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hand modeling and feature extraction are crucial for capturing trical engineering and computer science, vol. 18, no. 1,
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The review provides valuable insights into the current state of [9] I. Papastratis, C. Chatzikonstantinou, D. Konstantinidis,
hand gesture recognition, its applications, and the potential for K. Dimitropoulos, and P. Daras, “Artificial intelligence
enhancing human-computer interaction and communication technologies for sign language,” Sensors, vol. 21, no. 17,
between different communities. p. 5843, 2021.
CONFLICT OF INTEREST [10] L. I. Khalaf, S. A. Aswad, S. R. Ahmed, B. Makki, and
M. R. Ahmed, “Survey on recognition hand gesture by
The authors have no conflict of relevant interest to this article. using data mining algorithms,” in 2022 International
Congress on Human-Computer Interaction, Optimiza-
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