has a negative part and this problem affects gorithm [17]. The algorithm is based on the movement of the
the control. To solve this problem curve fitting was applied. birds in the flock according to the location of the bird closest
The fitted transfer function (G fitted) was calculated using the to the food. Position and velocity update equations of the par-
system identification toolbox of MATLAB. The fitted transfer ticles are used to model the movements of the flock. Equations
function is as below: of velocity and position are given below, respectively.
9.56e-5s2 + 2.32e-4s + 7.3486e-6 Vik+1 = W kVik + c1r1(PBkest - Xik) + c2r2(GBk est - Xik) (8)
G fitted(s) = s3 + 1.17s2 + 0.036s + 0.001122689 (7)
Fig. 13 shows the step response of the fitted transfer Xik+1 = Xik + Vik+1 (9)
function (G fitted) using MATLAB Tuner. Fig. 14 shows the
Multi-Step Response of the fitted transfer function (G fitted) Where k is the number of iteration, i, is the index of the
using MATLAB Tuner. particle, W is the inertia weight that directly affects velocity,
c1 and c2 are the acceleration factors called cognition and
D. Fitted PSO social constants respectively, r1 and r2 are random numbers
As shown in Fig. 13 and Fig. 14 The delay time was treated between 0 and 1. PBest is the best local solution; GBest is the
using Pade approximation and the negative part was treated best global solution, Vi and Xi are the velocity and position
using curve fitting but the performance of the fitted function of particle i, respectively [18]. The particle swarm algorithm
response must be improved. This can be done using particle PSO is to find the optimal solution in the set area to minimize
swarm optimization PSO algorithm tuning. the value of the objective function. In this paper, integrated