Page 42 - IJEEE-2022-Vol18-ISSUE-1
P. 42

Received: 24 October 2021              Revised: 02 December 2021  Accepted: 02 December 2021
DOI: 10.37917/ijeee.18.1.5
                                                                                              Vol. 18| Issue 1| June 2022
                                                                                                                       ? Open Access

Iraqi Journal for Electrical and Electronic Engineering

Original Article

Series and Parallel Arc Fault Detection Based on
       Discrete Wavelet vs. FFT Techniques

                                        Elaf Abed Saeed*, Khalid M. Abdulhassan, Osama Y. Khudair
                                       Electrical Engineering Department, University of Basrah, Basrah, Iraq

*Elaf Abed Saeed
Electrical Engineering Department
University of Basrah, Basrah, Iraq.

Arc problems are most commonly caused by electrical difficulties such as worn cables and improper connections. Electrical
fires are caused by arc faults, which generate tremendous temperatures and discharge molten metal. Every year, flames of this
nature inflict a great lot of devastation and loss. A novel approach for identifying residential series and parallel arc faults is
presented in this study. To begin, arc faults in series and parallel are simulated using a suitable simulation arc model. The fault
characteristics are then recovered using a signal processing technique based on the fault detection technique called Discrete
Wavelet Transform (DWT), which is built in MATLAB/Simulink. Then came db2, and one level was discovered for obtaining
arc-fault features. The suitable mother and level of wavelet transform should be used, and try to compare results with
conventional methods (FFT-Fast Fourier Transform). MATLAB was used to build and simulate arc-fault models with these
KEYWORDS: Arc fault, Discrete wavelet transform (DWT), Fast Fourier Transform, Parallel arc fault model, Series arc
fault model.

                        I. INTRODUCTION                           these needs as long as the computer is geared to the load [2].
                                                                  Detection and Implementation of Series Arc Faults In 2010,
    Electrical fires are one of the most dangerous and            based on the Short-time Fourier Transform. This technique
prevalent hazards of the twenty-first century. Over 2000          presents a substantial sequence arc fault detection method
fires are recorded in Europe each year, according to Fire         based on three parameters to the 50Hz fundamental
Safe Europe, a European organization committed to                 variable, even and odd harmonics, using the STFT (STFT).
building fire safety, with buildings accounting for 90% of        The detection algorithm's viability is partially validated by
all occurrences in the EU. Every year, over 4,000 people are      results from a series of arc fault prediction tests and
killed by fire in Europe, an average of 11 people each day.       unintentional tripping tests [3]. They also invented Fast
7000 people are hospitalized to hospitals in Europe each          Fourier Transform-Based Real-Time Series AC Arc Fault
year as a consequence of serious fire injuries. [1]. As a         Detection. The Fast Fourier Transform was used to detect
result, the arc fault is one of the causes. Series and parallel   real-time series AC arc faults in 2018. Using this tool, you
arc faults are the two forms of arc faults. When a single         can identify current interference and compute the arcing
power conductor fails, the first and most typical kind            fault state on the device based on the spectrum from the FFT
occurs. Between the neutral/ground and phase conductors,          measurement. This method, however, is inapplicable to
a parallel arc fault arises.                                      power-supply current with interruptions. Another problem
                                                                  with FFT is the picket fence effect (resolution bias error),
    Arc faults are detected using a variety of approaches,        which arises when a signal generates harmonics that are not
including Arc Fault Circuit Interrupted (AFCI), Short-Time        integral multiples of the resolution frequency [4].
Fourier Transform method, and Fast Fourier Transform. In
1998, the Arc Fault Circuit Interrupter (AFCI) was                    In this paper, a suitable Simulink of series and parallel
introduced. The AFCI's intended duty of identifying arcs          arc faults is based on the arc gap energy-balance theory and
that may contribute to fire triggers is explained in this         is created in MATLAB/Simulink. The arc current signal's
presentation. It compares the AFCI to overcurrent                 transient data is extracted using the discrete wavelet
protection equipment and ground-fault circuit interrupters;       transform. The fault moment is then calculated by analyzing
current ratings for AFCI devices are 15 and 20 A at 120 V,        the singularity of the fault signal. The simulation results
respectively. Industrial and commercial devices are now           demonstrate that this model is capable of accurately
unavailable. However, the technology lends itself well to

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© 2021 The Authors. Iraqi Journal for Electrical and Electronic Engineering by College of Engineering, University of Basrah.                                                                 38
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