Page 271 - 2024-Vol20-Issue2
P. 271
267 | Qadir, Abdalla & Abd
lung cancer detection techniques. As computer technology ad- in our research. In Section IV. , we present our results, and
vances swiftly, the relevance of machine learning techniques finally, Section V. is dedicated to the discussion.
in lung cancer diagnosis is becoming more pronounced. The
exploration of diverse algorithms for lung cancer prediction is II. LITERATURE REVIEW
ongoing among researchers. However, studies on lung cancer
prediction indicate certain limitations in these methods. For Sharma et al. examined different kinds of colon and lung (3
instance, selecting an appropriate kernel function for SVM malignant and two benign) tissues by creating a diagnosis
poses a challenge. In the case of Naive Bayes, the requirement system utilizing the histopathological dataset. According to
for a known prior probability can be a drawback; inaccuracies the data, the proposed model in this research can successfully
in the assumed prior distribution may result in suboptimal identify malignant tissues up to 96.33 percent of the time [9].
prediction outcomes [8]. Lung cancer detection systems and The success of the CAD system relies on the extraction of rele-
research must be improved in terms of accuracy in order to vant texture features for distinguishing between cancerous and
work properly. The development of hybrid methodologies can noncancerous nodules, and the authors mention area, calcifi-
enhance electronic diagnosis, early-stage lung cancer detec- cation, shape, size, and contrast enhancement as features. The
tion, localization detection, tumor segmentation, and stage appropriateness and sufficiency of these features in capturing
classification. We apply these cutting-edge techniques inside the variations in lung nodules need careful consideration.
a hybrid model to use in the healthcare sector since their effec- For the purpose of assisting radiologists, Masood et al. de-
tiveness inspires us. In this effort, we solved these problems vised a method for diagnosing lung nodules based on 3D-
of the existing scenario and created a new prototype named DCNN employing computer-aided diagnosis assistance sys-
”Hybrid Lung Cancer Stage Classifier and Diagnosis Model” tems. In this work, a computer-aided diagnostic (CAD) model
(Hybrid-LCSCDM) framework; this uses a feature extraction was validated and trained on the LIDC-IDRI, ANODE09, and
stage based on the VGG16 model and a classification stage LUNA16 datasets [10]. A deep CNN-based binary classifier
based on the XGBoost algorithm to identify lung cancer as was developed by Kalaivani et al. through the utilization of the
early as possible. DenseNet model, with the aim of identifying patients with ei-
ther benign or aggressive lung cancer [11], as the researchers
A. Main Contributions used 201 lung scans in a dataset in this study, 85% of the
We suggested an intelligent diagnosis module named (Hybrid- dataset was used to train the model while using the remain-
LCSCDM) to identify and classify lung cancers at an early ing of the images for the testing phase, test results showed
stage. The proposed model was employed based on a hybrid that the suggested approach achieved 90.85% accuracy on the
approach for both stage classification and feature extraction, mentioned dataset.
which reduced detection time complexity and increased detec- To classify various cancer types using genetic data with ref-
tion rate accuracy. erence to tumor RNA sequences, ElNabi et al. provided a
special optimized deep-learning model, namely a convolu-
1. A hybrid system is presented for impactful analysis. tional neural network (CNN) and decision tree (BPS, O-DT)
while making use of the particle swarm optimization. This
2. This model’s dependence is between image-quantitative study addressed the performance criteria, including recall, F1-
and clinical features; for a more precise computer-aided score, and precision [11].
diagnosis, it also offers a novel feature representation. Qin et al. explained how to collect, analyze, and fuse multi-
type interdependent characteristics to determine EGFR mu-
3. This technique employs VGG16 for feature extraction tation status utilizing computer-assisted diagnostics. In this
and an XGBoost classifier for lung cancer classification study, the CNN-RNN architecture is employed to provide a
and diagnosis in an efficient manner. novel hybrid network paradigm. Using CNN, quantitative
image characteristics are retrieved, and a model is created
4. The Lung Cancer Dataset (IQ-OTH/NCCD) was used to show how different types of features relate to one another
to assist us in carrying out the tests in this study. [12].
To detect lung cancer, Joshua et al. proposed an unsuper-
5. The suggested Hybrid-LCSCDM has been used to test vised learning model for 3D CNN [13]. An improved gradient
the effectiveness of a novel technique also presented in activation function in the 3D CNN binary classifier model in-
this research. creases the visibility of lung tumors. The suggested AlexNet
detection method employing the LUNA dataset is contrasted
The organization of the paper is as follows: Section II. delves with a 2D CNN learning classifier that is already in use. The
into a comprehensive literature review, where we explore and proposed model is useless since there was not insufficient data
synthesize relevant previous. Section III. , titled ’Methodol-
ogy,’ details the methodologies and approaches we employed