Page 163 - 2024-Vol20-Issue2
P. 163

159 |                                                             Murad & Alasadi

                            TABLE II.                                   VII. DEEP LEARNING APPROACHES
                                                                  Computer Vision (CV) applications have evolved from human
            FOR HAND GESTURE RECOGNITION.                         activity recognition to speech recognition, image classifica-
                                                                  tion, and labeling [62]. Deep learning, a machine learning
Algorithm   Pros                   Cons                           technology, has emerged as a successful solution since 2010.
Artificial  Can learn complex      Can be computation-            Researchers have transitioned from traditional handcrafted
Neural      features and pat-      ally expensive, diffi-         features to data-driven algorithms since 2010. Various learned-
Networks    terns, with high       cult to train                  based feature methods, such as genetic programming and
            accuracy                                              dictionary-based approaches, have been used for visual recog-
Hidden      Can handle sequen-     Requires training,             nition tasks. Still, deep learning has significantly influenced
Markov      tial data, with high   can be difficult to            computer vision in recent years.
Models      accuracy               define the number              Vision-based recognition algorithms include handcrafted fea-
                                   of states                      tures and learned-based features [63]. Handcrafted features
Fuzzy       Flexible grouping      Can be computation-            resolve CV problems by collecting correct features from data.
Clustering  of data can handle     ally expensive                 The pipeline typically includes four major stages; Section 3.1
Algo-       noisy data                                            provides further details.
rithms                             Sensitive to the               Unlike handcrafted methods, deep learning uses convolution
K-nearest   Simple to im-          choice of k, can               neural networks to learn features automatically during train-
Neighbor                           be computationally             ing. This approach interprets problems in terms of concep-
            plement        and     expensive for large            tual hierarchy, with lower network concepts encoding simple
Support                            datasets                       representations and high-level layers constructing abstract
Vector      understand, can        Can be computation-            concepts. This hierarchical learning process allows for the
Machines                           ally expensive for             complete elimination of handcrafted feature extraction and
Dynamic     handle numerical       large datasets                 allows convolution neural networks to function as end-to-end
Time                               Can be computation-            learners.
Warping     and categorical data   ally expensive for             Traditional algorithms like Support Vector Machine, Random
                                   large datasets                 Forest, and Hidden Markow Model rely heavily on data rep-
            High accuracy, ro-                                    resentation, but handcrafted features often cause information
                                                                  loss. Deep learning algorithms have shown impressive re-
            bust to noise                                         sults in CV challenges but require large amounts of data for
                                                                  accurate learning. Deep neural network training and param-
            Can handle sequen-                                    eterization also require significant computational resources
            tial data with vary-                                  and experimentation time [64].
            ing time scales, high
            accuracy                                                   VIII. HAND GESTURE RECOGNITION
classifiers has been suggested to break multi-class problems
into multiple binary problems.                                    Hand Gesture Recognition is crucial in various applications,
                                                                  including human-computer interaction, sign language recog-
F. Dynamic Time Warping                                           nition, virtual and augmented reality, and robotics. Characters
Dynamic Time Warping (DTW) algorithm is widely used               use hand gestures in future films, highlighting how interac-
for finding the best alignment between two signals [60]. It       tion systems can influence our interactions with computers if
computes the distance between point pairs and their related       current systems do not allow such freedom.
feature values, computes a cumulative distance matrix, and
obtains the smallest costly path. This path reflects the perfect  A. Virtual and Augmented Reality Technologies
warp, reducing feature distance among synchronized points.        Virtual Reality (VR) is a digital technology that mimics a hu-
DTW is used in data mining, speech recognition, and motion        man’s presence in a virtual setting by creating sounds, images,
recognition. Prior work has mainly focused on algorithm ac-       and feelings using headsets [65]. AR, or augmented reality,
celeration, constraint analysis, algorithm approximation, and     improves the real world, while VR completely replaces it with
lower bounding methods.                                           an artificial one. American teen Palmer Luckey built a VR
Derivative DTW (DDTW) is a form of DTW that measures              headset prototype in 2010, which evolved into the Oculus Rift.
distances between first-order derivatives of points, focus-
ing on shape characteristics [61]. Most of the work is one-
Table II illustrates a concise table of machine learning algo-
rithms for hand gesture recognition.
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