Page 139 - IJEEE-2022-Vol18-ISSUE-1
P. 139

Al-Nasiri, Al-bayaty & Al-Hafidh                                                                                               | 135

                        Fig. 3: Mosul Data                    electrical loads. The goal of the training process is to adjust
     Electricity is consumed in the residential sector, the   the network weights and biases and reduce the error between
government sector, the industrial sector, the agricultural    the network output and the desired output [19]. A feed-
sector, the commercial sector, and the tourism sector. The    forward backpropagation neural network was used and
residential sector represents the largest electricity         trained with the Levenberg- Marquardt back propagation
consumption sector in Iraq. The residential electrical load   (MLP) algorithm. It adjusts the network's weights and biases
consists of many components. They are constantly changing     very quickly. Training is an iterative process that continues
due to many factors affecting these components.               until an acceptable level of error is gained.
Temperature is the most important climatic factor affecting
the change of load. The electrical load in the residential        Input data include daily peak load, daily maximum and
sector can be classified into five main components according  minimum temperatures, and day sequence. The output is
to the level of consumption as follows:                       three compounds load predicting as shown in Fig 5. The load
     • Lighting.                                              and weather data for the period (April 1, 2010, to March 31,
     • Domestic.                                              2011) were used to train and test the network. The data set
     • Cooling.                                               was divided into two groups:
     • Air Heating.
     • Water Heating.                                             • 50% of the data set is used for training.
                                                                  • The other 50% is used to test the model.
     Figure 4 shows the consumption rates of electric load
components in the residential sector for selected months of       After training the network and obtaining the lowest error
summer and winter, August 2010 and January 2011.              value, the accuracy of the model is tested with a set of data.
                                                              After the network is trained and tested, it can be given new
                                                              input information to predict the desired output.

                                                              %Load percentage
                                                              of Five components

                                                                  Daily Peak load of     ANN  5 components
                                                              current day and next week          of Load
                                                                                                next week

                                                                   Tmin ,Tmax today
                                                              Tmin , Tmax for next week

100.00%                                                            Day number in data series

80.00%                                                                         Fig. 5: Data set of ANN model

60.00%                                                                         III. ANN PREDICTION RESULTS

40.00%                                                            The artificial neural network model was applied to the
                                                              weather and load data for the city of Mosul for the period (1
20.00%                                                        April 2010 - 31 March 2011). The input data includes the
                                                              maximum and minimum temperatures, the daily peak load,
0.00%                                                         load percentage of Five components and the day sequence.
                                                              Network training performance was evaluated using mean
         Lighting Domestic Cooling Water Air                  square error (MSE).
                                              heater heating
                                                                  Figure 6. shows the training performance of the neural
         Jan Aug                                              network. Network training continues to reach maximum
                                                              convergence of the output values and the target. The training
Fig. 4: Percentages of electrical load components             stops at (1000 iterations). Figure 7. shows the regression of
                                                              the neural network in the training and testing, and the value
  D. Training and Test ANN                                    of the Correlation coefficient (R) is (0.98) for training and
                                                              testing respectively, Where the results of the model (Output)
    The ANN model must go through a training phase, which     fit with the original (Target) values very much.
is the second phase before it can be applied in predicting
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