Page 275 - 2024-Vol20-Issue2
P. 275

271 |                                                                                              Qadir, Abdalla & Abd

drastically lowers the number of required parameters.                                             TABLE II.
The XGBoost classifier was added to replace the top layer            ANALYZING PERFORMANCE MEASURES IN COMPARISON
of the previously mentioned network, namely VGG16. This
study uses a CT scan image dataset that is labeled. Therefore,                            TO OTHER TECHNIQUES
inductive transfer learning is the type of learning that is used
in this context since the ImageNet weights are used by the           Study             Technique Dataset   Accuracy%
VGG16 model. The VGG16 model’s weight, which was used
to classify 1000 pictures out of a dataset of 14 million, is trans-  The proposed      Hybrid-    IQ-      98.54
ferred and utilized to conduct feature extraction on the CT          method            LCSCDM     OTHNCCD  94.38
image dataset. The VGG16 model feature extraction findings           AL-Huseiny        GoogLeNet  IQ-      89.88
are sent to the XGBoost algorithm [26, 27].                          et al. [29]                  OTHNCCD  93.54
                                                                     Kareem et al.     SVM        IQ-
E. Classification using XGBoost classifier                           [30]                         OTHNCCD
Extreme Gradient boosting, or XGboost, uses a decision tree          Al-Yasriy et al.  AlexNet    IQ-
technique with gradient boosting. XGboost is built for speed         [31]                         OTHNCCD
and efficiency. Its engineering objective is to push the com-
putational resource limitations considering enhanced tree al-        whereas the XGboost model was applied for the calcification
gorithms. Python, C++, Java, R, and other programming                phase in both the training and testing stages.
languages are just a few of the interfaces available for XG-
boost. In this study, the Python interface was used. The                   IV. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION
approach optimizes computing speed and memory use, while
the term “Boosting” is a strategy that uses an ensemble tech-        In this part, the performance of the suggested (Hybrid-LCSCDM)
nique in which new models are introduced to older models to          is evaluated, and experimental findings are shown. We em-
rectify their flaws. Models are successively introduced until        ployed a transfer learning method using VGG16 as the foun-
no more improvements are possible. A well-known exam-                dation model to extract features from CT scan data, which
ple of boosting is the AdaBoost algorithm, which weights             were then used to train an XGBoost classifier.
difficult-to-predict data points, while Gradient boosting is a       For the testing and evaluation phases of the proposed hybrid
technique that works on creating new models to forecast mis-         model, the publicly available (IQ-OTH/NCCD) dataset was
takes or the residuals of previous models and merging them           used. For efficient testing of the model, the Our research
to produce the final prediction. While adding new models             experiments were conducted on a computer with an Intel Core
to minimize loss, a gradient descent approach is employed,           i7-13700F CPU, NVIDIA RTX 4060 GPU, and 64 GB of
which the name Gradient boosting comes from. With each               RAM, providing the necessary computational power and effi-
additional model, the accuracy of the prediction increases.          ciency for our data-intensive tasks.
The aim of the model of gradient descent for a boosted tree          In Table II, in terms of Recall and accuracy, we contrasted our
is derived from (5) using Taylor expansion. Equation (6) in-         performance measures with the outcomes of existing models.
cludes the regularization, whereas (7) accounts for the tree’s       In Table II, the evaluation metrics are shown; the Hybrid-
generalization. The regularization aim of XGboost is to              LCSCDM (VGG-16-XGboost) model has achieved an accu-
choose a model with simple prediction functions [28].                racy of 98.5%, which is higher than the compared models
                                                                     related to lung cancer detection. In Fig. 4, we have provided

?  *   =  -  B  Aj  ?                      (5)                                                 TABLE III.
   j            j+                                                   EVALUATION METRICS FOR THE HYBRID-LCSCDM


?f (”       ”)  =   -1    T     A2j  +?T   (6)                         Fold   Accuracy  Precision  Recall  F1-Score
       obj            2  j=1  Bj +?                                      1     97.73%    0.9818    0.9306   0.9519
                                                                         2     99.10%    0.9821    0.9821   0.9821
            1     A2L + A2R + (AL + AR)2   - ? (7)                       3     98.17%    0.9853    0.9543   0.9684
”Gain” =        BL + ? BR + ? BL + BR + ?                                4     99.09%    0.9930    0.9821   0.9874
                                                                         5     98.64%    0.9891    0.9682   0.9780
            2                                                                  98.54%    0.9863    0.9635   0.9736

Fig. 3 demonstrates the suggested model’s design. Mainly,            a visual representation of the results obtained by the Hybrid-
The VGG-16 model was employed for feature extraction,                LCSCDM model. This visualization aims to offer a clear and
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