Page 138 - IJEEE-2022-Vol18-ISSUE-1
P. 138
134 | Al-Nasiri, Al-bayaty & Al-Hafidh
In this paper, weather-sensitive loads are predicted by of output variables). and one or more intermediate layers,
five components. Lighting and Domestic (Domestic which are used to act as a set of isotropic (hidden layers) [26].
component refers to electrical appliances used throughout
the year, such as television, radio, dishwasher...etc.) These B. Artificial neural network Modeling
components are not affected by weather conditions. The
cooling component is influenced by high temperatures. The artificial neural network created using MATLAB.
While Air Heating and Water heating components are After defining the training and testing data set, the neural
influenced by the temperature drop. An artificial neural network is created and the advantages of this network are
network was used due to its high efficiency in electrical load determined, including the type of network, number of hidden
prediction. layers, number of their neurons, transfer function, training
A. Artificial Neural Network function, and the method of evaluating the performance of
the network. A feed-forward backpropagation network
Artificial Neural Networks are a good option for created, with thirteen neurons in the input layer and ten
predicting loads, due to their ability to find a complex non- hidden layers, has ten neurons in each hidden layer, five
linear relationship between load and factors affecting it. An neurons in output layers, refers to the forecast five-
artificial neural network (ANN) is designed to simulate the component load, as show in Fig. 2.
way the human brain processes data. They are quite different
from statistical methods of analysis. An artificial neural Fig. 2: Feedforward neural network
network builds its knowledge by discovering patterns and
relationships in data and by learning or training, not by Mean Absolute Percentage Error and Mean Squared
programming. The ANN technique is used to find the Error is used to evaluate network performance:
relationship between multiple input variables and output
variables when it is difficult to find the relationship between MAPE = ?in=1|Yi-YYi 'i| (1)
them mathematically. It highlights the importance of ANNs
in classification, pattern recognition, prediction, modeling, n
and automated control. Artificial neural networks do not
require knowledge of the data source but require large MSE = ?ni=1 (Yi-Y'i)2 (2)
training sets [25]. Network structure consists of nodes
(neurons) connected by links and usually organized into n
many layers. Each node in the layer receives and processes
the weighted inputs from a previous layer and transmits its where: Y: the actual load, Y': the forecast load, n: number
output to nodes in the next layer through links. Each link is of samples, i: sequence of the day.
assigned a weight, which is a numerical estimate of the
conduction force. The weighted aggregation of node inputs C. Case Study
is transformed into outputs according to the transfer function
(usually a sigmoidal function). Most ANNs have three or In this research, Mosul in northern Iraq load data for the
more layers as shown in Fig. 1. city of were used to evaluate the performance of forecasting
models. Figure 3. shows the data of peak daily load and
Fig. 1: Deep neural network with 3 hidden layers. weather data for a year. Readings started from April 1 to
March 31 2010.
The first layer, the input layer, is used to deliver data to
the network (contains nodes equal to the number of input
variables). The last layer, the output layer, is used to output
the output variables (contains nodes with the same number